Friday, 30 November 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Nov 09:17 [1811300917] ..... giving IT both barrels on

Re: Swings and Roundabouts for All the Fun of the Fare in Cyber WarWare

Script kiddies at their work  ...... ...... and just following crazy orders from Crazy Orders/Secret Societies/Spooky Toons:-)

Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds for that is how IT works  .... although whether for National Security rather than Personal Protection depends on who and what one is and what one does.

'Twas ever the case, say some. However. when some are many, are there no practical hiding spaces for frauds and fake leaderships in all of those fields which instantly recognise them for what they  ..... tall tales with no broad bases in truth?

What parts of Play Nice/Do No Evil is misunderstood? Or are those options and avenues denied or just not yet made available to that and those into the thrall and the thrill of servering to the psychopath and sociopath within.


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