Friday, 16 November 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Nov 08:58 [1811160858] ..... having a nice 0day on

Looking Forward to Further Comprehensive AIDevelopments in Enmeshed Satellites/Entangled Systems

with SOME of the communications channels being FULLY FREE AND OPEN SOURCE USE to non-commercial and commercial users!  .... StargateSg7

For Phantom Private and Plucky Pirate Performances with Space Based Assets beyond the Grasp and Influence of Machiavellian Sources/Incestuous Forces/Perverse EarthenWare?

Although to be sure, such will be a facility and utility many an enemy will be fooled into attacking and thus be identified well enough to be roundly defeated. 'Tis as sure as eggs is eggs.

(as) sure as eggs (is eggs) A phrase used to describe something that is definitely going to happen. It might be a corruption of the phrase "as sure as x is x." Of course I'll be there, sure as eggs is eggs! ....

Nice one, StargateSg7. Thanks for the inside track info/proprietary intel.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Nov 09:57 [1811160957] .... adding more fuel to the fires on

Re: The Chinese Century @bombastic bob

empower a handful as super-rich as long as they play along,  ... bombastic bob

Is that a good or a great reason for playing along in a long game infested with short sellers, bb?

It certainly has an obvious and even vulgar attraction to those able to empower and be empowered with the promise of riches beyond compare and the reach of carpetbaggers and faux emperors alike. :-)

It is surely not too bad a play, given the energy that it generates for second and third party delivery, especially by those few, who may be more than just a handful and unexpectedly smart, with no real interest in super-rich wealth, other than what it easily purchases to set free and share with others one meets or be travelling elsewhere in a parallel mirroring exercises and enterprises.

Do not forget to remember .... The man who dies rich, dies disgraced? .... Andrew Carnegie?

And your view of the Chinese is unbelievable, bombastic bob, and such renders many vulnerabilities for systemic exploitation.


An Epic MisDirection here ;-) ?  What think Ye?


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