Wednesday, 12 July 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Jul 08:31 [1707120831] ……. chatting on
You couldn't make it up for IT ...... but that is exactly the way everything is done?!.
And whenever Russia is not using the Kaspersky platform as an effective international spying source program, what does it tell them of the nature of US and western intelligence services and the media which creates their Great Game Show pictures for both daily and 0day presentation?
Please try harder, Uncle Sam/UKGBNI ....... you're obviously failing spectacularly.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Jul 11.22 [1707121122] ....... adding more on
Re: You couldn't make it up for IT ...... but that is exactly the way everything is done?!.
And you surely know what happens in an intelligence vacuum? Smarter entities appear out of nowhere to make hay and ..... well, in some circles, create CHAOS and play Merry Havok with crumbling administrations in corrupting systems.
And all clearly before your very eyes and Five Eyes.
I Kid U Not. Such is the way of these things nowadays, believe it or believe it not.

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