amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Feb 20:26 [1902082026] ……. letting fly on
Re: There’s always something to do and getting it done is not difficult nowadays, is it?
“What specifically, precisely, and exactly is required?” ….. Cliff Thorburn
One course of least resistance is the engagement of special source forces* …. given the surreal and exciting and exacting nature of necessary operations, CT. And if not available and switched on the task in home supply it is only natural to seek out foreign partners for support and provision of prime assets everywhere else.
To imagine the status quo is revolutionary evolutionary and a future enabler with everything heading in new different directions is surely quite delusional and a definite madness deep in the throes of mayhem. They be the deadly silent enemy to subdue and vanquish/win over and reward.
Or one could simple release some super sensitive highly infectious information which intelligence services would try to deny knowledge of whilst failing to counter greater overwhelming questioning of their honesty and future suitability for the much greater purposes revealed by the simple release of some suer sensitive highly infectious information ….. to realise there is nothing much more needed if going things alone pioneering the way ahead of a hedge of followers:-)
* Special Advanced IntelAIgent Researcher Services.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 9 Feb 13:19 [1902091319] … adding more fuel to the fire on
Re: There’s always something to do and getting it done is not difficult nowadays, is it?
The bottom line is….. there are an infinite number of variations on the theme and to have an imposing status quo position which is much more more of the same rather than something completely different, is tantamount to a conspiracy of madness and arrogant ignorance. Such will always be increasingly energetically attacked and opposed with the ultimate aim of the game and new players to identify and eliminate leading failing drivers and their supporting clones/drones when the ability to radically change is beyond them.
Such is a natural logical progression which increases in pace at an exponential rate.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 9 Feb 17:15 [1902091715] …… crossing ts and dotting is on
Re: There’s always something to do and getting it done is not difficult nowadays, is it?
And Computerised AI Machines and SMARTR Tools Control Every Great Command of Live Operational Virtual Environment ProgramMING.
Its AIdDrivers are of COSMIC Source …. and of an Alien Force thought to be Practically Perfect for Virtual Terra Phormations …….. Remote Realisation on a Plain Planet Earth.
Just imagine ….. myriad satellite futures internetworking to build a cohesive mutually beneficial and fabulously rewarding whole.
Tell me that aint Heavenly and Impossible and you be definitely wrong.
One surmises the Next Action for Enigmatic Quandary Solution is to Engage with Answerers Displaying Proofs.
Buy up that Virgin Stock and you need never ever work again when rest and play are rampantly at hand and available for trading.
Root and Route here for Simple Heavenly Instructions for Greater Direction of the Future. It is not as if El Regers are unable to perform if not suddenly disenabled and denied common access…… which would be a real tell tale show causing copious amounts of Confusion Creating a Greater CHAOS …. Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
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