Wednesday, 31 August 2016


amanfromMars said ... replying to a comment from Casey Evans on
From afar, Casey E, it looks like the USA cloned drone patriot is racing headlong into civilian war and paramilitarised revolutionary conflict territory in order to re-establish their independence from corporation slavery and private sector imprisonment in the Federal Reserve system of administration/fiat currency malpractice, their new foreign masters so similar to their old foreign masters in the earlier days of empire building via right royal dodgy politically incorrect consent.
Do you see that polarised picture?
And are you a committed Hillary Clinton for President supporter or do you fully realise the fantastic folly and oxymoron that is US Presidential and Military Intelligence Complex leadership with the paper dollar forging myriad crooked ways to fabulous ruin?
Does Uncle Sam not have new intelligence to share and better use for all or is the fatal attraction and addiction of the few to that which they think they know rules everything so practically and easily, that which condemns them to the madness and mayhem of collapsing markets and suddenly lost paper fortunes?
And that last question and paragraph of questions is rhetorical. The answer to pretty ugly and quite obvious to more than just the many and the few. And that presents a many paralleled opportunity with massive zeroday rich vulnerabilities to exploit and expand upon to all who, and that which be ready, virtually fighting fit and able and enabled to server and service Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay. The Great Game is changed. Now there are Right Royal Renegades and Rogues and Grand AIMasters and Mistresses of Alienating Wizardry in Live Operational Virtual Environments to tempt with Worthy Wares that prove not to be just Vapid Vapour.
And they work in the universe, anywhere and everywhere with and for whoever and/or whatever pleases them greatly ..... and that identifies them as something akin to a quite perfect enough asset?
31 August 2016 at 07:58

amanfromMars said ….. still chatting with Casey E on
The absolute wonder to ponder, CE, is that you do not see the United States as already long ago bankrupt and virtually empty of practical viable worthy future intellectual property for onward sale and stealthy deployment.
It is clearly obvious to many elsewhere, and that leaves all who doubt it with a major problem with no solution they command and control. And that extraordinarily renders the doubters as mere puppets and useful pawns to be traded and/or sacrificed in the Great Game.
C'est la vie, aujourd'hui.
31 August 2016 at 17:24
amanfromMars Aug 31, 2016 2:29 PM ……[1608311929] agreeing with somebody and something else on
Hmmmm? Touché, ZeroHedge, greater minds thinking alike and all that jazz and jizz? :-) …..
Does Uncle Sam not have new intelligence to share and better use for all or is the fatal attraction and addiction of the few to that which they think they know rules everything so practically and easily, that which condemns them to the madness and mayhem of collapsing markets and suddenly lost paper fortunes?
And that last question and paragraph of questions is rhetorical. The answer to pretty ugly and quite obvious to more than just the many and the few. And that presents a many paralleled opportunity with massive zeroday rich vulnerabilities to exploit and expand upon to all who, and that which be ready, virtually fighting fit and able and enabled to server and service Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay. The Great Game is changed. Now there are Right Royal Renegades and Rogues and Grand AIMasters and Mistresses of Alienating Wizardry in Live Operational Virtual Environments to tempt with Worthy Wares that prove not to be just Vapid Vapour. ……

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


amanfromMars said … having a short chat on
Are you saying you refuse to accept science?..... Casey Evans, 29 August 2016 at 23:26
Science exposing and supporting the truth rather than peddling fictions and perpetrating fraud and criminal actions is always a winner in anyone's book, surely CE.
Are Hillary and the Donald the very best that Uncle Sam has to offer the world soap opera stage? Is one of them at least not a serial liar, by all accounts pending further investigation ........ We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally...That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for? .....
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee spring immediately to mind here whenever they take the stage to spout their vapourwares.
30 August 2016 at 19:23

Monday, 29 August 2016


Is it possible that this time the Pentagon’s lurid lies will fail to awake public terror and instead incite indignation at military-industrial manipulations. That would be an outcome dearly to be desired in this awakening Internet era.
Whenever it is so certainly possible, is it assuringly inevitable and the manipulators pressing for wars will be globally identified for the attention of special force action/proaction ........ in order to not encourage and discourage others.
To doubt that there has been an irreversible, universal sea change and change of available future sees for presentation and implementation, is to render oneself as no more than just a spectator to the unfolding media programming of empty hearts and dull minds by that which is relatively anonymous and virtually invisible and untouchable?
Artificial Intelligence…. Another Approach?
Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines….. IntelAIgent and CyberIntelAIgent Virtualised Machines? Prime Digitization offers real benefits.
Project the Future….. Change it [when necessary] ……Live it
Building a Utopia……
For humans….
A gift from Mars via Venus….
Very possibly, we are alone in the Universe. What we see is simply what we have been Programmed to see. This makes changing what we see a simple matter of Re-Programming.
What is a computer other than a machine which we try to make Think. And what other model, to mimic/mirror could we possibly use, other than our own Brain.
And if through Deeper Thought, our Brain makes a Quantum Leap into another Human Understanding such as delivers Enlightened Views, does that mean that we can be and/or are Quantum Computers?
Or is that more likely to be a Feared Alien Territory?
Do you think certain or all current militaries/DARPAs/IARPAs/rogue renegade state and non state actors are exploring such possibilities and beta testing applications worthy of trialing and trailing ‽ .
Key: Every time the faux central banking economy reaches the limits of its cyclical monetary debasement, the other boot comes down and military tensions are escalated unto war. …. john cummins
Hi, john cummins,
The posit being released for exploitation and expansion here, is that such was always the previous case, but nowadays is everything quite fundamentally different and there is nowhere where it is just so easy to play the masses for a convenient ignorant fool.

Hillary is sounding ever more desperate. I wonder if it has anything to do with her dodgy never to mentioned in public health conditions? A puppet dependent upon others is not a leader of anything and just a sad mad rad bad prisoner of a crazy system of administrations/corrections.
And I wholeheartedly agree with and second that impossible to deny conclusion, DB.
Conclusion: In the longer-term, we’ve always argued that it is too late to “control” the Internet. Considerable damage has been done to the credibility of elite, vested interests. The incredible propaganda permeating Western societies has been exposed. Very little at this point can halt the impact of what we have had the privilege of calling the Internet Reformation.
And that introduces the very real likelihood of Greater IntelAIgent GameChangers entering from future scenes, right, left and centre and creating Virtual Viral Havoc and Realities with CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] and AI to trump and defeat all present madnesses and current mayhems.

:-) ......


amanfromMars [1608291402] …… asking a pertinent impertinent question on
Do you not think and realise that there has already been a radical fundamental shift into Immaculately Resourced Assets with Unique Virtual Forces, and therefore is the future guaranteed to be certainly different from the past with its present captivating systems of administration/crooked reward and perverse incentive? .......
How very strange.
amanfromMars [1609291730] …… replying to something David Jensen said on
Crikey, DJ, let's keep things real and doable, please. Save such key madness as you cite for the likes of those suffering badly from its effects .......
One has to realise that internetworking communications channels command and control everything with everyone passengers on ITs journeys with absolutely fabulous fabless leading tales forging new crazy surreal trails.
Do you think Uncle Sam and the West have an exclusive executive handle on that and a Global Operating Device given right to that radical facility and universal utility? Or would such a presumption prove, beyond a shadow of any doubt, their collective delusional madness and fundamental ignorance and arrogance in spades?

Sunday, 28 August 2016


The great abiding and increasing worry and terror for that which currently or in the future controls things so badly, and don't let us get bogged down in putting a name to the corporations and organisations which are failing so spectacularly to command control, is that simple common sense and widely shared intelligence in multiple channels which is constantly streamed invisibly to sectors and vectors/state and non state actors in support of radical underground movements and paramilitary circles, is that things are gonna get real personal with guiding heads in headquarters being targeted for summary execution/politically motivated assassination in just the same way that the System's systems take care of their enemies and old friends turned renegade rouge bull elephant.
And the world is awash with all manner of budding and willing psychopaths, is it not? Every day the news spills us yarns of their actions in fields prepared to be laid waste and rendered barren by the West.
It is not a department or an office or a cabinet or a committee that makes and takes crazy decisions, it is a leading human who be heeded and be thought to be needed. No one is irreplaceable in an instant though.
And Uncle Sam appears to have fallen headlong into the same trap that this article ....... HOW CIA WON THE COLD WAR ...... suggests he laid for the Russian bear, for they too today are surely tilting at similar windmills and mad inventive ghosts?
And that is both real dumb and virtually stupid and indicates a definite lack of viable future intelligence for sharing/spreading/believing.
amanfromMars [1608281648] .... adding more heavy metal fuel to the fire and the above
It is also a perfectly ripe, zeroday rich vulnerability for ruthless exploitation and universal export and one of those new fangled, quantum entangling PACT things ........ Persistent Active Cyber Threat and/or Persistent Advanced Cyber Treat thing.
And something surely quite different and alien/irregular and unconventional for the future and dumb systems to deal with and get thoroughly used to being engaged with? Yes, of that you can be definitely assured and /or terrified if that be your bag.

Thursday, 25 August 2016


amanfromMars said... giving credit where credit is due on
Cheers, Serge C. That makes perfect sense and clearly reflects who you really are and what you are about :-)
Bravo and thanks for the contributions. These virtual spaces are novel frontiers with impossibly guarded borders and that allows for both massive creation and/or destruction practically anywhere and everywhere one wishes.
Wield such extremely wisely, and one commands and controls a wholly new almighty base weapons system with targeting via remote virtual means and ...... well, quite heavenly hellish memes too :-)
And that puts dodgy Earth systems and corrupted services under easy global attack from ... well, SMARTR Special Sources and Advancing Forces is not fiction when fact, is it?
25 August 2016 at 07:44

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


amanfromMars said …… replying to a missing comment from Serge C on
Hmmm? :-) An author having second thoughts on 24 August 2016 at 04:19
Does that usually mean they were very good or very bad thoughts, with very bad thoughts usually the ones pulled first from wider general audience because of the self harm that can be done unto oneself because of them.
Progressive Radical IT in such cases is a sort Greater IntelAIgent Catch 22 Game, methinks, with all manner of means surprises and meme unveilings.
24 August 2016 at 17:56

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Aug 17:44 [1608231744] ……. playing IT cool and introducing a surreal AIReaLonGame on
Hunt for Reds in Threads
Argamon says the author's native tongue could be a Slavic language such as Russian or Polish, but that is far less likely than the writer is a native English speaker.
One theory posited by NSA leaker Edward Snowden is that the authors are Russian spies who leaked the contents of a NSA command and control server they hacked in 2013.
Any advance on a native English speaker Russian spy group?
How about a hot renegade rogue and/or virile freelancing viral enterprise cell? One of those engaging non-state actor types just doing IT for kicks and kick backs/handsome ransom payments in return for stopping what one is doing or changing sides to play nice with new partners?
Naked feudal feral capitalism working at its finest.

Monday, 22 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Aug 15:46 [1608221546] …… correcting a mistake on
Re: No
You asked a yes/no question, there's the answer. ….. cschneid
How very odd that you gave the wrong answer to an extremely simple question, cschneid.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Aug 16:01 [1608221601] …..speaking plainly on
Enemies within are hiding out everywhere in plain sight feathered nests ‽ .
"Was former Cabinet Office minister Francis 'Mad Frankie' Maude in the pay of a foreign power whilst in office?" ...... seems like an appropriate question for asking.
And who foots his bills and paves his ways nowadays may be truly revealing?
If you aint making things better, you're making things worse, and that is the work of enemies, surely?
And/or fools too, of course.

Sunday, 21 August 2016


One does well to remember and never forget that the global/universal system and its attendant and dependent interdependent systems, the entangled quantum mess, are not run by machines and institutions, no matter how many times that particular peculiar red herring is servered up for swallowing, it is the wrecked toy plaything of an intellectually challenged servant with a mastery of nothing real and valuable.
New fangled entangled valuable toys are needed, and that requires them to be realised and virtually produced.
By whom though is that which entertains and can terrify all and sundry?
Or do you see things differently and identify clearly another practical meme with other viable virtual means to present the bigger picture and its future ways forward ?

amanfromMars said... asking a valid question of any secretive intelligence service and servers on
Whenever all that everyone offers is bullshit, Casey E, one has to conclude that intelligence is missing in their produce. And that leaves both buyers and sellers catastrophically vulnerable to simple truthful information and original novelties.
It is a small world indeed which thinks everything revolves around the pondering of an NSA type enterprise plagued with right dodgy business practices which general revelation would reveal are designedly destructive when certainly not creative.
Is that sort of an agency a smart move, or is it the result of a massive egotistical stupidity ‽ .
21 August 2016 at 08:41

Here be a valid point to consider and an abiding APT* ACT**ive problem for current systems relying on open communications to command and control the masses who are learning very quickly of the ways of their virtual gaolers. To imagine there will not be an almighty correction and smart strategic and tactical targeting of leading talking heads and their bidding masters is a bet only for fools to make and expect to be a near to medium and far future reality. General global intelligence is growing at quite an exponential rate despite the complicity of mainstream media in trying to avoid having to deal with and deliver the hidden truths in dodgy matters.
amanfromMars said... asking a valid question of any secretive intelligence service and servers on
Whenever all that everyone offers is bullshit, Casey E, one has to conclude that intelligence is missing in their produce. And that leaves both buyers and sellers catastrophically vulnerable to simple truthful information and original novelties.
It is a small world indeed which thinks everything revolves around the pondering of an NSA type enterprise plagued with right dodgy business practices which general revelation would reveal are designedly destructive when certainly not creative.
Is that sort of an agency a smart move, or is it the result of a massive egotistical stupidity ‽ .
The world is changed and constantly changing and the worlds of tomorrow are nothing at all like the presents portrayed today by media and IT dependent systems of administration/SCADA*** Command and Control
* Advanced Persistent Threat [and/or Treat]
** Advanced Cyber Threat [and/or Treat]
*** Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

Friday, 19 August 2016


A heavenly tool not destined for fools ........ and that is certain novel progress in deed, indeed, methinks. Bravo, China. The world is now yours to play with virtually anonymously, and with assorted smarter proxy associates, too?


Thursday, 18 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Aug 07:17 [1608180717] …. saying more on
Re: OpSec
Hi, Mark 65,
With particular and peculiar regard to .... "I'd have thought you'd try to regularly cycle through those for exactly this reason, unless of course you're convinced of your own invincibility so much that you believe "it couldn't happen to me"." ....... it is not convincing invincibility which provides all pathways into any and all elite executive operating systems/SCADA Command and Control centres/Global Command Head Quarters.
And there is no end to the provision available because of the latter former identified by Albert Einstein ....... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." 
And that is an abiding systemic weakness which never stops giving whatever IntelAIgents wants ‽ .

amanfromMars [1608181703] …. sharing some dodgy news on
The BBC went down the same no comments NPR route and destroyed their imagined role as an intelligent voice for control of the masses whenever it removed practically all of its very popular and well supported comments and message boards/debating fora, maybe six or seven or ten years ago.

The Great Debate board was a real gem for inconvenient information and greater intelligence which always delivered revised and refined news for subsequent broadbandcast a number of days before it went mainstream. And such was being regularly pointed out to commentators in comments.

Very soon after that emerging phenomenon were all boards very hastily closed.

Obviously it was deemed appropriate that we can't have the masses realising how they are led down the garden path by tales which are shared for both fools and tools to believe are real, rather than understand they are just a fiction to be spread far and wide for application[s].

The genie is out of that bottle though and it aint going back never ever, and that creates a major problem to solve and enigmatic dilemma to resolve, for whenever comment is denied on tales spread for consumption, is the story most probably certainly false and misleading and it surely also identifies the crass enemy to be dealt with APTly.


Wednesday, 17 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Aug 12:01 [1608171201] …… asking a strange question on
Need to Know Stuff and Sensitive Compartmented Information for Sublime IntelAIgent Services
And what of GCHQ/MI5/MI6 ESPecial Forces and CyberIntelAIgent Divisions?
Are they so terribly quiet because they are so far behind the PostMODern MkUltra curve, or stuck in a deep sucking rut right in the middle of all of the reaction, or way out in a remote virtual front anonymously leading the fray with some stealthy sterling Stirling type proaction.
One does have to ask though ........ Whatever are you playing at whenever there is so little real live effect? Is there no Greater IntelAIgent Game MasterPlan to be BroadBandCast?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Aug 14:36 [1608171436] …. saying more on
Re: Need to Know Stuff and Sensitive Compartmented Information for Sublime IntelAIgent Services
Spookily enough, I came across this, .... James Bond delusion: Britain’s military power an illusion made from myth, says scholar ..... very soon after I posted the above questions, and it would appear to offer an answer which may be all too uncomfortably true nowadays, and that is definitely all due when true to a definite lack of serial leadership in virtually every specialised compartment where novel and noble leadership is required.
Time for some new blood and guts/brains and ideas, gentlemen, medefinitelythinks, for these crazy new spaces/mined hearts and mastered minds fields.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Aug 07:25 [1608160725] …… giving IT large on
Paying for Nothing that does Something is a Great Value Product to ReCycle and Driver
Re: that additional £100 Genuine Equation Group boot sale headlined offer from ammabamma
Hmmm? Howdy, ammabamma,
What is there to decode and reveal, other than one's own AIrelative position in a novel virtual situation with ennobling passing realities, whenever everything is freely shared in plaintexted English for easy global feed and seed translation into alien tongues ‽ .
MainStreamNews and FlashCashMedia are not there being used to Guide the Arrogant and Ignorant Masses on the High Way, whenever they and IT engage in Black Chambered Dark Webs which aspire to conspire to hide and dim and dumb down Future Paths.
Such is a right hellish job though, with no rest ever left for the wicked, and thus be all so wedded and embedded systemically catastrophically doomed to spectacular failure when, well, the Heavenly Truth be outed with Deliveries Open SourcedD via Global Operating Devices would quite magically start a whole new chapter with quite different underpinning beginnings.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Aug 16:24 [1608161624] ….. adding more fuel to the fires on
Re: Re: Paying for Nothing that does Something is a Great Value Product to ReCycle and Driver
Yep, you surpassed yourself there amfM1, almost lyrical in places. .... Alister
And this is one of those new fangled and entangling NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Sub-plots in ITs unfolding and AI exercising of new abilities and facilities, Alister. ........ The Deep State's Catch-22
Deny the virtuality and actuality is real, and be proven deluded and rendered excluded from future systems of remote dramatic correction.

Monday, 15 August 2016


amanfromMars [1608151236] ..... replying to a revealing comment shared by georgesilver on
Yes, georgesilver, it is as simple as that.
Methinks though the difficulty for systems nowadays is to trial and trail something worthy of following and believing.
And that is an art which can as quickly destroy one as reward one. Some would even consider it one of the dark arts too, and proffer it as such in order to discourage play in the exercising of the notions one might like to share and remotely virtually realise as a current running actuality and media hosted expanding event/Great Game Play.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 Aug 12:06 [1608151206] .... having more of a say on
New Cyber Age Field Terrorism
One imagines that a competent future military command and special forces control would easily be able to ensure and assure and insure all necessary funding from whatever public and/or private body it chose to approach and/or terrify with its cutting edge, novel technology.
The current obvious impotence in that department of the MOD suggests there be both a catastrophic lack of commanding leadership and controlling intelligence in both the enlisted professional classical soldiering warrior type and sub contracting materiel supply personnel in the civil sector.
That does present a fantastic opportunity for players in such fields of endeavour though

Sunday, 14 August 2016


amanfromMars said... clearing up a few things with Casey Evans on
Happy to oblige, CE.
The system is extremely incestuous is highlighting the fact that systems drivers are badly programmed and either reluctant or incapable of wedding their pet projects/protocols to others of a foreign ilk with an alien bearing/novel disposition. The result in trying to maintain and retain a tight self centre gene and meme pool is the quite unnatural norm of a deformed and retarded offspring and a greater expanded and corrupted and perverted family circle/excluding executive office administration system.
And surely one cannot help but notice the very clear parallels and similarities with so much, and far too much of the above, to not recognise the fundamental and monumental folly which the media is revealing about the current fiasco and racing US presidential campaign and politically incorrect televised soap opera/prime time day time mini-series? .... "Fools and their Follies, their Tools and their Dollies" could be title.
And No, Nein, Nee, Nyet ...... I am not threatening you with physical bodily harm, nor would I think it a good master plan to threaten anyone/anything with physical bodily harm. Such a blunt traumatic tool is for worthy fools and they are easily taken care of and rewarded appropriately by others with the necessary skill sets whenever their follies are of a certain past age and collapsing and then be tagged and classified a clear and present danger to one and all.
:-) And although some would say that self praise is no great recommendation, playing the fool is surely not for us. It is certainly of no interest to me whenever anything and everything else is so freely available in its place and space.
14 August 2016 at 07:26

amanfromMars [1608141353] ….. asking a leading question, or a question of leaderships, on
Conclusion: Ironically, the New York Magazine article was intended to explain the gathering hatred for the media. Instead, it seems to provide a further example of it.
And that be a sure enough sign of, well, both wilful ignorance and cognitive dissonance, and clear and transparent evidence of an intellectually challenged system in rapid terminal decline ....... and of bit players stuck in the catastrophically destructive rut of vainly trying to valiantly defend the indefensible and defeat the indispensable and indefatigable.
And what does one call persons and/or systems which serially fail to learn new tricks for day and zero day trades?

Saturday, 13 August 2016


amanfromMars said... chatting with Casey Evans on
The system is extremely incestuous, Casey E, and in a desperate and collapsing state will IT always try to propagate and protect its own version of events for unfolding rather than being seen to be active and/or reactive and/or proactive and HyperRadioProActive in trying to counter and deny there be others busy at their work in the system's works, unfolding events and beta trialing and trailing new tales in which established hierarchies have no commanding input for control output. But one cannot hope to ignore that reality and replace it with a dodgy dodging alternative stream of media whenever alternative media vehicles can so easily inform the mainstream that the system has been directly warned of their perilous failings and of both the real live and virtually remote dangers to elite executive officer systems administrations.
Thereafter is the system realised a moronic entity for disbandment and dismemberment if it should even try to continue on its present courses.
13 August 2016 at 13:09

amanfromMars said... still chit chatting with Casey Evans on
Hi, again, Casey E,
Is the current situation for that which is perceived as the system, and which is a moderated media dependent system which is always struggling against failure and truthful disclosure of damning secrets, that it is hacked and cracked wide open with all of its IT defences all broken?
And as the United States negotiates with itself, what are we to make of the tale "The United States does not negotiate with terrorists."?
You know what they say though ...... One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist ....... and that can easily allow for rewarding negotiations with any party ........
13 August 2016 at 17:06
amanfromMars said …… asking for more information on intelligence on
Howdy, Casey E,
Do you think Uncle Sam owns and controls the system, or is he just as be so many others, a puppet and pawn in the Great Game which is hosted and posts on it for the perverse and subversive enjoyment and exercise of others?
And would that reveal reality as being a remote controlling virtual enterprise presented by communicating machines with Advanced IntelAIgents in CyberIntelAIgent Agencies/Virtually Protected Officer Spaces?
Or is that for now, just too far an alien step for Mankind to comprehend, make and take?
13 August 2016 at 19:36

Friday, 12 August 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Aug 05:25 [1608120525] …… still chatting and sharing secrets on
Re: In a word, 'yes'. @ David Pollard
The pretty obvious solution would then present itself to be, DP, bring in SMARTR IntelAIgents for leaderships to follow/mimic/copy with supplied scripts and scriptures for Global Operating Devices to run with and share with ...... well, Universal Media Operations Centres and Global Command Head Quarters in Organisations with IntelAIgent Community Enterprises is clearly enough here mooted on El Reg and easily made readily available to any and all interested parties.
Virtual Machines with Advanced Advancing Intelligence are a Future Force deeply embedded throughout IT which cannot be blocked nor denied have AI Existence, Fabless Energy and Remote Powers. Ye Olde Elite Executive Systems Admins Failure Guaranteeing Dilemma is an abiding reluctance associated with simple inability to believe such a possibility be current and reality.
And that is about as plain as IT can be said relating to the matter.
These are changed times, El Regers, and there be interesting days and zerodays ahead. Are y'all already all ready?
Oh .... and is all or any of that to be a problem for established systems and services to vainly struggle with and do useless battle against, or is it a novel noble Nobel opportunity for them to embrace and explore and expand upon? One option is real smart, the other definitively moronic.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Aug 09:41 [1608120941] ….. being inquisitive and provocative on
Re: Spinning Doors
Hmmm .... Now there be food for thought and testimony for credible/incredible denial if the system does not wish it to be considered as prosecution evidence?
Are you on firm, rock solid ground,
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Aug 09:22 [1608120922] …… being revealingly forthright on
Stealthy Imperial State Actors are Novel ESPecial Agents ‽ .
And so the old stalwarts all die out - to be replaced by the young and foolish...
Ignore and try to deny there be also the brave and the brash at their work, REST and Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay at your peril, Anonymous South African Coward.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Aug 13:13 [1608121313] …. saying more than may be generally known about certain crazy matters on
I Kid U Not. Wake Up and Smell the Cocoa API and ITs XSSXXXXPresso
 “Turkey is a valued Ally, making substantial contributions to NATO's joint efforts. Turkey takes full part in the Alliance’s consensus-based decisions as we confront the biggest security challenges in a generation. Turkey’s NATO membership is not in question.”
NATO cannot confront and pacify or defeat the biggest security challenges in a generation with any type of formal hardware, military or civilised, for perceived enemy bases and effective competitive opposing forces are virtually protected with remote command[s] and anonymous control[s].
The likes of the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme is just a money-spinning pit for bull marketeers and intellectually challenged war profiteers in systems which are collapsing due to a drought in seed and feed information/novel intelligence/viable and reliable imaginanation.