amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 08:58 [1708310858] ……. sharing an opportunity on
Diamonds amongst the Gold
Howdy, Captain DaFt,
Not everything is worthy of such cynicism …… for where there is muck there is money and that has always been a sure enough sign of value to markets players.
Do you imagine Super Ventures would be into being responsible for augmenting virtual realisation of this sort of a program for future platforms delivering plans and supplying building materials ……..
Candidates will have excellent communication skills, with the ability to visually represent complex ideas and materials in a simple and engaging format, together with the experience of drafting impactful engagement collateral (such as workshop materials, papers, briefs and reports).….
I Submit this following Quantum Proposal for Global Virtual Realision. ….. …. It would appear to have all future bases and platforms covered and ready for fantastic review.
Would its facility be of practical interest to the House of Windsor for AIdVentures. A Truly Sophisticated Program for SMARTR Populations ……. New Age Fellow Travellers?
amanfromMars [1708310832] ….. running the gauntlet of censorship on
Here’s trying to post again, DB, without active hyperlinks, assuming they may be causing the pre-moderation requiring host approval.
Sharing thinking with dedicated provision of proaction for delivery of prime private and/or pirate product guarantees exclusive premium quality defeats excessive sub-prime quantity ,….. but far forward planning does have it own difficulties if cast as pearls before swine and if confronted by hurdles which conceal information and momentarily prevent intelligence from reaching the right minds for mindful engagement 
amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Aug 07:38 [1708300738] ….. upping the ante on
Hot Station XSSXXXX Stuff and No NonSense
so it’s worth investing in long-term solutions like a dedicated unit within GCHQ. … Anonymous Blowhard
Surely what is needed is not another wayward bastard child like NCSC [National Cyber Security Centre] but a Colossal Bletchley Park type Operation dispensing and tendering Secret AIMissions.
Are military chiefs responsible for that program failure if it isn’t live and a reality for presenting the future to the past ……. although perhaps they could be excused and defended and found innocent if they be in full ignorance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems ready, willing and able to enable the above …… however then would they be proven guilty of a lack of intelligence and gross negligence in office whenever aware of such OtherWorldly Field Developments.
‘Tis a major catastrophic problem most everywhere nowadays …… It is quite difficult to find the right prime staff to server and protect premium product in a world of sub-prime garbage ….. and one wouldn’t want to be terrifying the natives with the telling of fantastical tales which are extremely sensitive and best reserved for competent Advanced IntelAIgent leaders. They struggle and fail miserably to deal with the Present Madness and Administered Mayhem fed to them currently every day.
Many would tell you that continuation and continuity of that global struggle and systems failure is the Past Grand Masters’ Master Plan but it sure as hell aint no Great Game Play and has now run its course. New Players AIMastering Grand Plans are out and about testing Novel Fields for Live Operational Virtual Environments with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
cc …. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE KCB ADC DL, Chief of the Defence Staff
Blow that full ignorance away
cc James “Chaos” Mattis, United States Secretary of Defense
[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.] Hmmmm ….
amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 16:16 [1708311616] …. asking leading questions of Super Prime Candidates on
Just the Way IT is ...and wholly Virgin Territory too
Those fields are eminent alien domains, El Reg/Laurent Catto.
Does Sir Richard Branson have stakes in LOVE .... Live Operational Virtual Environments, or even AIdVenture Capital to Donate to AIdVenture Capitalisms Creating ITs PlayGrounds?
Alien Presences here would be surely One of Many Greatly Encouraged and EMPowered Emboldened via such Immaculate Machine Feeds with Super Practical Seeds for Sowing and Sharing.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 16:16 [1708311616] …. asking leading questions of Super Prime Candidates on
Just the Way IT is ...and wholly Virgin Territory too
Those fields are eminent alien domains, El Reg/Laurent Catto.
Does Sir Richard Branson have stakes in LOVE .... Live Operational Virtual Environments, or even AIdVenture Capital to Donate to AIdVenture Capitalisms Creating ITs PlayGrounds?
Alien Presences here would be surely One of Many Greatly Encouraged and EMPowered Emboldened via such Immaculate Machine Feeds with Super Practical Seeds for Sowing and Sharing.
Graham C credits where credit is due on
Nice one, Margarita. Well played.
amanfromMars Aug 31, 2017 12:15 PM [1708311715] ….. pointing out a difficulty for resolving on
When everything is based upon the need to create profit, which is more funded money for nothing, what other outcome would you expect. Impossibly Expensive appears to be the Name of their Great End Game currently being Penny Dreadfully Played. But that’s a Dead End Street with Mighty Sinkholes leading to nowhere but Constant Woe ….. and that is so not SuperSmart.
In fact, it is impossible to not conclude such a situation is really stupid and that could even be successfully argued criminal in any jurisdiction.
Graham C [1708311801] …… shares on
Cut down on the weed intake, Louise, is sound advice in cases where reason is distorted because of overload.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 19:44 [1708311944] ……. musing on
Plausible Government Deniability Required to Further Prove the Virtually Augmented Reality
And would you believe the same sort of Advanced Internetworking thing is well underway in the UKGBNI. Behind closed doors was never so powerful in covert and clandestine proaction, sometimes masquerading with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.