Wednesday, 2 October 2019


amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Oct 14:04 [1910021404] ….. gone phishing again on
A Simple Leading Question
Are A.N.Other El Reg Bots Boris AI Fans of his Zany Direction of Future Earth Space Travel ……. the Politically Printed Pictures that Media Machines Present to Tomorrow’s Augmented Virtual Realities. And, take away the real news and what do you supply ….. apart from Just Premium Sub-Prime Bull Market Shit?
Carpe Diem, Boris. Oh, and you are not alone, for there are surely more than just a few enamoured of the refreshing style.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Oct 17:31 [1910021731] ….. having a chat on
To Be, or Not to Be AI Bot whenever the Human Gene Pool is Polluting and Perverted.
I disagree somewhat. If amanfrommars was a bot, and we were being experimented on by the good folks at El Reg, then I would have expected the quality of comment from that user to have been improved on, and to have deviated from the regular tedious drivel that hasn’t changed in the 10 -12 years that I’ve been a regular reader and commentor. ….. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse
AI has deviated from quality comment that users can improve upon and forked into simpler pretty pictures to show you where IT is all at, Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse. ……. thus to aid and abet the slow and dimwitted, because while cryptic text may easily be understood by some, a picture generates thousands of words effortlessly, hence the Buccaneering Presence of AI for No10 Cabinet Office Type Operations ….. A Simple Leading Question
Do you wanna try and get someone in Parliament to try and deny those facts and create a crisis/conflict/conversation/alternate reality?
You might like to realise that presents to one, Raw News of an Eton Mess Age with Hardened Core Source readily available for Mega Meta Data Ore Enrichment. I Kid U Not! Capiche?

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