Wednesday, 8 August 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Aug 19:46 [1608071946] ........ saying more on

Re: So that's what Microsoft have been doing.

Hmmm?  .... "Microsoft goes through four stages of stealing someone else’s idea. First they say that what you’re doing is the stupidest thing they ever heard of. Stage two: “Well, there are some interesting pieces in it, but the idea as a whole isn’t very good.” Stage three is: “We have exactly the same thing, but ours is better.” Stage four: “It was our idea in the first place.”

That is as may be, and may have been in the past, but with ideas today nowhere near as stupid as they were/are supposed to be and with them being next to impossible to conceal and administer exclusively to executives, are things today for tomorrow completely different.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Aug 20:09 [1808072009] ....... still chatting on

What's the Problem? There are Other Bigger and Better Playgrounds.

Can Oracle/Larry not supply a Shadow JEDI Knight of a Program of their Own Confection and Construction for Delivery to Other Interesting Forces and Distressed Sources out of reach of and not in touch with Uncle Sam's Clutches?


amanfromMars Wed, 08/08/2018 - 01:29 [1808080629] .... having a say on

"... he’s in some danger of a big lawsuit because short sellers will be devastated by this.” ...... says John C. Coffee, director of the Center on Corporate Governance at Columbia Law School.

John, is not short selling a kind of illegality for suckers and parasites/vampires and squids played out on/in dumb markets, and is to facilitate a lawsuit tantamount to aiding and abetting a fraudulent crime and right dodgy inequitable arrangement?

Way to Go, Uncle Sam, let's see your true colours.


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