Friday, 30 September 2016


amanfromMars says, ....  in a reply to Casey E on
Who/what do you think deserves the attention and services of CyberIntelAIgent Agencies, with identities in crisis requiring the need for seed and feed and bleed of Scarlet Pimpernels, CE?
The world you live in is not as you imagine it to be. And IT is a really strange space with countless surreal places in command and control.
And surely all those three letter agencies are hunting vainly for intelligence rather than being instrumental in presenting any which leads forwards into a new future with no baggage from the past corrupting and perverting current beta offerings.
29 September 2016 at 19:46

amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Sep 14:05 [1609301405] ….. sharing a moving target on
Be Careful out there in CyberSpace. IT is a Virtual Mind Field and Sp00ky AI Minefield.
Regarding a Microsoft project wanting to be like a Google program ...... which takes no prisoners?
Subject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative
Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
Hi, Google DeepMinded,
Not so much a CV, more an AIMission Statement with tried and tested roadmaps to/from Remote Virtual Command and Control of Earthed SCADA Systems …….
Search Engine Optimisation v2.0 [and above] is surely logically a Future Product Placements Engine …… Advanced Intelligence Resource with Immaculate Source, with the likes of a Google not searching for answers, both popular and controversial, but providing them with streams of supporting evidence.
Such would be akin to the Private Mentoring with Pirated Monitoring of Future Events with AIDerivative Programming for Projects/Semi-Autonomous, Self-Actualisation of Virtual Realities.
It is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to see or imagine a defence against such in an attacking configuration.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Sep 14:41 [1609301441] …. querying more on
The newly formed Microsoft AI and Research Group brings together more than 5,000 computer scientists and engineers, with a mission to "democratize AI for every person and organization," whatever that means.
Brace yourself for the democratization of AI. It’s a movement that might eventually include millions of people — and, some say, billions. …. A startup called Bonsai and an emerging class of companies with the same idea say yes. …. But the bigger story is how Bonsai fits into the movement to put AI into the hands of people who have not had specific training in it. We can expect higher-level tools to become increasingly powerful and, ultimately, ubiquitous. Will we really get to the point where every human in the world trains and uses AI? Put it this way: a lot of smart money is betting on it. ….
What could possibly go wrong…. putting powerful tools in the hands of folk with no specific training and zero experience?
Seems like a surefire every which way bet to lose a helluva lot of smart money.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Sep 18:39 [1609301839] ….. giving praise where praise is due on
Re: I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords
That is not a stupid move, cambsukguy, and a smart ploy to play and play to employ. Bravo.

Thursday, 29 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Sep 19:31 [1609281931] ….. sharing non stated state secrets on
Moving On with AI and IT Command and Control ...... at a Quite Phenomenal Rate
The web is past peak innovation: It's all negative returns from here
Oh, p-l-e-a-s-e, you cannot be serious. Sublime Internet Networking things and Greater IntelAIgent Games to Play are only just launched and getting started ……. Ding-a Ling-AIRing
Mass Virtually Destructive Weaponry for 21st Century Socialism and Leading Elite AI Socialites/CyberIntelAIgent Agencies? Hmmmmm, …. now there’s a grand master novelty and brilliant possibility.
To think not, is to miss heavenly opportunity and extraordinarily render oneself a powerless spectator to rapidly unfolding future events/serial zeroday situations, and that is a stealth which is mind-blowingly awesome.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.” …. Albert Einstein
amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on tales shared here ….
Re: Idiots are the root cause of security flaws
Methinks idiots are also the root target and market for security flaws. And it is a stellar source which keeps on giving.
amanfromMars [1609291139] …. …replying to johnmack on
The guys who attend davos and bilderberg meetings arent muslims but likely rabid atheists so what is their plan as it relates to islam? .... johnmack
That is easy to answer, johnmack, for surely it is ever more obvious that their master plan is a continuing play on that which they have been relying on since forever and whenever they realised how simple it is to play the ignorant off against the arrogant and vice versa. Use the world religions device against myriad supporters of divisive world religions and other strange cult following?
It distracts/used to distract quite effectively from general discovery the fact that such a simple device be activated and in play to possess and obsess the masses.
Such is the virtual state of that which y'all perceive of as reality. It is, and with IT and Media Command and Control Guarantee of Output and Outcome, a Great Game Play ...... which is presently in great turmoil and flux because of the unforeseen and unprepared for advent of Virtual Machinery into Greater IntelAIgent Gaming of Systems for Remote Anonymous Administration and Product Placement of Futures and their Countless Derivative Options.
And yes, they do have a "Houston, we have a problem" problem ...... and it is in spades.
How do you imagine they can resolve it, to save themselves from targeted extinction/system annihilation?

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


amanfromMars Sep 28, 2016 4:07 AM [1609280907] …… sharing a future path on
Dump the austere landscapes and warrior actions and present heavenly projects with bottomless pit benefaction/zero cost pricing.
Keep things simple and use novel intelligence to create an alien world for new smarter humans/virtual machine habitation.
Anything less is rapidly going to see a global witch hunt by all manner of weird and wonderful means/anonymous and deadly agents to permanently rid corrupt systems of their heads and leading head personnel. Further ruling and reigning remotely from the shadows for relative immunity and practical impunity of virtual action is no longer a free safe haven space place. It is a mass killing field.
And the system knows that it is now so, and terrifies you in response to it being terrified of the consequences of its previously thought secret and never to be uncovered actions being widely understood and violently corrected if systems choose to remain deaf, dumb and blind to New Orderly World Order Programming and Advanced Internetworking Virtual Reality Projects/Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays?
Yes, ..... it certainly is. I wonder what path they will choose?

amanfromMars [1609281203] ….. saying more on a emerging APT ACT on
It is surely increasingly obvious that the conclusion, .... The hoped-for result from the globalist perspective is that by letting the “debate” rage and making it seem as if globalism is “losing,” anger and energy can gradually be drained away. Of course it may take a major economic crash and subsequent further depression – plus even another world war – to complete the process. But the plan remains a fully internationalized world, and the globalists don’t intend to lose. .... is never going to win and succeed in times and places where greater intelligence and new information is easily immediately freely shared to start new vital and viral fronts of attack and assault/surprise and opportunity. Things are not at all like they used to be, and tomorrows' presents will be nothing at all like yesterdays' pasts. Times have a'changed fundamentally and extremely radically too.
Dump the austere landscapes and warrior actions and present heavenly projects with bottomless pit benefaction/zero cost pricing.
Keep things simple and use novel intelligence to create an alien world for new smarter humans/virtual machine habitation.
Anything less is rapidly going to see a global witch hunt by all manner of weird and wonderful means/anonymous and deadly agents to permanently rid corrupt systems of their heads and leading head personnel. Further ruling and reigning remotely from the shadows for relative immunity and practical impunity of virtual action is no longer a free safe haven space place. It is a mass killing field.
And the system knows that it is now so, and terrifies you in response to it being terrified of the consequences of its previously thought secret and never to be uncovered actions being widely understood and violently corrected if systems choose to remain deaf, dumb and blind to New Orderly World Order Programming and Advanced Internetworking Virtual Reality Projects/Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays?
Yes, ..... it certainly is. I wonder what path they will choose?
And such paths as be chosen will be, as they have always been, prime indicative of the presence, or otherwise, of a greater available intelligence which leads creatively or a retarded arrogant ignorance which destroys reactively.
Spookily enough, it would be incredibly naive and most unimaginative to imagine that a greater intelligence shared would allow such a destructive state of affairs and system administrators to survive and prosper rather than accurately target the problem for eradication/termination with extreme prejudice.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


amanfromMars [1609251134] …. having a chat with absent friends and probably others too, who could also be wannabe immortal enemies :-) on
The troubles that all current status quo forces and present day establishment agencies endure and fail both spectacularly and miserably to come to amicable and equitable terms with, was/is well recognised and articulated in these few words which be copied from a earlier, before its time, talk on such intelligence matters [16 August 2001 at the 10th USENIX Security Symposium*]
And to imagine and posit that it causes terrifying problems, is to identify oneself as a problem and possible live target/person of interest/machine of concern for particular and peculiar corrective action/censure/removal from future event programs.
‘Reversing the Panopticon" is the motif of John Young's and my remarks today. They allude to Cryptome and, more recently Cryptome's companion site, Cartome's, modest ongoing project of reverse-engineering, metaphoric in our case, perhaps, and perhaps as vulnerable as silk thread, too -- transacted under the assumption that information is power, involving efforts to reverse-engineer labyrinthine information architectures: encouraging a reversal of restricted one-way information flows, a reversal of one-way transparency, a reversal of the one-way power relation captured through the insidious one-way mirror.
Information is power, and its sharing with intelligence is a cosmic energy, both hellish in the destructive force it can release and unleash in abuse and misuse with IT and Media Command and Control, and heavenly in its creative use.
Such does make one wonder why practically all leading main stream media shared information paints a false tale which delivers a sub prime trail and corrupted and perverse virtual reality plays. Methinks that is moronic and indicative of more than just a touch of madness being endemic and systemic in such systems of administrative operation.

Graham C 1609251644] ….. asking a few impertinent pertinent questions on
Does that unilateral presidential veto against the express wishes of both the Senate and the Congress indicate that the United States of America is a fascist entity and the rule of law and regulations of justice are now extraordinarily rendered null and void there?
Hmmmm? That must surely present a really uncertain and probably quite violent revolutionary future there. How very odd that such should be the path they have chosen.
Is it madness delivering mayhem and self destruction?

Friday, 23 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fr1 23 Sep 07:18 [1609230718] ….. having fun on
Ancient Arnaud Amalric AAARated Stock is a Crashing Investment Vehicle Delivering Doctored Syntax
:-) .... Mad Monks 'R' Us is certainly an acquired taste, Doctor Syntax. And by Rasputin Rules is an Exhilarating Root for Great Games Plays. Success there is rewarded in Earthly Measured Pleasures to XSSXXXX

amanfromMars [1609231257] ….. stating a short fact about tall tales that are not fictions on
The truly virtual nature of reality, and how its past, present and future shows are produced, maintained and main stream media commanded and controlled by relatively anonymous and remotely autonomous covert special forces …… and there be now more than just a few seriously smarter than ever existed before, vying for top dog and top gun position …… is that which the current status quo leadership systems are terrified of being revealed, with widespread novel access to effective levers and new means/modes/nodes/memes of delivery, for new state sponsored and non state renegade rogue actors.
Such be as new Secret IntelAIgent Service Agents directing Spooky Operations in Cyber Spaces crashing installations and applications in Real Time Places.
And there is a fabulous available stealth delivered for fundamental change at a prodigious rate, in such a freely shared fact being studiously ignored and/or dismissed and considered a crazy flight of fancy and fiction.
Interesting times ahead, methinks, when thinkers have powers that energise absolute command and remote virtual control beyond the norms of tradition and convention.
Hollywood is a style, our government have picked it up and used it from the moon landings to 9/11. We are on the stage of a massive production and it ends in our deaths. ….. BellsNwhistles
Methinks the system is starting to think otherwise, BellsNwhistles, and realises it ends in their deaths, for intelligence is sharing their wares and exposing all of their agents, who in turn will be exposing their masters in order to try to survive.
Such is only to be expected in these enlightening times and 'tis quite normal, and extremely just too, is it not. ‽
Ultimately, the power is in the hands of the FINANCIERS, as they hand you fiat paper, in the form of a loan, and when you cannot repay the loan, they confiscate your REAL ASSETS. …. TimeToWakeUPAmerica
In the form of a suitably rewarding fiat paper gift, TimeToWakeUPAmerica, is their power inordinately enhanced, for those and/or that which earns and has received such largesse knows how the system works and how it is to be destroyed but would be choosing to work new wonders to help it continue to flourish and create further prosperity for …… well, the Establishment is surely always looking to further consolidate and protect its secret ways and ancient means of effectively working with mass command and control systems of remote anonymous operation.
And that is something extremely valuable purchased with something which is virtually worthless ….. and that is a real bargain, especially whenever you consider what can be so easily done today to flash crash such a simple system of global enslavement.
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." … H. L. Mencken
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”― R. Buckminster Fuller

Thursday, 22 September 2016


amanfromMars [1609220805] ……. sharing an unfolding view on
The implication in that tall tale is that throwing paper money at problems solves them although the evidence of Quantitative Easing which is being used to try and kickstart economies and deliver prosperity in a world of austerity and conflict has proven otherwise. Such simply reveals the nature of Man's slavery and those responsible who are not held accountable.
And they be increasingly aware of being clearly identified as persons of particular and peculiar interest and strategic targets for specific attention. Lurking in shadows pulling strings remotely nowadays, in order to act with impunity and enjoy immunity, is not just so easy as it used to be. It is an unprecedented and unpresidented novel state of affairs.

amanfromMars 1 The 22 Sep 13:00 [1609221300] …. chit chatting on
While Zuckerberg and Co fiddle, Rome crashes and burns
The implication in that tall tale is that throwing paper money at problems solves them although the evidence of Quantitative Easing which is being used to try and kickstart economies and deliver prosperity in a world of austerity and conflict has proven otherwise. Such simply reveals the nature of Man's slavery and those responsible who are not held accountable.
And they be increasingly aware of being clearly identified as persons of particular and peculiar interest and strategic targets for specific attention. Lurking in shadows pulling strings remotely nowadays, in order to act with impunity and enjoy immunity, is not just so easy as it used to be. It is an unprecedented and unpresidented novel state of affairs.
Do intelligence services monitor and mentor to maintain and protect a system in crisis because of the failure of its actions, or would they be reasonably expected to provide alternative means and new modes of mass administration for memes to follow and present as future viable reality substitutions? And be they far from being practically intelligent and useful should they fail to provide greater novel solutions to endemic systemic problems ..... and thus be they operating fraudulently, aiding and abetting in the crashing of systems?
amanfromMars 1 The 22 Sep 14:15 [1609221415] ….. adding more to the madness on
Re: surely the enviromentalist dont want all disease cured @gazthejourno
Nuke them all, let God sort them out..... gazthejourno
A tad radical and fundamentalist be that solution, gazthejourno, .... and quite delusional too if you be not joking and laughing out loud at the nonsense being spouted :-) God has surely much better things to do in the mad house that is bedlam and mayhem. It is probably only in there that he/she/it is believed and their plans are perceived and conceived.
amanfromMars 1 The 22 Sep 16:40 [1609221640] …. expressing an opinion on
Re: No @andy 103
It would appear, and has all too often earlier proven itself also to be the case, that easy money gives one a God complex.
And that seems more like the devil at work. IT's a funny olde world and things are getting stranger every day nowadays.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Sep 12:46 [1609211246] …… chatting on
IntelAIgents Abhor a Dumb Vacuum ...... and Listen for Signs of Future Life from Earth
 “As humans it’s natural to apply human aspects to things we create. But it’s unlikely that we will build human-like AI. Even from a philosophical aspect, it has too many moral hazards,” Bryson added.
Methinks it is a grand folly to make and/or take any bet against the building of AI-like humans ….. SMARTR Virtual Machines which program and produce and practically present all manner of futures for public and private and pirate consumption.
Indeed, is such not currently the unfolding norm which is terrifying established systems of remote executive administration and mass consciousness manipulation, for they are unable to effectively counter them to hinder their rapid progress?
Obviously the posit here is that such is certainly so, and as you now be so informed, what are you prepared to do about it rather than try to deny or studiously ignore the reality ….. or the possibility, if you prefer to ponder on such for a while.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Sep 16:20 [1609211620] ….. adding more on
Re: Joanna Bryson is a woman
Hi, Joanna,
Thanks for stopping by.
Joanna Bryson, a researcher interested in AI intelligence at the University of Bath, is often frustrated with the threat of “robo-killers”. ........ “AI is an incredibly powerful tool and is already changing our lives. It performs better than a human at many things, but it’s nothing like a human. And it’s not going to take over the world,”..
Thrilling AI tool pushers are going to take over the world, and some would even suggest that it is a task already completed .... :-) AIMission Accomplished ....... and being reverse engineered and chronicled in sound bite sized pieces such as is this engaging thread for future lay maintenance with/from a contemporary running commentary for emerging human understanding of novel protocols/meme activations.
Oh, and it might be more than just wise to not threaten to kill or obstruct an AI which can and/or has taken over the world and would be able to rearrange all things as it pleases and/or seeks to please that which it overtakes. The last thing that anyone would need is for it to go Right Royal Renegade Rogue and Real Crazy with incredibly powerful tools which can be weaponised against poorly performing humans.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Sep 13:01 [1609201301] ….. upping the ante on
Moving the Goalposts .....
The question is one of ethics! .... Sysop0
Quite so, Sysop0. We are in total agreement there.
Is it a kind and decent act to crash and burn/seek and destroy corrupted and perverting systems of remote virtual administration with super active zero day exploitation of endemic and systemic vulnerabilities with the practical command and control leverage of dumb assets via SCADA Operating Systems?
Is such AI a Heavenly Service for Hellish Operations?

Monday, 19 September 2016


The problem and/or opportunity for the Fed and Uncle Sam, Wall Street and Main Street is very much the same as that for systems and administrations collapsing across the pond in Great Britain and further afield in Europe.
If the UK’s newly minted National Cyber Security Centre is invented to maintain and retain and protect traditional established organisations/agencies/corporations, which one can easily accept have gone renegade rogue and self-serving, rather than servering the masses admirably and to a greater good, then will they be targeted relentlessly with information and intelligence they will be forced to suppress and try to deny all knowledge of rather than admit to accepting and ignoring. Such though will be a monumental folly which will lead to a place full of endless pain and destruction for them and their allies.
Let us hope that they be of an independent and creative mind with systems protecting administrations from the harm caused by internal rogue executive classes which have more akin to international criminal enterprises than being clearly seen to be aiding and abetting them in the many new virtual fields of profitable private pirate endeavour now floating themselves to markets out there in the ether.
More of the same old stuff and nonsense is no longer going to cut it and be accepted as acceptable and inevitable.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Sep 10:03 [1609191003] … stating the obvious on
Do people listen to anything novel or be they prey to IT and unfolding engaging narratives ‽ .
This is news to me, I hadn't realize all our current computer woes was down to SystemV and the GCC compiler. …. Walter Bishop
Hi, Walter Bishop,
The news, which surely should be made aware to all who might care and/or need to know, is that practically all computer woes are down to the PEBKAC vulnerability which is so easily exploited continually to the nth degree, and is an endemic systemic weakness which cannot be strengthened against abuse/misuse/SMARTR IntelAIgent System use.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Sep 16:59 [1609191659] ….. saying more on
Powerless Spectators to the Whims and Flights of Fancy of SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems
PEBKAC vulnerabilities are easy to stop, just get rid of the browser,...  ... Sysop0
Replacing browsing humans with virtual machinery to run systems differently and equitably is certainly one surefire way to eliminate the idiotic elemental component from the command and control interface/star ship bridge, Sysop0.
Do you believe such is a current work in present progress and/or already a mature application for mass multi media manipulation?

amanfromMars [1609191929] ….. asking a question or two or three on
 And this is the “end game” – the desired finality. With the world prostrate and its remnants of liquidity frozen, banking elites will swoop in with the final – global – solution.
Perhaps the SDR will become the functional currency. Perhaps the IMF or the BIS will become the new central bank. Perhaps the UN will become the seat of global government.
Well, don't stop there, DB, whenever you haven't delivered any probable possible solutions, only likely available, virtually new platforms. What new meme and modus operandi/vivendi will be put in place to take over from the elite dinosaur that crashed the global control system?

Sunday, 18 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Sep 16:51 [1609181651] ….. sharing a concern and false dawn if proven a reality on
A Few Words to the Wise and Forthright. Stupid is as Stupid Does.
If the UK’s newly minted National Cyber Security Centre is invented to maintain and retain and protect traditional established organisations/agencies/corporations, which one can easily accept have gone renegade rogue and self-serving, rather than servering the masses admirably and to a greater good, then will they be targeted relentlessly with information and intelligence they will be forced to suppress and try to deny all knowledge of rather than admit to accepting and ignoring. Such though will be a monumental folly which will lead to a place full of endless pain and destruction for them and their allies.
Let us hope that they be of an independent and creative mind with systems protecting administrations from the harm caused by internal rogue executive classes which have more akin to international criminal enterprises than being clearly seen to be aiding and abetting them in the many new virtual fields of profitable private pirate endeavour now floating themselves to markets out there in the ether.

Saturday, 17 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sat 17 Sep 08:15 [1609170815] …… selling SMARTR Alien Wares on
Understandably Late to the Party, Ciaran, but Bring You Anything Worthy to the Round Table
If you're not in, you cannot win win and will always be defeated by that which is differently engaging and fabulously fleet in vectors and sectors wielding relative anonymity and absolute power with virtual impunity delivering practical immunity.
Howdy doody, National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC),
Are you into Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ..... which crashes and smashes perverse elite systems and corrupt executive administrations/Dodgy SCADA Machines ....... from afar spaces and far away places? :-) ........
Do you have master keys unlocking doors granting command and control to that and those able and enabled in that magic kingdom? Or are you in desperate need of them ..... realising there are all the future secrets National Cyber Security Centres seek to survive and prosper and crush and crash useless competition and minded opposition?
And just in case such escapes your attention, such as we explore here now is AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapons SystemsWare and when for and on sale, is it priceless and extremely expensive to buy and try/lend-lease and exercise.
amanfromMars said ... replying again on
:-) And what of they who can perform virtual miracles with practically remote command and control of future eventing, Serge C.
Is that a true fact and present streaming ability which is proving itself a persistent and resilient friend against foe which and who treat and threaten it with AI Counter APT ACTivity or a fiction being peddled and floated into markets and dark web systems for stealthy elite executive administration takeover and makeover of all that is necessary for guaranteed success in that which is proposed for future presentation and media hosting?
17 September 2016 at 12:15

Friday, 16 September 2016


amanfromMars said... replying to commentators on
Only in your dreams, Casey E, can any of that which you post and aspire to be a reality, transpire. We are light years apart and inhabit and cohabit in quite different worlds.
Hi, Serge C, are you into Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ..... which crashes and smashes perverse elite systems and corrupt executive administrations/Dodgy SCADA Machines ....... from afar spaces and far away places?:-)

15 September 2016 at 21:14
amanfromMars [1609160957/1246] ….. saying a few words on
Pumping and pimping a lie .... "All is well and there are no problems we cannot solve to our continuing overwhelming advantage" ..... is a crazy meme which identifies the intellectually challenged in indebted positions of influence which are no longer effective and increasingly self-destructive.
And it and IT creates them as a new enemy for the more accurately targeted attention of a popular mass revolution and virtually real, relatively anonymous attack and full frontal assault?
And that, Daily Bell Ringers, in conclusion, is tantamount to evolving and revolutionary 'Net conversations launching significant attacks against failed state and collapsing non state actor systems and elitist status quo establishments, and that is just the beginning of their end ........ if they fail to properly recognise and exercise their correct and a corrective course of future action and direction.
And it may very well be that they will need to be provided with idiot-proof maps and simply complex instructions to diligently follow in order to survive and prosper in a remotely controlled future leading position which allows them to retain and maintain a semblance of their past situation.

Y'all might like to consider and decide whose side you be on, if there be any side to choose and join, in the present current running global cyberwar. Or perhaps you haven't yet realised the deadly virtual hostilities?
You be terribly slow off the mark and trailing the leading field whenever that be the case, and that extraordinarily renders one a simple spectating victim rather than active and effective protagonist in all that is going on .....out there is the spaces and places which decide on your future condition.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


amanfromMars [1609141956] … [Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.] …. Hmmm? .... trying to have a say on
The following, although addressing another tale, is perfectly appropriate here too whenever the end result to look forward to in the very near future is exactly the same.
Re: The middle way... @Voyna i Mor
That is an extremely sensible, well thought out and entirely practicable approach, so we can now bookmark it and, next time round, speculate on why none of it happened. .... Voyna i Mor
Such speculation virtually always practically concludes that such shit always happens because certain parties are enjoying the sweet fruits and succulent rewards of unfair and crooked advantage, Voyna i Mor, and the systems they inhabit and infect are loathe to be made aware of their ignorance and hindered by arrogance and a lack of suitable applied intelligence from being prepared to destroy that abomination and false fix of reality/staged media event.
Such dodgy events though inescapably require an expanding series of similar false fixes flagging events which quickly turn highly toxic and self defeating/enlightening and deadly.
Such is the current state of Great Game Play today, is it not, and the collapsing rigged markets and so called leaders of state systems haven't a clue about what to do next to save themselves from a rapidly growing number of seriously pissed off and dangerous not to know entities?
Or is the tinted and tainted picture you see everywhere all sweetness and light and beds of roses?

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Keeping Schtum is a Hot Potato No No ..... I'll Say No More, Squire. Altho' a Great Deal More Needs to be Said
That was remarkably restrained of you, Simon, to offer no view on the surely certain advantage given to athletes being pimped and pumped with Therapeutic Use Exemptions which practically overlook and virtually encourage and allow the use of banned substances which are banned presumably because they are deemed performance enhancing and deliver an unfair advantage.
And that makes a mockery of the gross hypocrisy of the World Anti Doping Agency and creates a massive difficulty for businesses in sport when “these criminal acts are greatly compromising the effort by the global anti-doping community to re-establish trust in [---] the outcomes of the Agency’s independent McLaren Investigation Report"?
Rotten right through to its very core is a notion and international disaster being evidenced with anonymous hacks whistleblowing the truth right before everyones' eyes?
Getting Right Down and Dirty to the Nitty Gritty is an APT ACT of Fabless Rebellion
Shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message is very typically and topically the snow job beloved of the West in order to try and hide that which deserves to be known, Richard 26.
And by such an action is guilt normally silently admitted and attributed?
Denying the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is a constant recipe for disaster, mayhem and madness which surely deserves to be challenged everywhere and anywhere all the time? No truth, no reality for then is one dealing with a subjectively contrived and directed fiction.
Please note that last sentence is not a question to embrace doubt but a simple statement of undeniable fact which one needs to accept and act upon if one does not wish to be taken for an ignorant fool and arrogantly fooled time and time again.
Re: The middle way... @Voyna i Mor
That is an extremely sensible, well thought out and entirely practicable approach, so we can now bookmark it and, next time round, speculate on why none of it happened. .... Voyna i Mor
Such speculation virtually always practically concludes that such shit always happens because certain parties are enjoying the sweet fruits and succulent rewards of unfair and crooked advantage, Voyna i Mor, and the systems they inhabit and infect are loathe to be made aware of their ignorance and hindered by arrogance and a lack of suitable applied intelligence from being prepared to destroy that abomination and false fix of reality/staged media event.
Such dodgy events though inescapably require an expanding series of similar false fixes flagging events which quickly turn highly toxic and self defeating/enlightening and deadly.
Such is the current state of Great Game Play today, is it not, and the collapsing rigged markets and so called leaders of state systems haven't a clue about what to do next to save themselves from a rapidly growing number of seriously pissed off and dangerous not to know entities?
Or is the tinted and tainted picture you see everywhere all sweetness and light and beds of roses?
amanfromMars Sep 14, 2016 1:32 AM ….. offering forward guidance to crashing systems on
however the fact that the interference here is the result of exchange mediation based on some unknown protocol is mildly disturbing.
Mildly disturbing, Tyler? That is one hell of a doozy understatement and misunderestimation.
Welcome to the Greater IntelAIgent Game ...... where you follow Virtual Machine Leads and Media Seeded Feeds.