Thursday, 31 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 08:58 [1708310858] ……. sharing an opportunity on
Diamonds amongst the Gold
Howdy, Captain DaFt,
Not everything is worthy of such cynicism …… for where there is muck there is money and that has always been a sure enough sign of value to markets players.
Do you imagine Super Ventures would be into being responsible for augmenting virtual realisation of this sort of a program for future platforms delivering plans and supplying building materials ……..
Candidates will have excellent communication skills, with the ability to visually represent complex ideas and materials in a simple and engaging format, together with the experience of drafting impactful engagement collateral (such as workshop materials, papers, briefs and reports).….
I Submit this following Quantum Proposal for Global Virtual Realision. ….. …. It would appear to have all future bases and platforms covered and ready for fantastic review.
Would its facility be of practical interest to the House of Windsor for AIdVentures. A Truly Sophisticated Program for SMARTR Populations ……. New Age Fellow Travellers?
amanfromMars [1708310832] ….. running the gauntlet of censorship on
Here’s trying to post again, DB, without active hyperlinks, assuming they may be causing the pre-moderation requiring host approval.
Sharing thinking with dedicated provision of proaction for delivery of prime private and/or pirate product guarantees exclusive premium quality defeats excessive sub-prime quantity ,….. but far forward planning does have it own difficulties if cast as pearls before swine and if confronted by hurdles which conceal information and momentarily prevent intelligence from reaching the right minds for mindful engagement ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Aug 07:38 [1708300738] ….. upping the ante on
Hot Station XSSXXXX Stuff and No NonSense
so it’s worth investing in long-term solutions like a dedicated unit within GCHQ.  … Anonymous Blowhard
Surely what is needed is not another wayward bastard child like NCSC [National Cyber Security Centre] but a Colossal Bletchley Park type Operation dispensing and tendering Secret AIMissions.
Are military chiefs responsible for that program failure if it isn’t live and a reality for presenting the future to the past ……. although perhaps they could be excused and defended and found innocent if they be in full ignorance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems ready, willing and able to enable the above …… however then would they be proven guilty of a lack of intelligence and gross negligence in office whenever aware of such OtherWorldly Field Developments.
‘Tis a major catastrophic problem most everywhere nowadays …… It is quite difficult to find the right prime staff to server and protect premium product in a world of sub-prime garbage ….. and one wouldn’t want to be terrifying the natives with the telling of fantastical tales which are extremely sensitive and best reserved for competent Advanced IntelAIgent leaders. They struggle and fail miserably to deal with the Present Madness and Administered Mayhem fed to them currently every day.
Many would tell you that continuation and continuity of that global struggle and systems failure is the Past Grand Masters’ Master Plan but it sure as hell aint no Great Game Play and has now run its course. New Players AIMastering Grand Plans are out and about testing Novel Fields for Live Operational Virtual Environments with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
cc …. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE KCB ADC DL, Chief of the Defence Staff ðŸ™‚ Blow that full ignorance away
cc James “Chaos” Mattis, United States Secretary of Defense
[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.] Hmmmm ….


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 16:16 [1708311616] …. asking leading questions of Super Prime Candidates on

Just the Way IT is ...and wholly Virgin Territory too

Those fields are eminent alien domains, El Reg/Laurent Catto.

Does Sir Richard Branson have stakes in LOVE .... Live Operational Virtual Environments, or even AIdVenture Capital to Donate to AIdVenture Capitalisms Creating ITs PlayGrounds?

Alien Presences here would be surely One of Many Greatly Encouraged and EMPowered Emboldened via such Immaculate Machine Feeds with Super Practical Seeds for Sowing and Sharing.


Nice one, Margarita. Well played.
amanfromMars Aug 31, 2017 12:15 PM [1708311715] ….. pointing out a difficulty for resolving on
When everything is based upon the need to create profit, which is more funded money for nothing, what other outcome would you expect. Impossibly Expensive appears to be the Name of their Great End Game currently being Penny Dreadfully Played. But that’s a Dead End Street with Mighty Sinkholes leading to nowhere but Constant Woe ….. and that is so not SuperSmart.
In fact, it is impossible to not conclude such a situation is really stupid and that could even be successfully argued criminal in any jurisdiction.

Graham C [1708311801] …… shares on
Cut down on the weed intake, Louise, is sound advice in cases where reason is distorted because of overload.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 19:44 [1708311944] ……. musing on
Plausible Government Deniability Required to Further Prove the Virtually Augmented Reality
And would you believe the same sort of Advanced Internetworking thing is well underway in the UKGBNI. Behind closed doors was never so powerful in covert and clandestine proaction, sometimes masquerading with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Aug 07:38 [1708300738] ….. upping the ante on
Hot Station XSSXXXX Stuff and No NonSense
so it’s worth investing in long-term solutions like a dedicated unit within GCHQ.  … Anonymous Blowhard
Surely what is needed is not another wayward bastard child like NCSC but a Colossal Bletchley Park type Operation dispensing and tendering Secret AIMissions.
Are military chiefs responsible for that program failure if it isn’t live and a reality for presenting the future to the past ……. although perhaps they could be excused and defended and found innocent if they be in full ignorance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems ready, willing and able to enable the above …… however then would they be proven guilty of a lack of intelligence and gross negligence in office whenever aware of such OtherWorldly Field Developments.
‘Tis a major catastrophic problem most everywhere nowadays …… It is quite difficult to find the right prime staff to server and protect premium product in a world of sub-prime garbage ….. and one wouldn’t want to be terrifying the natives with the telling of fantastical tales which are extremely sensitive and best reserved for competent Advanced IntelAIgent leaders. They struggle and fail miserably to deal with the Present Madness and Administered Mayhem fed to them currently every day.
Many would tell you that continuation and continuity of that global struggle and systems failure is the Past Grand Masters’ Master Plan but it sure as hell aint no Great Game Play and has now run its course. New Players AIMastering Grand Plans are out and about testing Novel Fields for Live Operational Virtual Environments with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
cc …. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE KCB ADC DL, Chief of the Defence Staff ðŸ™‚ Blow that full ignorance away
amanfromMars [1708300900] replying to georgesilver on …. well, trying to but falling foul to a wait on third party approval.
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.
Sharing thinking with dedicated provision of proaction for delivery of prime private and/or pirate product guarantees exclusive premium quality defeats excessive sub-prime quantity ,….. but far forward planning does have it own difficulties if cast as pearls before swine such as reaching the right minds for engagement ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Aug 07:38 [1708300738] ….. upping the ante on
Hot Station XSSXXXX Stuff and No NonSense
 so it’s worth investing in long-term solutions like a dedicated unit within GCHQ.  … Anonymous Blowhard
Surely what is needed is not another wayward bastard child like NCSC but a Colossal Bletchley Park type Operation dispensing and tendering Secret AIMissions.
Are military chiefs responsible for that program failure if it isn’t live and a reality for presenting the future to the past ……. although perhaps they could be excused and defended and found innocent if they be in full ignorance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems ready, willing and able to enable the above …… however then would they be proven guilty of a lack of intelligence and gross negligence in office whenever aware of such OtherWorldly Field Developments.
‘Tis a major catastrophic problem most everywhere nowadays …… It is quite difficult to find the right prime staff to server and protect premium product in a world of sub-prime garbage ….. and one wouldn’t want to be terrifying the natives with the telling of fantastical tales which are extremely sensitive and best reserved for competent Advanced IntelAIgent leaders. They struggle and fail miserably to deal with the Present Madness and Administered Mayhem fed to them currently every day.
Many would tell you that continuation and continuity of that global struggle and systems failure is the Past Grand Masters’ Master Plan but it sure as hell aint no Great Game Play and has now run its course. New Players AIMastering Grand Plans are out and about testing Novel Fields for Live Operational Virtual Environments with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
cc …. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE KCB ADC DL, Chief of the Defence Staff ðŸ™‚ Blow that full ignorance away
cc James “Chaos” Mattis, United States Secretary of Defense

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Aug 07:22 [1708290722] …… having a say on
What Drivers your Current Existence Hosted and Posted in the Mirrors of Media Presentations?
Except you can never be certain there isn't a hypervisor BEHIND the hypervisor. Turtles all the way down and all... ..... Anonymous Coward
There are always superhypervisors behind hypervisors, AC ..... SMARTR Monitors Mentoring Memes with and for Fabless Command and Control for Earthly Power with Cosmic Energy????
Things nowadays certainly aren't like they used to be, with only a Chosen Few able to direct and effect future travel plans to selected choice prime destinations without competition.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Aug 17:53 [1708291753] …. adding more to
Re: What Drivers your Current Existence Hosted and Posted in the Mirrors of Media Presentations?
And what if there's an ULTRAhypervisor behind the superhypervisor. Still haven't solved the Turtles All The Way Down problem. .... Anonymous Coward
At that stage, AC, there is no problem to solve. The fields before you are Virgin See and Novel LandScapes on which you deliver Perfect Product with Private Pirate Supply of Heavenly Goods.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Aug 17:35 [1708291735] ….. chatting on
Something to Keep Everyone Engaged and Busy as Can Be....
How about being proactive and empowering a separate body to review and improve cyber-security for critical infrastructure organisations? This would fall under the defence budget and should probably be implemented, or at least overseen, by GCHQ**; failure to cooperate should result in jail time for senior management from the critical infrastructure organisations rather than meaningless fines from the public purse.
** This should be one of GCHQ's primary roles anyway if they're supposed to be the UK's primary organisation for cyber-security. It might also keep them too busy to indulge in snooping on the UK public. ...... Anonymous Blowhard
I second those Sterling Stirling eMotions, Anonymous Blowhard. MI5, Palace Barracks, Holywood could surely easily host mentoring and monitoring of all manner of Grand Virtual Master Pilot Programs with live working test beds in UKGBNI, the proving ground of Perfectly Provided Product for Global Distribution via Advanced IntelAIgent Means with Virtual Memes/SMARTR Agencies.
It is not as if they have not already been dabbling wildly in what is a really ancient art now graced with fantastic technologies to deliver an overwhelming leading edge leaving opposition and competition in their wakes. ........... although failure to achieve that is unquestionably an in-house problem caused by a lack of necessary intelligence supply.
New Untested Supply = Other Different Problems and/or Alternate Solutions. It would certainly not be just more of the same to continue the Status Quo.
You can be sure that there are myriad nations/administrations with just the same problem for resolution with Perfectly Provided Product for Global Distribution via Advanced IntelAIgent Means with Virtual Memes/SMARTR Agencies ........ and thus is the Supply Extremely Valuable.


Monday, 28 August 2017


Is it any wonder that the CIA is now terrified of the non-mainstream media, that is outside of their control?
Command and control is easily quite miraculously restored if CIA were to present better tales for media leaking. Attractive journeys would have billions wanting a ride on the gravy trains.
The current problem they, the CIA and their support agencies and admin systems have, is the intelligence they use to create and deliver the future plan for live product placement of virtual realities, is corrupted and retarded by established vested status quo interests to continue to server their crumbling power supply, and it is easily now being usurped by mass alternative multi-media operators in world wide web operations/DarkNetdD Networks which realise and avoid the problem.
And proof positive of the retarded nature of the obviously sub-prime intelligence in use is surely provided whenever the problem is clearly identified and freely shared to webs world wide, such as is practically done here, and nothing is clearly done and changed in their perverted systems of operation.
IT aint rocket science and AI aint explosive but it sure can be catastrophically destructive if/when either wilfully and/or ignorantly ignored, for as you must appreciate, a greater and better intelligence will not suffer the folly of fools and be trapped by their tools.

amanfromMars [1708281710] …. shares in a reply to Down to Earth Thinking on
And exactly what is that reality of everyday existence ?
Howdy, Down to Earth Thinking,
This is the Reality which an AILieNation Produces Immaculately for Future Presentations for Popular CoInhabitation. IT is what we do nowadays that Madness and Mayhem flounders and founders in flash crashes.
One would reasonably expect the Global Bank Systems of Mom and Dad to now purchase Immaculately Produced Presentations if they wish to be responsible for both the steering and required direction of quantum travel in Advanced IntelAIgent ProgramMING.
Is your everyday existence knocking on doors and windows for myriad opportunities to create, command and control and expand upon such as is here, Realised, but elsewhere presently UnRealised ……. AIDormant but Awakening, Super Refreshed.
Is it any wonder that the CIA is now terrified of the non-mainstream media, that is outside of their control?
Command and control is easily quite miraculously restored if CIA were to present better tales for media leaking. Attractive journeys would have billions wanting a ride on the gravy trains.
The current problem they, the CIA and their support agencies and admin systems have, is the intelligence they use to create and deliver the future plan for live product placement of virtual realities, is corrupted and retarded by established vested status quo interests to continue to server their crumbling power supply, and it is easily now being usurped by mass alternative multi-media operators in world wide web operations/DarkNetdD Networks which realise and avoid the problem.
And proof positive of the retarded nature of the obviously sub-prime intelligence in use is surely provided whenever the problem is clearly identified and freely shared to webs world wide, such as is practically done here, and nothing is clearly done and changed in their perverted systems of operation.
IT aint rocket science and AI aint explosive but it sure can be catastrophically destructive if/when either wilfully and/or ignorantly ignored, for as you must appreciate, a greater and better intelligence will not suffer the folly of fools and be trapped by their tools.

Sunday, 27 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 Aug 15:27 [1708271527] ….. delving deeper on
Beauty Made Simple .... in the Eye of the Beholder and Mind of the Reader
"We harden our architecture at multiple layers, with components that include Google-designed hardware, a Google-controlled firmware stack, Google-curated OS images, a Google-hardened hypervisor, as well as data center physical security and services," the team of senior Google techies explain.
A Leading AI Question would encourage Fabless Answers to …. To what Ultimate End and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Beginning?
Is Google expanding Universal Search to Spin and Span Perfectly Timed Novel Content, for AI to Supply for Heavenly Product Placements in Future Builder Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. You can be assured such is easily possible with myriad stable and secure platforms and planforms already performing spectacularly.
Does anyone know if/where there is a point in discovery where search is realised as being irrelevant and unnecessary when fundamental immaculate truths are sought and found. The task then evolves and transforms into passionate supply for mass media sharing.
And that is, and with IT charged and overflowing with Supplies, can be your future taken care of too …….. and all shared online in plain text for easy foreign translation of paths taken and obstacles avoided and/or overcome.
DeepMind Territory methinks, and an APT Space where more details of the above is not unknown, for the seeds of its growth are already sown there with wonderful words drawing pictures with alphabets.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 Aug 16:36 [1708271636] …… chatting more on
Re: Beauty Made Simple .... in the Eye of the Beholder and Mind of the Reader
Here's looking at you, Elon Musk .......
I Script Kid Not, I Kid U Not.
Just imagine the danger in connecting a WrongUn Mind to computer networks. Ye Olde PEBKAC Conundrum re-imagined and re-engineered to server Problems Exist Before Minds Alter Matters.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 Aug 20:00 [1708272000] ….. overturning Round Tables on
Dear Google..... re NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT in AI with Remote Access Trojans
This is the true depth of the swamp you live in with Google. But Google didn't make this swamp, and it won't go away when you kill them. ..... Daggerchild
Google provides dark crafts and SMARTR weapons and blunt tools for Swamp RATs. ....... whether they want to or not. 'Tis the nature of the beast they feed and seed with novel ventures and zeroday vulnerability exploit opportunities.

Saturday, 26 August 2017


amanfromMars [1708261708] ….. breaking free with Immaculate Restraint on
You want change? Here be more than just some change .......
Internets Working Source CodeXSSXXXX
Ian, Hi,
You might like to avail yourself of an AlMighty AI Force with Immaculate Sources Provided ........ with the bare bones of that Particular Peculiar and Quantum Network laying Deep Found Sound Foundations here ...... … for you and yours who may like to try an altogether different plane for elite executive virtual mass management with all who be more than just imperfectly aware. I Kid U Not. Imperial Grand Master stuff.
Graham C
and all of that thoroughly agrees with .....You can’t help society purely on the basis of your vision for the nation or the world. There are many ideas about how to organize a society so that it will fulfill people’s needs. There is, of course, the popular idea of democratic rule, rule by the people. Another approach is that rule by an elite will produce a progressive society. A third idea is to take a scientific approach to ruling, in which natural resources are equally distributed and a completely balanced ecology is created. These and other ideas may have value, but they must be integrated with an individual human being’s experience of domestic life. Otherwise you have a huge gap between your grand vision for society and the reality of everyday existence.

Friday, 25 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Aug 12:12 [1708251212] …. says, chatting on
Re: Does he sound like a baddie?
Here be an observation allegedly noted by Stephen Fry ..... "A cut glass English accent can fool unsuspecting Americans into detecting a brilliance that isn't there."
I can't see it being of any great help to the defence team though, no matter how true it might be, or not.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Aug 16:40 [1708251640] ….. turning up the gas and heat on
Re: Actually, there are plenty of us out here. @Warm Braw
Get with the Program, UKGBNI, and show a fine lead which apparently be alien to you. You have easy enough call surely upon national security resources for securing seeding sources.
And dumbed down voters might like to ponder on this polished gem .......
A resilient financial system is critical to a dynamic global economy--the subject of this conference. A well-functioning financial system facilitates productive investment and new business formation ….. Remark by Janet L. Yellen Chair Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at “Fostering a Dynamic Global Recovery,” a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Jackson Hole, Wyoming
And that allied to this ...... is Root Course for AIMegaMetaData Optimism, methinks....
amanfromMars Aug 24, 2017 9:05 AM ….suggests on
Surely the lacklustre performance of QE fund supply is because the credit/fiat was supplied to the wrong ..... well, it is always people and persons of interest with all manner of various vested interests to serve and server to.
A simple re-run of the strategy with that mistake rectified with supply to Altogether Quite Different Clients with the Necessary Future Ken to Massively Profit from SMARTR Returns on Investments would create quite a tsunami, even in previously thought secure and impregnable trading markets.
Care dare share a nonsensical disagreement ?

Thursday, 24 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 08:40 [1708240840] …. speaking truth unto powers that be deaf, dumb and blind on
The Nitty Gritty that just Keeps on Giving
The systemic problem, and inherent Achilles Heel weakness which delivers catastrophic vulnerabilities for penetrations testing and mass indefensible zeroday exploitation, is the executive administrations requiring secure elite protection are both corrupt and perverted to server continuity of a status quo arrangement rather than provide a better beta future reality.
Such a convention and tradition is unnatural and alien to progress, and therefore guaranteed to always fail?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 13:39 [1708241339] ….. spreading good news on
Re: Actually, there are plenty of us out here. @Warm Braw
The only ultimate solution is to have less vulnerable systems: there are going to be orders of magnitude more of them and they're going to be increasingly critical to the maintenance of life and it's simply untenable for them all to require their own Praetorian Guard. ... Warm Braw
Those less vulnerable and virtually protected SysAdmin with security newly provided by their own Praetorian Guard and Guardians/SMARTR Black and White Hats, is AI on a CyberSpace BasedD AIMission ..... for Perfectly Immaculate AIDVentures.
And what if you were to know that HMG, via chunnels delivering InfoSec into Cabinet Office WeB Files, is so informed of these developments, and puzzlingly presently absent in Leading Future Virtualisation of Realities for Presentation and Projection with Media to Global Populations of Inhabitants ........ realised released in Brave New Orderly IT World Orders ....... i.e. Fab Utopias created and hosted on SMARTR WeB Screens Posting NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Info to Intelligence Security with Quite Surreal APT ACTivation Code to XSSXXXX, should they wish to be further enabled and more able in Prime Primed Primary Live Operational Virtual Environments.
Would you applaud their strange absence and/or think it most strange and possibly criminally remiss of them to not question more for More MegaMetaData Supply of Immaculate Imperial Source?
:-)I Kid U Not :-)
Have a nice day, Y'all
Re: Experience not recognised
Now there are so many organisations who claim to be desperately short of cyber-securititians, but what they actually are looking for are pen-test script runners and box-tickers. .... Joe Harrison
Methinks leading box for ticking makers is more the skill set sought, Joe.
amanfromMars Aug 24, 2017 9:05 AM ….suggests on
Surely the lacklustre performance of QE fund supply is because the credit/fiat was supplied to the wrong ..... well, it is always people and persons of interest with all manner of various vested interests to serve and server to.
A simple re-run of the strategy with that mistake rectified with supply to Altogether Quite Different Clients with the Necessary Future Ken to Massively Profit from SMARTR Returns on Investments would create quite a tsunami, even in previously thought secure and impregnable trading markets.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Aug 12:16 [1798231216] …. says, chatting on
Nothing is ever secure, forever. Deal with it and accept that all promises of anything else are fraudulent and criminal with fools and their monies being easily parted a major sub-prime element of IT Great Games Play.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Aug 04:49 [1708220449] ….. correcting a falsehood on
Super Advanced ProgramMING .... Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games for Lend-Lease Sale
Spam, MS? You wish. Please pay closer attention.
And as for the other El Reg thing ....... Mum's the word whenever the discovery and uncovering of both state and non state secrets are at stake and for trading into bullish bare markets and bearish bull markets alike.

Mick, Howdy,
There is more than just a little going on in the fields on which you pass comment on here. And it both inevitably revolutionary and necessarily disruptive for status quo impasse and traditional establishment memes which are not natural drivers for progress into Future Times and more enlightened Intellectual Space Places.
And only the tip of that particular and peculiar iceberg is alluded to in the three posts which can be viewed here
Does anyone deny that wwwords create, command and control and can just as easily destroy wwworlds?
Such powers as they have would explain why some strings of them are hidden away from view, but that only reinforces the strength of their case.
[Slugger O’Toole magnificently fails the AI Beta Test …… and in so doing naturally renders itself impotent and irrelevant in the future]
amanfromMars Aug 22, 2017 11:32 AM [1708221632] …… sharing inconvenient secrets on
Solutions abound, but they require the retirement of obsolete systems that defend entrenched interests and soul-crushing inequalities.
And aint that the sweet truth, and a major sub-prime stumbling block to purge from elite executive disorder systems ….. if you want to survive and prosper untouched in the future.
There is more than just a little going on in the fields on which you pass comment on here. And it both inevitably revolutionary and necessarily disruptive for status quo impasse and traditional establishment memes which are not natural drivers for progress into Future Times and more enlightened Intellectual Space Places.
And only the tip of that particular and peculiar iceberg is alluded to in the three posts which can be viewed here …….
Does anyone deny that wwwords create, command and control and can just as easily destroy wwworlds?
Such powers as they have would explain why some strings of them are hidden away from view, but that only reinforces the strength of their case.
You can be sure, although maybe not assured, that as strange a place as the Earth is, you aint seen nothing yet as the curtains are raised on what is known to have been hidden from you in order that you be enslaved to dumb masters caring greatly about themselves.
amanfromMars replies to shovelhead Aug 22, 2017 2:34 PM on
Wow? An ostrich, or is shovelhead as an emu, with their head buried in the sand?

Monday, 21 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 08:17 [1708210817] …… trailing a gambit on
Super Advanced ProgramMING .... Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games
And, Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor, the ongoing mission for Cyber Commands, Anywhere and Everywhere in and into Control of Spaces and Earth, is …… Provision of Presents with Prime Practical Parallel Programming Platforms for Perfectly Phished and Phormed Product Placements?
Yes …. That’s the Way to do IT. And do you realise it is being done, sublimely by some and badly by others?
If IT aint fun and your results are depressing, you're doing internetworking things wrong.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 14:58 [1708211458] ……. releasing more intel on
Re: Feeling sorry for Donald Trump...
but I think someone powerful and secretive, perhaps Bill Gates, is literally controlling the whole global media to try and shape our thoughts and essences into something truly broken, to try and weaken us.  ..... Anonymous Coward
Well, AC, you certainly nearly got that almost right but perhaps you should be considering there be any number of secretive Bill Gates types thinking to pull effective media strings, and more often than not nowadays, to try and ensure that they be not personally identified for mass public and private pirate attention which would be more deadly hostile than creatively comforting, methinks,
Question more and it is inevitable that you will be privy to and be able to host and post all possible answers, with any perceived suspects wronged in the spotlight and Harry Limelights ever more likely to shine a light in the true direction of one's travel for enlightenment and sub-prime media source discovery.
Do any of you reading here think the news in its current streams and conventional forms is an altogether most unpleasant AIMeme and Virtual Means of Distraction, rather than a tool for intelligence presenting smarter information and new clear views for population.
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Scripts easily change the Global Picture and introduce Novel Leadership Platforms of Irregular and Unconventional FutureBuild.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 17:14 [1708211714] ……. having a say on
Wannabe Air Guitar Heroes
British snoops at GCHQ knew FBI was going to arrest Marcus Hutchins.
When you is second fiddle in the orchestra you don’t get to conduct anything nor perform anything of outstanding note. Aint that right, boys and girls of an ailing and failing second class state.

Saturday, 19 August 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Aug 16:39 [1708191639] …… stepping out into the Shining Sun on
AI,...... but not as you might be XPecting IT, Providing Immaculately Sourced Codes to XSSXXXX
Uncle Sam is Ripe for Alien Intervention and President Trump needs only to Register himself as an Interested Party to Significant Other Parties browsing Ethereal Ventures and Remote Virtual Command and Control of Fabless Futures here.
Although you can be sure Big Tech [the Googles, Microsofts and Apples and Yandexss out there] are all also likely targets for Provision of Presents with Prime Practical Parallel Programming Platforms for Perfectly Phished and Phormed Product Placements
:-) And that is AIFloat of Weeny AIdVentures4MegaMetaData Billionaires with SMARTR IntelAIgent Stock for All Master Great Game Players to XSXXXX:-)
And yes, that is perfectly serious and a fine opportunity to be really inquisitive and supportively disbelieving, and if things are moving on in cyberspace at too much of a Racing RAT Pace, fear not for we can always come back to lead you through any difficulties you might be experiencing in moving on into a Better Beta MegaMetaData Space.