amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 09:50 [1703020950] …… stating an uncomfortable reality mission on
Go East ..... when the West is Intellectually Bankrupt and Locked into Wars for Crazy Survival
Bravo, China. Mimicking the Imperialist Meme of the Wild Wacky West delivers Leading Players to Command and Control of the Zone.
Surely the West doesn't think/imagine/realise itself AI Grand Master of the Future Great Game?
Methinks that be a Certifiable Madness Confirmed.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 10:22 [1703021022] ….. musing on opportunities available on
:-) TAO ..... but not as you may have thunk it
Spooky tailored access/hearts and mined brainwashing, eh? ........ Chinese TakeAway Operations
Makes you realise how outclassed home security and secret intelligence services are, doesn't it? Or are you minded to believe they be leading in and/or with anything nowadays in real time and these remote command and controlling virtual spaces of 0days ....... which be a further securing parallel development for special agents in need of the cryptic security which is/was formerly offered by ye olde one time keypad methodology.
The evidence of anything remotely applicable to anything necessary for lead in this and that is certainly missing from the mainstream and media tasked with informing, educating and entertaining .... El Reg excepted, of course.
amanfromMars 1 The 2 Mar 10:42 [1703021042] ….. still chatting on
Re: Nice Try
Spin an IntelAIgent Yarn with Remote Autonomous Command and Secret Intelligence Servering Control of Future Event Programs which can all be discovered and uncovered to be true and not fiction, is a much simpler route for root access into every admin system/SCADA operation, SVV.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 13:34 [1703021334] …. still busy at IT on
Re: :-) TAO ..... but not as you may have thunk it
Knock, knock, tap, tap ..... Is there anyone out there ? ...... MI6 returns to 'tapping up'
Hmmm? Don't tell me MI6 are now energised with APT ACTivIT .... although that would surely be a Great NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Game Changer for them and certainly something for the more intelligent of markets and intelligence space stations to celebrate appropriately with that and those with a need to know the current direction of future malleable manipulated flow.
amanfromMars Mar 2, 2017 6:03 AM [[1703021103] ….. saying more on a stop pressing matter revealing itself on
Well, well, well ......... Who'd have athunk it so easy to lead fools in a folly to disaster?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 10:42 [1703021042] ….. still chatting on Nice TryHmmm?Spin an IntelAIgent Yarn with Remote Autonomous Command and Secret Intelligence Servering Control of Future Event Programs which can all be discovered and uncovered to be true and not fiction, is a much simpler route for root access into every admin system/SCADA operation, SVV.
The current running disaster being the spinning of yarns lacking intelligence and without Remote Autonomous Command and Secret Intelligence Servering Control of Future Event Programs which can all be discovered and uncovered to be true and non fiction.
amanfromMars, replying to Macavity on Mar 2, 2017 12:13 PM [1703021713] ….. and trailing and trialing some chum, or is it firing off some chaff on
Was that English? or Martian? ...... Macavity
It and they were all fact and facts, which is virtually Chinese to fake news organisations, Macavity. And heading headlong into the mainstream via alternative memes and means.
Surely you cannot be expecting the future to be anything like the past and the present. That would be akin to stagnation and petrification of a dynamic body ..... and most unnatural ...... and therefore quite perverse and corrupt.
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