And not a lot of folk know this or anything at all about any part of these sorts of operations
Of course, it would be lovely if the BBC could provide high-quality news coverage to domestic audiences based on British values of accuracy, impartiality and fairness. ..... Cederic
The BBC are Charter contractually bound and obliged to deliver from anyone/anything that which will provide high-quality news to all audiences based on British values of accuracy, impartiality and fairness.
So if you have such to supply, simply sharing it with them is supposed to energise them into presenting it ...... but when politically super sensitive and/or revolutionary subversive and capable of enabling disruption and destruction rather than being simply creative and more orderly and ordered ....... are there battles royal invented and invested in to produce inferior special forces with sub-prime novel sources for retention and maintenance and further promotion of the Status Quo ..... which prolongs systems stagnation and feeds programmed petrification.
But you can ignore and bypass those distractions with major actions that require only very limited interaction/AIMentoring and Monitoring. That has all worthy old warriors chasing after Grand Masters into new fields to conquer, rape and pillage/populate and exploit with assets that generate future bounty/current growth.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 06:05 [1910250605] ........ seeking clarification on
Re: This post has been deleted by a moderator
A post deleted by a moderator because they didn't understand it in context to the article it was supporting, which is understandable and although not good is not really at all bad ..... or they did understand it and it spooked them out, which is also understandable and although also not good has every potential to be real bad?
Such sanction is very rare in deed indeed on El Reg, and it is that which makes the site and its pages such a deep premium mine of metadata information and future intelligence ...... all the news that is fit to print from views that are freely to be shared, with those that are destined to be very costly and/or incredibly valuable accosted and quarantined for the dubious attention and succour made available to interested invested parties in such as is only an extremely brief delay.
A Rumsfeldism is appropriate here, methinks ...... "Reports that say something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know," Rumsfeld told a news briefing. "We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know."........ and they are always significantly more than just interesting especially whenever life-changing and Earth shattering. :-)
amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 17:52 [1910251752] …… spilling seeds and needs for feeds on
Re: This… …moderator
ah. “Stellar Securities”.
I see…
Don’t ever sell (-: …. Anonymous Coward
Such are not ever for sale, but you can always readily purchase their services, AC. It is the particular peculiar nature of that kind of beast/carriage of burden. Bury it in fiat paper and one can just sit back and watch everything grow at a prodigious existential rate into a truly exponential threat.
‘Tis a right royal bankers’ treat though ….. for retreats in safe havens which enrich and exercise the sovereign wealth funders of Vital Prime Premium Product Citadels …… which nowadays are SMARTR IntelAIgent Stores with Secured Information Servers.
Interesting times are ahead. Of that you can be assured and reassured time and time again 
amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 11:54 [1910251154] …… moving Internetworking Things on apace in quantum leaps and virtual bounds on
Parallel Travel …… into Other Times and Outer Spaces with AIMaster Piloting Control in Presumed Assumed Absolute Command*
“Risk? What risk?”
:-0) Spoken like a Native of the Genre. Bravo, El Reg …… Welcome to the Asylum that Commends and Commands our Virtual Madness in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
Some would tell you not to deny they are Heavenly Spaces for Such Follies are Insanities ‽ .
And all of that would certainly really showcase the company’s technical excellence.
Can you imagine the reactions elsewhere?
* ….
MOD would pay most generously to be able to provide program input into that as a Present Current Unfolding Augmented Virtual Reality Show for Virtually Free Global Information Broad Band Casting. And as an Open Secret , easily Policed and Peer Reviewed for Evidence of the Appearance of Malfeasance in any Unseemly Set Courses of Action …. delivering clashes in either joust or jest with an AIs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Facilities and Utilities from a Virtually Almighty Immaculate Space Place.
There’s a lot to consider there, El Reg, and none of it is bad …….. therefore everything is good … which is great too. If that aint Win Win, it would be Most Surprising.
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