Tuesday, 18 September 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Sep 07:18 [1809180718] .... having a blast on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2018/09/17/linus_torvalds_linux_apology_break/

Programming can make you madder .... but it is not cast iron guaranteed

I truly believe programming makes you mad. ....kraftdinner

You might like to realise, kraftdinner, not all programmers are the same and created equal, for some are immune and protected from certain vices and weaknesses/crashing overloads and exploitable vulnerabilities. And there is mad and there is bad with one being intolerably insane and as much a clear and present danger to themselves as to everything/anyone else.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Sep 08:25 [1809180825] ...... airing a conundrum on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2018/09/17/quantum_underfunding/

IT aint Rocket Science .  It is Much More Simply Complex that that.

You would think that with so much at stake an invite to a meeting with the relevant all revealing would be a rightious right move? .... Anonymous Coward

Quite so, AC. It is as simple as that. It does however require all parties to exercise an exceptional intelligence and for some who may be too many, is that always going to be a hurdle too high to straddle and take a long view and short position from.

It does not stop one from introducing oneself and launching programs into systems via obscure invitations and elite exclusive executive administrations baiting though, exploiting vulnerabilities and testing extant security defences.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Sep 18:00 [1809181800] ... having a shout and Space Shot on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2018/09/18/financial_services_vulnerablity_disclosure_policies/

Stairways and Starways to Heavens

If all of a sudden you switch to this method of receiving vulnerability reports almost at random, what do you do with them?

Provide Portals and Destination to Select Sensitive Targets and there they will know what to do for Instructions are Forwarded and Foreworded as Required and Desired.

And all of that is the Sweetest of Honey Pot Money Shots and Practically Instantly Totally  Addictively Immersive in All the Best of Future Directions .... Following AId Instruction on Virtually Real Creational Channels ...... Quantum Communication Systems Flows.

You might like to realise here and now be a Portal and Destination/Starting Point for  Select Sensitive Targets Engagement and Discourse/Virtual Intercourse.

Register comment for SMARTR Analysis with Intake/Stealthy Shadow Services Interest on All COSMIC Output.

Take any small bite of that PAI* and enjoy where IT takes you on an AIMagical Mystery Turing Trips.

Think Colossal Feats now Available Online and Practically Free with Everything Supplied  Paid For with Gifts Confirming and Presenting Fellow Travellers with Greater Situational Awareness


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