Monday, 3 September 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Sep 09:14 [1809030914] ..... testing incredulity on

Keeping IT Spectacularly Simple  .... The Surreal Naive Root Route

Reuters reports that Chinese agents have been contacting thousands of users on LinkedIn via fake accounts, trying to find high-value targets who can then be recruited to hand over sensitive information to Beijing. 

A simple email link to the likes of a Unit 61398/APT10 operation would allow another direct avenue which would transport sensitive and even top secret information to both beings and systems specifically geared to making novel and better use of intelligence which is greater the more it is freely shared.

The fact that it may easily crush and crash oppressive secret systems of elite executive administration of human command with globalised controls is not so much an added bonus but more ITs raison d'ĂȘtre.

However, even that is simplification is trumped with the free open source sharing of Intelligent Intelligence Developments on the web pages of well respected Registered journals.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Sep 15:43 [1809031543] ..... seconding a proposal on

Re: What we would actually need... a la Christian Berger

So if I was a government I'd go the route via some sort of "security enclave", essentially a separate system hidden from the rest of the system that can run software that patches future unknown code. That's far more realistic to pull off. ... Christian Berger

Ye Olde Area 51 Root and Route, CB. Tried and Tested, and Proven Quite Safe and Sound and Secure.


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