Sunday, 3 July 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:38 [1607030838] …… having a C view on ….. or would it be a D picture? ….. “D is a systems programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. It combines efficiency, control and modeling power with safety and programmer productivity.” ….
Re: Lessons for the former education minister
Thanks for that lesson 1, hammarbtyp. Quite fundamental to the understanding of the working of wise guy/wide boy governments and how they be easily destroyed from within via the exploitation of inherent zeroday vulnerabilities in the chains of controlling on demand commanding media, which of course is essential for the programming of the notion there be a need for austerity when there's never ever been so much funny money before pumped into the system to maintain and retain it and stop the crazy merry-go-round from collapsing.
Makes you wonder who's pocketing all the newly minted bank wealth, replacing it as a mounting compound interested debt charged to others, which can never be repaid by future generations ..... and in so deliberately doing, holding entire nations and populations to ransom with the cunning stunt.
There is one clear word, ...cleverly missing in this classic video clip .... which surely sums them up beautifully? .... Thanks, Mrs Merton. RIP
And why do representatives of governments elected into office allow the destabilising scam? Are they all stupid or not nearly clever enough to lead and powerless against such soft forces and sharp practices. Is democracy corrupt and perverted and rigged to have the masses administered to by intellectual weaklings and moral cowards?
Those be real worthy of revolutionary times with all manner of smart actions and cunning stunts welcome to exorcise the cancerous growth from the body politic and render the world stage with more blank canvas on which to beta deliver a Better Bigger Picture and Greater IntelAIgent Game to Play.
Capiche? Or do you need the Essential Guides and Star Chambered Workshop Manuals to proceed and succeed ....... to process success into delivering prosperity? Although I do agree that last question be a real dumb no-brainer, given all of the evidence daily given by media and wrapped up as news to be believed as true and correct, rather than false and contrived to server quite particular and peculiar hidden self interests, which are finding it nowadays increasingly difficult, if not even impossible, to hide.

amanfromMars Jul 3, 2016 4:50 AM [1607030950] …… spreading the word with words displaying pictures on
Regarding the smartest people in the world. Here be a cautionary tale/virtual reality/present difficulty/current opportunity for them to exploit or ignore, with both courses being certainly fantastically perilous and costly, which in all of the best circles is always fabulously rewarding too ;-)
amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:38 [1607030838] …… having a C view on ….. or would it be a D picture? ….. “D is a systems programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. It combines efficiency, control and modeling power with safety and programmer productivity.” ….
Re: Lessons for the former education minister
Thanks for that lesson 1, hammarbtyp. Quite fundamental to the understanding of the working of wise guy/wide boy governments and how they be easily destroyed from within via the exploitation of inherent zeroday vulnerabilities in the chains of controlling on demand commanding media, which of course is essential for the programming of the notion there be a need for austerity when there’s never ever been so much funny money before pumped into the system to maintain and retain it and stop the crazy merry-go-round from collapsing.
Makes you wonder who’s pocketing all the newly minted bank wealth, replacing it as a mounting compound interested debt charged to others, which can never be repaid by future generations ….. and in so deliberately doing, holding entire nations and populations to ransom with the cunning stunt.
There is one clear word, …cleverly missing in this classic video clip …. which surely sums them up beautifully? …. Thanks, Mrs Merton. RIP
And why do representatives of governments elected into office allow the destabilising scam? Are they all stupid or not nearly clever enough to lead and powerless against such soft forces and sharp practices. Is democracy corrupt and perverted and rigged to have the masses administered to by intellectual weaklings and moral cowards?
Those be real worthy of revolutionary times with all manner of smart actions and cunning stunts welcome to exorcise the cancerous growth from the body politic and render the world stage with more blank canvas on which to beta deliver a Better Bigger Picture and Greater IntelAIgent Game to Play.
Capiche? Or do you need the Essential Guides and Star Chambered Workshop Manuals to proceed and succeed ……. to process success into delivering prosperity? Although I do agree that last question be a real dumb no-brainer, given all of the evidence daily given by media and wrapped up as news to be believed as true and correct, rather than false and contrived to server quite particular and peculiar hidden self interests, which are finding it nowadays increasingly difficult, if not even impossible, to hide.
amanfromMars … replying to Maestro Maestro Jul 3, 2016 9:10 AM [1607031410], he/she/it having said on ….
By the way,
ZEROHEDGE is evolving into a Fifth Column promoting the bankers' lies and doing their brainwashing for them.
Be aware of it.
Crikey, Maestro Maestro,
That be a bold leap of weird faith into a darkness which many would advise doesn't exist, although of course, we can all recognise that it can exist for the exercise and gratification of twisted minds. Keeping things really simple gives you the true bigger picture practically, every time in every space and place.

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