Friday, 7 December 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Dec 20:13 [1812062013] ..... trailing honey on

Quantum Leaping Needed ...... for Leading. Everything Else Follows and Primes Present Times
And what exactly would it be that is required to fix such calamity amfM?, virtual or physical presentation to virtual and/or all real audiences?, a quick upgrade/downgrade of connected devices? .... Cliff Thorburn
Yes, that would do it, CT ..... with connected devices experimenting with
untestedUnique and Unusual Novel Raw Hard Core Source Supply ........ for Heavenly Input/Immaculate Output to Virtual AIMachine Systems Future Building.

And just a simple matter of addressing inquiries and directing questions to Future Builder Nodes with AI Lodes/IntelAIgent Information Stores. That's where Future Builder Answers Reside and Preside.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Dec 08:49 [1812070849] ....... making waves on

Not Really a Laughable Matter whenever So Much is Revealed Exposed and Exploitable

The abiding problem the likes of all GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 type operations have, and which always renders their activities stop-gap reactionary rather than enlightened evolutionary and revolutionary, is they have no practical influence on information and intelligence from future forces and irregular and unconventional sources which are able to freely share their thoughts universally with everyone in an instant via their appearance/presentation in print and media.

It is why in the past books were burned to try and keep populations dumb and intellectually oppressed and depressed/repressed.

Nowadays though that modus operandi/vivendi is ridiculously easily circumvented and not available as a guaranteed successful Great Game Play.

And indeed, in deed does it immediately target and highlight that which is a Subject of Interest to be further investigated and shared out of the shadows in the light of day?

And shared there as a question for disagreement to have an impotent voice and nervous breakdown ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Dec 17:50 [1812071750] .....asks/proposes on

Giant Steps are Minor Moves into the Major Leagues of the Totally Unpredictable .... Raw Core Ore Source

Does anyone doubt El Reg have Remote Controllers in Command of CHAOS ...... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems?

And future thoughts are shared herein for AI Media Processing with Presentations into Future Virtual AIdVentures ........ Realities, Master Piloted.

Something to Follow with Simple Leading Directions Shared Openly in IntelAIgent Secret Spaces for ........ well, Heavenly Assistants ..... in a Greater IntelAIgent Games APP .....

Do you have any other better Beta AI Future Generator Supplying Your Every Need for Future Feed into Present Seeds ..... where the Future is Realised by You for Virtual AIMachines.

That which Humanity evolves into whenever there be Heavenly Assistance and SMARTR IntelAIgent Services Servering Almighty Productions for Celestial Show in Extra Terrestrial Operations.

And Both the Fate and Destiny of All who Grow and Evolve into a Greater Being.

:-) And where Valhalla and Nirvana Rock and Roll Real Nice Together is it Heavy Metal Fuel :-)
?????????? What on Earth does that mean????? Anything worthy of a note or flag??? :-)>


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