Friday, 30 October 2015


Re: "[...] but they are not elected and answerable to nobody."
Seems like Compassionate Conservatism has morphed into a Feral Federal Fascism, sysconfig, and history tells us all what happens to those in that sort of a lead whenever they cannot hide, and there are no secret places to hide away today, are there.
Re: Re: Trust judges more than politicians? ... @MrXavia
Yes, MrXavia, there is a real fight on as to who and/or what controls and leads the ignorant masses into an increasingly intelligence led future with media command and control powers. The likes of Congresses and Senates and Parliament are for scapegoats and sheep herders.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Oct 05:01 [1510300501] ….. sharing the Future of Futures on
A See of Limitless Opportunity and Titanic Reward
It is an inescapable true fact in all worlds striving to thrive and survive with factions into perpetrating and perpetuating fictions,* that one cannot secure cyber space unless and until one can pwn it ...... and that is much more/just as much a blackest of black hats domain as whitest of white hats one for penetrations testing/zeroday vulnerability exploitation.
And then there is also the added elemental quantum complication, which has one, able and enabling in the field, capable of doffing both worn hats at the same time to present the creation of something else fundamentally different and quite unique and revolutionary rather than selective evolutionary.
Can you insure against and mitigate/monetise risk whenever dealing with FutureBuilders? In so doing, are they constructively engaged and anonymously encouraged?
* Is that not the true current present nature of reality ...... a virtually led imaginative construct made to appear real by the power of shared and implanted thoughts? What happens whenever one delivers novel viable thoughts? Does life take an alien change of direction and production?
The posit here is that it does easily with IT and Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Communications and Computers ........ ITs Virtual Ways and Means with Memes.
And is the prime major decision to be made in the here and now ..... Will it be heralded and remembered as an Eastern Triumph or Western Delight for Fools to Fight over in Search and Service of Heavenly Sight with Devilish Opportunities?
Have a Nice Day, Y'all.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Oct 08:59 [1510300859] …. letting cats out of bags on
Re: Re: A See of Limitless Opportunity and Titanic Reward
Yar, right. Reading this just before going to what I laughingly call sleep. .... Jack of Shadows
After that comedy of indolence and recharging of the batteries, which be most commonly known as sleep, Jack of Shadows, is there much there to be getting one's teeth into ..... to feast on the beast and live high on/off the hog.
And to any who would not think far enough and be moved to register a down vote, think again please and further, to realise the present and past are phorms of the future and simple crooked designs in the minds of both fools and tools and Man and Global Operating Devices and which be both carefully and carelessly shared and oft a classified TS/SCI for Expert Exclusive Executive Export.

amanfromMars said... replying to Casey Evans on
Hi, Casey E,
Can you imagine the energy released and power efficiently and eternally generated if all subjects were bombarded and freely loaded with fiat currency, which you can surely agree costs next to nothing to create ...... and which nowadays is being morphed into electronic cash for a virtually remote and quite anonymous command and control of live assets, brave hearts and wayward minds?
With the worry of a manufactured lack of flash cash eliminated, what wouldn't be able to be enabled and built by the bold and the free from remote virtual product slavery?
30 October 2015 at 15:13

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