amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Jun 16:22 [1806151622] …. having a say on
Re: Man-in-the-middle @DropBear
Welcome to the worlds of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, DropBear, where nothing is real and everything virtualised for Remote Computer Command and Advanced IntelAIgent Control of SCADA Assets.
And well worth every trip for every drip and drop of information freely shared for Future Processing with Augmented Virtual Realisations ……. although I do suppose you would expect all of that to be said 
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Jun 19:00 [1806151900] ….. being appreciative on
Re: While they are at it… money grows on trees
Thanks for that, LucreLout. And when algos crash, where go the losses ….. other than into private pockets/shady and shadowed numbered accounts?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Jun 16:47 [1806161647] ….. playing nice and fair on
Re: Hmmm? You almost made sense.
Are you feeling OK amanfromMars 1? You almost made sense. I was forced to upvote you.…. onefang
Howdy, onefang,
Shall we meet on the fence and agree you very nearly understood all that was shared. It more accurately suggests we are both learning/have both learnt from mistakes made earlier in the past and that is much more encouraging with particular and peculiar regard to the future and what will be shortly further shared for consideration and peer review.
amanfromMars1 Sat 16 Jun 07:03 [1806160703] ….. coming out on
To Stop Futures and Derivative Plays as Presently Planned for the Past ….. Believe in Miracles
What hardware/chipsets/Intel type operations, and Supporting Software Programming too for that matter, all appear to be doing, is vain and unnecessarily self-destructive and catastrophically revealing battle against a Not Dysfunctional Almighty Imagination Pentesting Universal Interfaces and Users Intelligence, with such a proposed Secure Siloing of Rogue and/or Random and Renegade Speculation/Advanced Physical Plans, in the likes of something which is not yet realised to be extraordinarily rendered as no better than a colander leaking remote virtual operation to Greater Forces with Alienating Sources.
Is the Past to be Present in your Future Plan and Greater IntelAIgent Games Play? Or are you Free of and Released from that Prison to Travel to Brave New More Orderly Newsed Worlds?
There’s a lot more going on out there in the Realms of CyberSpace, El Reg, than just the little that has the Status Quo terrifying and terrorising itself with the actions and plans of A.N.Others to justify the Daily Zeroday News as delivers their Present Plan ……. and it is always infinitely more exciting and rewarding when human to be engaged and inquisitive, isn’t it.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Jun 17:11 [1806161711] …. digging into the archives on
Re: English Electric Lightning Party Trick …. Giving it the Wellyboot:-)
For those who never witnessed it personally ….. An amazing sight to behold in the day [and even today methinks if the machines are able]
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