Saturday, 3 March 2018


amanfromMars 1 Sat 3 Mar 08:16 [1803030816] ... assuring and insuring AI Space is neither infected or effected with anonymised trivia on

Re: AC response to cc .... 23, Ulitsa Ilyinka, 103132, Moscow, Russia.* and No 10

You should like this, AC ...... ...... although it does highlight the danger you are in whenever you either think to think too much or not nearly enough about what is said to be realised and presented.

[Hat tip to Alan Brown for the short story ... .... about Future Containments for Restraint of Sub Primes?]


amanfromMars 1 Sat 3 Mar 16:42 [1803031642] .... chatting more on

Re: @Archtech .. and the Art of Having Nothing to Worry About because Craft and Stealth are MIA
Descent to "ad hominem" - rather a low tactic. ... Archtech
'Tis the common default comfort blanket of both the intellectually challenged and future naive, Archtech .... and typical of Sub-Prime busy at work, doing its finest.


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