Friday, 9 September 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Sep 08:58 [1609090858] …… asking a pertinent impertinent question on
Information wants to be free, does it not, so that intelligence grows and creates New Orderly World Orders?
Does Brigadier General (retired) Gregory J. Touhill, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the United States still consider cybergeddon scenarios a bit overblown, or an all too real Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat and Novel Treat to be opposed or welcomed?
Does Uncle Sam, wherever and whoever that be lurking, presume to be in unilateral universal command and control of information and intelligence sharing and its mentoring and monitoring, or is such recognised as Fascist Big Brotherian if riddled with secrets known only to a chosen few ?
Next Questions ...
Howdy, alltheshortcoolnamesweretaken,
Does that answer prove objectively a subject delusional, and catastrophically vulnerable to abuse and exploitation?

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