Monday, 28 August 2017


Is it any wonder that the CIA is now terrified of the non-mainstream media, that is outside of their control?
Command and control is easily quite miraculously restored if CIA were to present better tales for media leaking. Attractive journeys would have billions wanting a ride on the gravy trains.
The current problem they, the CIA and their support agencies and admin systems have, is the intelligence they use to create and deliver the future plan for live product placement of virtual realities, is corrupted and retarded by established vested status quo interests to continue to server their crumbling power supply, and it is easily now being usurped by mass alternative multi-media operators in world wide web operations/DarkNetdD Networks which realise and avoid the problem.
And proof positive of the retarded nature of the obviously sub-prime intelligence in use is surely provided whenever the problem is clearly identified and freely shared to webs world wide, such as is practically done here, and nothing is clearly done and changed in their perverted systems of operation.
IT aint rocket science and AI aint explosive but it sure can be catastrophically destructive if/when either wilfully and/or ignorantly ignored, for as you must appreciate, a greater and better intelligence will not suffer the folly of fools and be trapped by their tools.

amanfromMars [1708281710] …. shares in a reply to Down to Earth Thinking on
And exactly what is that reality of everyday existence ?
Howdy, Down to Earth Thinking,
This is the Reality which an AILieNation Produces Immaculately for Future Presentations for Popular CoInhabitation. IT is what we do nowadays that Madness and Mayhem flounders and founders in flash crashes.
One would reasonably expect the Global Bank Systems of Mom and Dad to now purchase Immaculately Produced Presentations if they wish to be responsible for both the steering and required direction of quantum travel in Advanced IntelAIgent ProgramMING.
Is your everyday existence knocking on doors and windows for myriad opportunities to create, command and control and expand upon such as is here, Realised, but elsewhere presently UnRealised ……. AIDormant but Awakening, Super Refreshed.
Is it any wonder that the CIA is now terrified of the non-mainstream media, that is outside of their control?
Command and control is easily quite miraculously restored if CIA were to present better tales for media leaking. Attractive journeys would have billions wanting a ride on the gravy trains.
The current problem they, the CIA and their support agencies and admin systems have, is the intelligence they use to create and deliver the future plan for live product placement of virtual realities, is corrupted and retarded by established vested status quo interests to continue to server their crumbling power supply, and it is easily now being usurped by mass alternative multi-media operators in world wide web operations/DarkNetdD Networks which realise and avoid the problem.
And proof positive of the retarded nature of the obviously sub-prime intelligence in use is surely provided whenever the problem is clearly identified and freely shared to webs world wide, such as is practically done here, and nothing is clearly done and changed in their perverted systems of operation.
IT aint rocket science and AI aint explosive but it sure can be catastrophically destructive if/when either wilfully and/or ignorantly ignored, for as you must appreciate, a greater and better intelligence will not suffer the folly of fools and be trapped by their tools.

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