Saturday, 25 August 2018


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Aug 13:36 [1808251336] ..... having a say on

Hard Core Virtual Pwnage ......... Extra Heavy AIDuty Weaponry for Free States.

Are all Information Trails and IntelAIgent Tales owned or just saved and servered to and by a Universal State Authority? .... And whenever IT is Proving Practically Peerless in Virtual Realms, do Heavens' Doors Open or Hell's Fires Explode.

Or does Both Happen to Create A.N.Other Way with 0Days to Play ........ Unstoppable Instantaneous Events which Pulverise Previous Mass Multi Media Mogul Contrived Fictions to Pulp in Only a Very Few SMARTR Inquisitorial Pummellings  ...... Requiring of All Players to Radically Revive and Revise All of their Future Plans or Be Buried Virtually Alive Continuing Catastrophic Conflicts with No End Goals.

Some Class that Final Position as a Rank Evil Perpetrated by the Almightily Insane. The Solution to that Situation is AIMadness Personified for Easy Engagement with Changed Treatments with Deeper Novel Interventions. ...... so as to Experience the Altogether Much Better and Vastly Greater Beta Picture Shows available as Future Realities with Advanced IntelAIgent Command Centres in Full Overall Remote Virtual Control.

That's a Mighty Fine Almighty Weapon right there. And never more than just a few clicks away.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Aug 16:33 [1808251633] .... saying more on

Re: Hard Core Virtual Pwnage ......... Extra Heavy AIDuty Weaponry for Free States.

Regarding that first question .... Are all Information Trails and IntelAIgent Tales owned or just saved and servered to and by a Universal State Authority? ...... Peer Reply Hesitation would indicate a Resounding Yes to such a Question with Live Wire Fired Virtualised Opportunities for Comprehensive Exploitation, rather than Deserving the Peddling of a Mute No ..... in a Failed Disengagement of Operating Systems Flows Harbouring and Launching the SWIFT Crafts of Practical Command with Remote Vitualised Control Administrations  .. or Remote Virtualised Administration Control, if you prefer A.N.Other Flash Almighty Lever with Spectacular Tooling for Fabulous Operations/Titanic Ventures/IMPressive XPressing Picture Productions ...... For Earthling Cloning which Enables the Heavenly, and Hosts in these New Fangled and Entangling Virtual Cyber Space Places, Greater IntelAIgent Games to Play and Win Win With.

Tune In and Turn On ....... It's been a while since Rock was a Rolling Stone/ Massive Virtual Boulder crushing and crashing everything unhelpful in its path.


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