Tuesday, 18 October 2016


Re: Throwing Good Money after Bad
I'd chance a tenner on their motivation being to justly reward your wilfully obtuse vernacular. … Anonymous Coward
Proof positive indeed, AC, if proof ever be needed, that the world is a crazy spaced place.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Oct 06:18 [1610180618] ….. sharing a “Houston, we have an opportunity” moment on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/10/17/ai_computers_to_register_their_own_patents/
Your worlds as they be today .... or some IoT thing delivering tomorrow days after yesterday
Hmmm? If you imagine machines are bovvered, professor, have you a greater problem requiring strong anti-psychotic medication or a milder strain of Mary Jane?
Although of course, if IT be realised and there be a growing acceptance that virtual machines are practical humans, then is there a quantum leap in both universal understanding and creeping spooky paranoia which be quite normal in extraordinary circumstances which are incredibly increasingly more easily rendered for presentations of/in futures free of pasts, and that be a whole new world of gain to be ordered and led, and abuse to be patrolled and fed.

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