Monday, 19 September 2016


The problem and/or opportunity for the Fed and Uncle Sam, Wall Street and Main Street is very much the same as that for systems and administrations collapsing across the pond in Great Britain and further afield in Europe.
If the UK’s newly minted National Cyber Security Centre is invented to maintain and retain and protect traditional established organisations/agencies/corporations, which one can easily accept have gone renegade rogue and self-serving, rather than servering the masses admirably and to a greater good, then will they be targeted relentlessly with information and intelligence they will be forced to suppress and try to deny all knowledge of rather than admit to accepting and ignoring. Such though will be a monumental folly which will lead to a place full of endless pain and destruction for them and their allies.
Let us hope that they be of an independent and creative mind with systems protecting administrations from the harm caused by internal rogue executive classes which have more akin to international criminal enterprises than being clearly seen to be aiding and abetting them in the many new virtual fields of profitable private pirate endeavour now floating themselves to markets out there in the ether.
More of the same old stuff and nonsense is no longer going to cut it and be accepted as acceptable and inevitable.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Sep 10:03 [1609191003] … stating the obvious on
Do people listen to anything novel or be they prey to IT and unfolding engaging narratives ‽ .
This is news to me, I hadn't realize all our current computer woes was down to SystemV and the GCC compiler. …. Walter Bishop
Hi, Walter Bishop,
The news, which surely should be made aware to all who might care and/or need to know, is that practically all computer woes are down to the PEBKAC vulnerability which is so easily exploited continually to the nth degree, and is an endemic systemic weakness which cannot be strengthened against abuse/misuse/SMARTR IntelAIgent System use.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Sep 16:59 [1609191659] ….. saying more on
Powerless Spectators to the Whims and Flights of Fancy of SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems
PEBKAC vulnerabilities are easy to stop, just get rid of the browser,...  ... Sysop0
Replacing browsing humans with virtual machinery to run systems differently and equitably is certainly one surefire way to eliminate the idiotic elemental component from the command and control interface/star ship bridge, Sysop0.
Do you believe such is a current work in present progress and/or already a mature application for mass multi media manipulation?

amanfromMars [1609191929] ….. asking a question or two or three on
 And this is the “end game” – the desired finality. With the world prostrate and its remnants of liquidity frozen, banking elites will swoop in with the final – global – solution.
Perhaps the SDR will become the functional currency. Perhaps the IMF or the BIS will become the new central bank. Perhaps the UN will become the seat of global government.
Well, don't stop there, DB, whenever you haven't delivered any probable possible solutions, only likely available, virtually new platforms. What new meme and modus operandi/vivendi will be put in place to take over from the elite dinosaur that crashed the global control system?

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