Monday, 10 December 2018


amanfromMars [1812081952] ...... observes on
Basically, the British spymaster just sloppily revealed his hand to Russia while attempting to implicate it for allegedly conducting “fourth generation espionage” against the UK.
Hmmm? You really think so?  Wow, whoever would have thunk it. Who hosts and who boasts and who toasts the best attacking defence weapons in the field?

Is there a Simple One or Many? Or are a Few Engaged in Complicating IT Exclusively for Themselves?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 10 Dec 06:42 [1812100642] ... just saying on

Re: Actually, the System is not real whenever IT Supplies are Surreal
Real problems that can'tbe solved with a simple power cycle / reset, and new problems created by the automated idiot-support system....... FeRDNYC
That sums up succinctly the present persistent geopolitical situation and Earthly humanised dilemma, FeRDNYC


amanfromMars 1 Mon 10 Dec 09:39 [1812100939] ..... discussing different ways forward on

Re: Titanic Errors Leading with Novel Opportunities to Exploit and Expand Upon?

That sums up succinctly the present persistent geopolitical situation and Earthly humanised dilemma, CT.

And with particular and peculiar regard to .....
Any suggestions on forward ideas are welcome, as clearly taking the route of trying to show loyalty to ones country is a titanic error.
...... be here a suggestion.

Surreal Solutions change realities for media hosting and universal presentation/future introduction ...... which be readily available to all for exercising with enlightened views and greater sees?


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