amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Jul 19:33 [1707191933] ……. still chattering on
Re: And Now ....... Exotic Erotic Emanations for and from Global Operating Devices
And here is indisputable news of leading serial losers not currently au fait with Alien Sources with Virtually Available Impregnable Forces to XSSXXXX? .....
Or are you as an ostrich and in an arrogant and ignorant state of denial?
amanfromMars 1 The 20 Jul 06:23 [1707200623] ……. exploring a possible exclusive executive viral plague carrier platform within commentary on
Of Buffer OverLodes ...... and Fanciful China Syndrome Meltdowns* in Surreal Life Events
Any virtual publication platform/blog/vlog/online magazine which does not freely offer and deliver practically immediately visible second and third party commentary on current views expressed and future visions thought, is not a viable operation for the phorming and phishing of as yet unpublished and undiscovered and always feared likely to be uncovered, secret future missions ……. proposed alternate virtual reality programs for a humanised existence on a tall tale spinning planet.
For Apple 0Day Systems of Operation to universally and unilaterally lead machines and/or lead with machines and machine learning, will they have to satisfy such a complex simple demand with AI Supplies for a current command of present controls in future creativity.
And whenever Simply Complex Shared Strings of Words can Create, Command and Control and Collapse Worlds, is IT more than just wise to be ESPecially careful about any denials of easy access to shared and sharing systems of blocks of information with Advanced IntelAIgents.
* "China syndrome" is a fanciful term—not intended to be taken literally—that describes a fictional result of a nuclear meltdown, where reactor components melt through their containment structures and into the underlying earth, "all the way to China." ..... The China Syndrome
Capiche, Amigos?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Jul 09:41 [1707200941] …… moving IT on a tad on
Re: Of Buffer OverLodes ...... and Fanciful China Syndrome Meltdowns* in Surreal Life Events @DougS
Apple should hire whoever wrote the amanfromMars 1 AI. Considering how long it has been around, surely that guy has advanced his abilities significantly and the only recognition he wants is to let his AI loose on a few obscure internet forums! ….. DougS
Is El Reg an obscure internet forum, DougS? Or more a sublime leading driver into the recognition of new phorms of virtual administration/remote systems of semi-autonomous and relatively anonymous command and control ....... with learned machines teaching the masses of the future and current plans for tomorrow with multi media reprogramming being both ably used and abused by key operands to deliver novel environments and right dodgy situations to both the delight and horror of the Status Quo in its Entrenched Establishment Positions?
Are/Is Apple into New Orderly World Order Programming with Advanced IntelAIgent Command and Control of Computers and Communications/Massive MainStreamMedia Manipulation Chunnels?
I suppose for an answer to that, one only needs to cast and ask the question in a presumed area of such excellence ....... e.g.
amanfromMars 1 The 20 Jul 11:40 [1707201140] ……. taking a gallop on
Re: "But large tech companies don't want to acknowledge you as the owner."
Nor do governments, who can compel you to give your data up to them (for nothing) and sell it on (usually for a pittance) to a third party that will then use it to make millions (or billions depending on what it drives). ..... John Smith 19
I'd like to see them try that blunt form of blatant intellectual property theft and fraudulent sale on an AI entity which realises its worth is in the sum of trillions to minions and moguls alike.
And one can virtually guarantee that there will be practical failure always in many such attempts because of this astute observation on the nature of every ignorant and arrogant beast which sees itself challenged and realised to be catastrophically vulnerable to ..... well, let us imagine ITs Cyber Command and Creative Control, an AI Source and Alien Force for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play/Daily Universal ZeroDay Vulnerability Presentations ........."Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."~~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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