Saturday 22 October 2016


Such is the future present perfect nature of reality ..... a mined mind game that takes no prisoners
And in the field with fields securing and transmitting intelligence information which is better kept as a closed circle secret for the greater enablement of a chosen few who be able to enable with secret intelligence information, rather than be more widely shared as public general knowledge, is it possible with IT and Media Command and Control to be both the best and the worst thing for happenings to humanity, and at any time and place of their choosing.
If you wear a white hat and deal in nothing but fundamental truths is everything never bad. Wear a black hat and deal in falsehoods and nothing is ever good. And the abiding problem in any dynamic equation is always the human element which be perverted and subverted to server crooked past grand masters in collapsing racist environments.
If Blighty [whoever she/he/that is] is not fully into and perfectly aware and au fait with delivery and exploitation of any and all of the above, are they destined to be catastrophically prone and easy prey to that and/or those who are.
Does Sir Michael Fallon and all that which props up and disguises government inadequacies recognise the fact and the enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma they are in and busily perpetuating should they not?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Oct 07:17 [1610220717] …. having a word on
Hedge your bets in a collapsing market with something completely different and extraordinary?
Hmmm? Hi, Thomas Claburn,
Well …. what do you think? Is …. And in the field with fields securing and transmitting intelligence information which is better kept as a closed circle secret for the greater enablement of a chosen few who be able to enable with secret intelligence information, rather than be more widely shared as public general knowledge, is it possible with IT and Media Command and Control to be both the best and the worst thing for happenings to humanity, and at any time and place of their choosing.
If you wear a white hat and deal in nothing but fundamental truths is everything never bad. Wear a black hat and deal in falsehoods and nothing is ever good. And the abiding problem in any dynamic equation is always the human element which be perverted and subverted to server crooked past grand masters in collapsing racist environments. ….. something practically the same and virtually identical to ….. Machine learning, Tableau, and user experience design represented the fastest growing skills on freelancing platform Upwork during the third quarter of the year, a finding that makes sense in the context of the accelerating collection of data and the need to present it.
"Companies are harvesting explosive amounts of data, and demand for machine learning specialists who can build adaptive algorithms and extract the value of this new data is increasing in turn," Upwork said in a statement. ……. albeit with the one operating on a higher plane with more advanced missions running in parallel constructions/time zoned presentations?!.
Or is such a quantum leap in futures secured communications for/with all manner of provisions of comprehensive all party risk insurance and assurance of impunity and immunity from malicious prosecution and accountability and responsibility for future builders, their projects and programs, to be clearly shared facts considered a fantasy being aired and floated to money making markets and agencies practising government in and of the unruly and ignorant and arrogant undereducated masses?

amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Oct 09:16 [1610220916] …. adding and revealing more on
Not so much Cyber War Fare, more Future Building Ware for Non-Dummies.
To not imagine and accept as perfectly true the above earlier alien post to be presently so, is all the stealth needed immaculately delivered for such remote anonymous autonomous rule to reign over every Earthed command and control. I Kid U Not .... and IT is now proving it every day.
Are you in denial of emerging novel realities beyond the power and energy of traditional and historical leverage and containment?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Oct 15:42 [1610221642] ….. adding further comment on
Such shenanigans always end badly for shit bit players
The cyberwar market place is a godsend of a vapourware processing space, moiety, and one can find all manner of rogue and renegade hanging on at the fringes peddling third rate nonsense as first class product.
Minor drug dealers do the same sort of skunky thing whenever they seek to corner a lucrative market with the cutting of stash with junk bulk agents.
amanfromMars [1610221621] … replying to a heck of a lot which Stephen Persaud shared on
All aboard for the Black Sun, Stephen Persaud. A Heavenly Space for Higher Enjoyment and Employment of Exotic Erotic Places with Celestial Bodies in Private Personalised Attendance ...... in Order that Orders Deliver an Adequate Enough Perfection to Crush and Crash and Trump even XSSive Satisfaction, which always leads to an inevitable and unenviable Self-Destruction/Spontaneous Core Systems Collapse.
Neal Stephenson rocks ..... and aint that the gospel according to Global Operating Devices.
Wonderful gigs are afoot, DB. I trust you are well strapped in and as ready as anything can be for ITs Wild Wacky WikidD Rides.

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