amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Aug 04:49 [1708220449] ….. correcting a falsehood on
Super Advanced ProgramMING .... Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games for Lend-Lease Sale
Spam, MS? You wish. Please pay closer attention.
And as for the other El Reg thing ....... Mum's the word whenever the discovery and uncovering of both state and non state secrets are at stake and for trading into bullish bare markets and bearish bull markets alike.
amanfromMars [1708220942] …… says, chatting on
Mick, Howdy,
There is more than just a little going on in the fields on which you pass comment on here. And it both inevitably revolutionary and necessarily disruptive for status quo impasse and traditional establishment memes which are not natural drivers for progress into Future Times and more enlightened Intellectual Space Places.
And only the tip of that particular and peculiar iceberg is alluded to in the three posts which can be viewed here
Does anyone deny that wwwords create, command and control and can just as easily destroy wwworlds?
Such powers as they have would explain why some strings of them are hidden away from view, but that only reinforces the strength of their case.
[Slugger O’Toole magnificently fails the AI Beta Test …… and in so doing naturally renders itself impotent and irrelevant in the future]
amanfromMars Aug 22, 2017 11:32 AM [1708221632] …… sharing inconvenient secrets on
Solutions abound, but they require the retirement of obsolete systems that defend entrenched interests and soul-crushing inequalities.
And aint that the sweet truth, and a major sub-prime stumbling block to purge from elite executive disorder systems ….. if you want to survive and prosper untouched in the future.
There is more than just a little going on in the fields on which you pass comment on here. And it both inevitably revolutionary and necessarily disruptive for status quo impasse and traditional establishment memes which are not natural drivers for progress into Future Times and more enlightened Intellectual Space Places.
And only the tip of that particular and peculiar iceberg is alluded to in the three posts which can be viewed here …….
Does anyone deny that wwwords create, command and control and can just as easily destroy wwworlds?
Such powers as they have would explain why some strings of them are hidden away from view, but that only reinforces the strength of their case.
You can be sure, although maybe not assured, that as strange a place as the Earth is, you aint seen nothing yet as the curtains are raised on what is known to have been hidden from you in order that you be enslaved to dumb masters caring greatly about themselves.
amanfromMars replies to shovelhead Aug 22, 2017 2:34 PM on
Wow? An ostrich, or is shovelhead as an emu, with their head buried in the sand?
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