Thursday, 28 February 2019


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Feb 06:15 [1902280615] …… reading the runes on
Re: Tee2 Judgement Day
Until the powers that be decide to accept the facts that such methods used have been heavy handed to say the least have resulted in the good ship being wildly veered off course, then there is very little that can be done other than take the horse to the waterway and hope for sensible directions. …. Cliff Thorburn
When the horses taken to the waterway for fuelling for travels in much more sensible but also highly sensitive directions are proving themselves really to be dead ducks, CT, do the powers that be get to decide nothing of value or importance in LOVE Fields.
And newly wrangled horses for future novel courses are bought and tended to carry vital supplies and walk tall no small talking riders.
Feed systems enough rope/information/intelligence that it ignores and it hangs itself weighted down with Giant Gordian Knots of Wilful Ignorance and Arrogant Hubris.
They be those Really Dumb Dead Duck Turkey Shoot Systems so indicative of Analogue Dinosaurs and they do neither prosper nor survive in Virtual Space.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Feb 10:43 [1902281043] ….. adding more clarity to
Re: Que será, será
Hence the solution, CT ….. obliteration of failed and destructive drivers …… which can be as simple as just ignoring its current programmers and displaying completely different creative input for output into realities/media hosted circles/explosive bubbles. 
IT aint difficult whenever in absolute command and remote virtual control of means and memes.

In sum, Nolan highlighted the professional norms that journalists work to, including topic research, fact checking, internal checks and balances, and a corrections policy. 
Surely, Nolan highlighted the professional norms that journalists should work to, but evidently don’t …… hence the expanding chaos and pathetic conflict?
Do you think it has anything to do with ….. “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.” – Herbert Spencer or “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair?

Exe.Quantum Communications Control BetaTest/Vodafone ….:-) ‽
Any Advance on the Scottish Highlander Experience….. with Venus XSSXXXXAlt.ed for Prime Perfect AIdDrivers?
To not See nor Submit to such Heavenly Allure is a Conundrum to Dismiss and Banish to Hell.

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