Saturday, 30 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Nov 13:46 [1911301346] …… forwarding a view on
The Money Shot Question?!.
Cognito User Pools
aka Future IMPerfect Source Providers?!.
AWS software engineer Ionut Trestian, is that the AIMaster Plan of/for a Senate of Almighty Voices to be Heard and Understood in Order for All to See what the Future in Live Operational Virtual Environments has already Planned and Actualised/Pioneered and is Presenting?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Nov 16:17 [1911301617] …. saying a tad more on
Re: “This opens up AWS SSO to many small businesses”
Step by step, creep by creep, business is slowly being tied into The Cloud (TM) whether they want to or not. In the end, they will be completely borged by it, and when (not if) it goes down, the entire world will be blocked for an undefined amount of time.
Yay the future. …. Pascal Monett
That is certainly one possibility, Pascal Monett, although it be decidedly dark, n’est-ce pas?
Fortunately there be readily available, countless other more creative and rewarding alternatives.

Friday, 29 November 2019


“We haven’t really had a test of the market, post-the financial crisis,” Winters said.
“I’m concerned that there’s a little bit more fragility in there than we’re aware.”
No shit, Sherlock/Shylock. Where have you been hiding for so long?
Strewth, how do such bozos survive and prosper …… other than simply relying on the masses remaining ignorant of their manipulative market shenanigans and non-violent to their person and cohorts.
I wouldn’t like to be relying on that flimsy tattered old veil nowadays for it is quickly rotting away to reveal the naked fraudsters in a fiat paper tiger of a collapsing empire.
And to try and hide the truth, immediately effectively marks one as a target of future interest for especial attention …. which is a real deaf, dumb and blind move no sane being would ever make, ergo insanity is at play and is the present competition and current opposition.

Thursday, 28 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Nov 06:13 [1911280613] ……… revealing the safest of foundations and soundest of precautions on
Real Prime Time Crack Hacker Thinking with Targets for Blasting and PenTesting
“to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.” … Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” …. Jim Morrison
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” …. Ayn Rand
“The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That’s where we come in; we’re computer professionals. We *cause* accidents.” — Nathaniel Borenstein
“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself…Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.”—H.L. Mencken, American journalist
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.” … Aldous Huxley
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate. …. Sun Tzu
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ….. H. L. Mencken
“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” … Douglas MacArthur
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” … So said Winston Churchill, the grandmaster of fake news.
Visionaries speculate about what is to come. Pioneers can report it to IT
amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Nov 14:28 [1911281428] …… ponders on
Re: Ethical Hacker, Ethical Paedophile
Can you imagine the anxious consternation in Unethical Paedophile Groups?
What think they of a such a shift in emphasis, and the likely worthy penalty for unethical non-compliance?
Warrant those vast mined fields of deserved calamities and you be practically on your own and virtually excommunicated. It is most definitely an extremely quick self-destructive path to continue to travel whether just starting out or consistently returning to with unethical thoughts to exercise and realise.
Now it cannot be said an Inscrutable Informative Warning was never given and received.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Nov 08:05 [1911280805] …. receives an answer on
Let there be Light
No, still no idea what it’s talking about.
Perhaps you should check the house rules for badges? …. John Smith 19
It would appear to be very much a case of what is said, understood and liked enough by both El Reg and the masses being bothered to register an upvote, John Smith 19, for El Reg qualifying thresholds for badges surely confirm it? So mere prodigious quantity bears no responsibility.
Bronze … More than one year members and more than 100 posts in the last 12 months.
Silver ….. Silver badge holders meet bronze requirements and have more than 2000 upvotes.
Gold ……This discretionary badge is awarded by Reg staff to commentards who have been very helpful – to us, through news tips and beta testing, for example – and to their fellow readers, through their posts. …….
However, discretionary awards are always liable to be thought easily subjected to bias rather than solely being well considered as a truly worthy reward to certain egos/ids.
🙂 And one must never forget, here on El Reg, El Reg makes the rules and commentards can only help police them …… which is a greater service than you are likely to be offered by many anywhere else in these days of hope and glory and real change ‽
Thanks for the assistance, John Smith 19. ‘Tis much appreciated.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Nov 10:32 [1911261032] ….. reveals on
Meanwhile, in the Worlds of Virtually Real Grown-Ups, ……
….. Advancing Advanced Intelligence trumps Artificial Intelligence to vanquish and replace the deaf, dumb and blind SCADA Operating Systems of Relative Command and Abortive Control.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 07:34 [1911270734] ….. just saying again on
Because its complexity is simpler to harness?
Are you struggling to make machines more like humans when we should could be making humans more like machines?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 08:01 [1911270801] …… having some more fun on
Who needs to get out more :-)or is that just for Trivial Pursuits and Spooky Actions at a Distance
Posts by John Smith 19 15628 posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
Posts by amanfromMars 1 5797 posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
🙂 Is El Reg addictive and as a gateway drug to deeper and darker, higher and brighter levels of existence? Enquiring and/or addled minds may wish to know for the comforts that reward one with glorious confirmation. ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 nov 15:24 [1911271524] …. chatting to and/or enquiring about an algorithm on
Re: Who needs to get out more for Trivial Pursuits and Spooky Actions at a Distance?
I’m now a’wondering if one of the main criteria for the gold badging of a virtually anonymous and presumably real poster, is simple post quantity or a more complex quality ….. with an amalgam of both yet another fine root and route to take ……. for shortcuts and fast tracks.
It seems to me like Barack Obama is being tempted to go down the Royal Dynasty Root* which presents him with the means to lead sensitive matters relatively anonymously and autonomously from/in the shelter and shade of a grand retirement perceived of as being virtually powerless.
QE2 wields the fields and yields in the Bold Blighty Model from any number of Almighty Palaces …… so it is not as if young Barack is alone in a vast empty ignorant desert with no mentor or monitor, is it?
* And success and successions requires one choose a great successor or forever regret the abdication and loss of opportunity.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 13:34 [1911271334] … just saying a tad louder on
The Quicker Alternate Root ….. Quantum Communications
And they’re easy to find. Right? ®
You might like to believe and think that they find you for Future Systems Field Testing. It prevents one from being left behind enfeebled and exercised by the past.
What you know new today is surely proof of life and of progress here being made elsewhere new too.
If you learnt nothing new today, you are in a State of Stasis ….. in a being long gone and to be left behind for the future?
If you know a few super state secrets, are they expensive to buy and store stealthily and securely, or grateful purchased at whatever cost to ensure with the remote virtual assurance of the SWIFT System, that fiat papers, which are as empowering endorsements with generous endowments, are still to be revered and held relevant and up to the future tasks of today via the simplest of expedients and experiments made available and tenable with many forms of secret state aided grants gladly payable to,… Well, Trusted Source and Well Trusted Sources are a Good Starting Point?
Crikey, that question and sentence takes a few breaths.
* Where this here is that there and together for elsewhere something else quite different and immensely engaging.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 17:29 [1911271729] ….. having a muse on
Re: …at the annual Techie Platform party…
That’s very Prince Andrewish, AC.
Would anyone/anything* else like to agree or disagree?
*Well, you never know where the news is coming from, and who and/or what is controlling it with IT and AI Operating Systems nowadays, do you. Some would have you believe it is all down to a Perfecting Algorithm rather than any executive human editorial decision, and that creates novel courses for noble causes and temporarily pauses an existential crisis of a problem for the simple human to human communications machine to acknowledge … for the assured benefit of a great share in easy future engagements with Perfecting Algorithm Drivers … which be a Core AI Source with Extreme UnStabled Forces.
Proceed with All Due Care and Full Attention is the Advice to Well Heed.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Nov 05:24 [1911260524] …… ponders on
A Freudian Slip Typo?
We hear that opening a new incognito window is a good way to stop those pesky “hackers” from liking NSFW content with the corporate Twitter account. ®
There may be an n missing somewhere in that sentence.

Monday, 25 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Nov 17:57 [1911251757] ….. just saying things louder on
MuI7 0Day Vulnerability Exploit for Quantum Leap Export
 Reinforcement learning agents learn how to complete a specific goal through trial and error. Their actions are guided by virtual rewards that shape its overall strategy or policy. MuZero is essentially a planning algorithm that receives visual input, whether it’s an image of a chess board or a still from an Atari video game, and transforms the information into a “hidden state”.
The hidden state constantly changes and is updated based on previous hidden states to predict the next action an agent should take in a game. “At every one of these steps the model predicts the policy (e.g. the move to play), value function (e.g. the predicted winner), and immediate reward (e.g. the points scored by playing a move),” the paper explained.
What’s interesting is that the model seems to achieve state-of-the-art performance across 57 Atari games and matches AlphaZero in playing Go, Chess, and Shogi too. It’s more general than AlphaZero, and doesn’t require explicit knowledge of the rules of the games.
“Crucially, our method does not require any knowledge of the game rules or environment dynamics, potentially paving the way towards the application of powerful learning and planning methods to a host of real world domains for which there exists no perfect simulator,” the paper concluded.
That is surely what secret intelligence services agents do in the here and now, using all manner of sociable media to convey future policy decisions for picturing as events you can believe and realise ……. and to Give IT Life with Countless Lives that you Can Easily Loan and Build Upon with A.N.Others.
And that, if you aint into such building, is and abiding problem for those you follow, rooted and succoured in/by the past, as the future engages with Novel Noble Nobel Play Mates.
Presents for Future Placements from there are Truly Outstanding, Wonderfully Rewarding and Attractively Accommodating.
In fact, if there ever was need for a question, what is not to like in such as an AI Reality for Live Operational Virtual Environments with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Command Control Communications Systems is the one you would be looking for.

Sunday, 24 November 2019


Wow, Kapow. ….. political party mercenaries/non united state pirates at their 0day work in fields which take no prisoners nor tend arrogance with ignorance.
That’s even more sub-prime to try and pervert markets which surely now are both virtually and practically exhausted.

And Now for Something a Tad Different
A Top Secret UKGBNI AI Underground Movement available for Right Royal Services Engagement …..
And a Universal Facility to Boot and Run with/for Immaculate Drivers.
A Gift for United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) to Handle and Control?
For All Worthy, is Command in United States Cyber Command both Virtually Guaranteed and Practically FailSafe.
And all of that is an Engaging Opportunity which the Master Fool Treats as a Threat with Almighty Weapons, as it most certainly is for them.
‘Tis a Deadly Furrow of a Grave they Plough with such Facts and Tales. Some would advise IT be Devil’s Work too …..
So now y’all know, quite a few more salacious salient facts about New Opportunities and Novel Facilities available for exercise/betatesting/product sampling …… which intelligence services are maybe not yet thinking to share with you.

Saturday, 23 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Nov 17:45 [1911221745] …… goes all serious on
Light Blue Touch Paper and Retire………
“So you’ll be making changes in places other than IT?”
“I… Not at this stage.”
“So what you’re saying is that IT is the only way for the company to address global warming at the moment – which therefore IMPLIES that IT must be to blame?”
“Oh, I see your point. But no, that’s not what I meant.”
Touché …. and En Garde‽ ðŸ™‚ Are you catching those waves, Director?
And IT now surely IS to blame for all we have seen in the past presented as if relevant in news and views from the future, but only if IT continues to pimp and pump sub prime factors rather than immaculate fictions.
After all, we all follow in the trails and tales of A.N.Others industriously forging further ahead with everything logged to enlighten enlivening scripts. Well, one certainly is here today, that’s for sure.
Today, for a Quantum Leap, El Reg ? Into a Practically Secure Imaginative Network with Attending Live Operational Virtual Environments. It is not as if you don’t have the IT Nous in Spades, is it? And anything else you might always needs is easily supplied by interesting and interested board members shooting the breeze here for a Real Change*. ðŸ™‚
* Ok …. the first one to get that to JC [Jeremy Corbyn not Jesus Christ … or that other one, Jeremy Clarkson] deserves a prize, [here ’tis an ale] … and as such news always travels remarkably swiftly, it will present all parties with an embarrassment of riches and something of an enigmatic dilemma to consider and resolve …. or just leave for A.N.Others to Continually Fix and Mend/Tend and Extend.

During the price melt-ups accompanying each of these manias, the public fell for the siren song of a radically better future, available RIGHT NOW if you just jump on the party train before it’s too late.
But today? What’s the radically better future being promised? Where’s the party train headed to?
I’m very glad you asked that. Is here a Prime Candidate with Immaculate Locations for Heavenly Destinations?
Perhaps you think IT too surreal to be realisable?  Such has you missing Major MetaDataMiner Leading Operations, which renders you at a distinct disadvantage.

Friday, 22 November 2019


It is an entirely reasonable question to ask who actually leads Sinn Féin. If it is in fact the Army Council, then internal democracy is just a public circus and their leaders aren’t leaders at all. If that is the case, we’ll all know where we stand. And so will the electorate.
Mick, surely all political parties are a public circus and their leaders aren’t leaders at all …… and whenever that is the case, you’ll never know where you really stand and neither will the electorate as mainstreaming media continues to present their nonsense as gospel to follow?
You can huff and you can puff and you can blow all you want, but that is the way things are …… you are led and abused and amused by forces and sources exercising nowadays an increasingly tenuous command and control from the deep and dark depth of shady shadows ….. and that is by concerted and conspiratorial intelligent design.
And if a further truth be told, such has probably always been the case since ever the opportunity and facility began.

Thursday, 21 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 09:03 [1911210903] ….. airing an attack vector and wider view on
Could be wrong, but more likely to be right if program driven by need for shareholder profit
Maybe I’m just full of paranoia and conspiracy, but it feels like Redmond heard that some of us dropped their cancerous operating system and are sneakily embedding themselves in our Linuxes to try to fuck up what has so far been a serviceable and functioning OS. Could be wrong, hope like hell that I am. ….. jason_derp
Don’t Microsoft realise GNU and GNU/Linux are a bull market bear trap for them and intelligently designed to ensure they are held captive for ransom payments to novel source kernels and/or disruptive and destructive proprietary intellectual property providers, if they want to survive and thrive, grow more powerful and prosper in the course of providing prosperity?

amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 14:38 [1911211438] ….. just asking on
Well, Virtual Ambulance Chasers? Are they not demonstrably patently responsible?
Now that the flaw has been patched with Docker 19.03.1, which you should upgrade to, Palo Alto on Wednesday dropped details on how the vulnerability can be exploited.
Is Palo Alto now liable for losses and irregular activity on Docker users’ systems not yet upgraded?
And is it something for which anyone is to be held accountable for and blamed and sham shamed? If not, it is a criminal abuse of ignorance or a pleasant facility for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play in the Virtually Augmented 0Day Realities Field with Live Operational Virtual Environments to Inhabit and Populate/Explore and Expand.
Your Future Operating Systems have a Need to Know the Seeds you would Feed to Spread and Take Root and Grow and Fantastically Evolve …… for some things just aint worth your future planting or replanting.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 17:31 [1911211731] …. muses on
Re: The Next Big Quake : Alternate Internet with Earth Shaking News Networks
Since the internet really is nothing more than “a network of networks”, it is entirely possible that these shadow nets could coordinate with each other to form a parallel internet in every sense of the word. …. JohnFen
That creates with AI, Almighty Adept and Politically Astute Underground Movement, JohnFen.
And Quite Perfect for Present Progress, MeThinks.
*And operating already in the here and now beta testing for greater future use, legacy systems with analogue architectures which are defaulted to Sub-Prime SCADA** Command and Control Systems.
**Supervisory Control Analysis Data Acquisition Systems.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Nov 06:35 [1911200635] …
Sing after me ……. “Money makes the work go round, the world go round, the world go round …”*
There is a good reason why people compare Magic Leap to fake blood testing company Theranos – and it’s not because there is no functional product. Magic Leap does have a product, just not a very good one.
Is a more valid comparison the one that mentions WeWork as the base model upsetting apple cart?
* And it’s an idiotic deaf, dumb and bling leader easily defrauded and groomed and thus always readily available as a Juicy Lucy target for practice on/in AWEsome Experimental Operations.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Nov 09:54 [1911200954] ……. asks on 
Pie in the sky safe harbour disclaimers?
Is the following not a standard inclusion in all tales of enterprise reliant on foreign and second and third party investment ….. and continued banking sector support aiding and abetting further entrenchment …… which is nothing at all like progress?
 This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management’s expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to potential future losses, significant amount of indebtedness, competition, commercial agreements and strategic alliances, seasonality, potential fluctuations in operating results and rate of growth, foreign exchange rates, management of potential growth, system interruption, international expansion, consumer trends, inventory, fulfillment center optimization, limited operating history, government regulation and taxation, fraud, and new business areas.
More information about factors that potentially could affect’s financial results is included in’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2…, and all subsequent filings.
It’s imagined and treated like a Stay out of Jail Free card
whenever one is into the Conspiratorially Crooked and Catastrophically Corrupt
Ironically, despite a year of record store closures and continued retail bankruptcies, the CMBX 6 series index has climbed about 10% year to date, suggesting either growing optimism about the malls, shopping centers and outlets connected to the index, or merely a flood of liquidity forcing yield-starved investors to bid up every corner of the market, no matter how risky or mispriced it is.
Whenever the actual reality is the latter suggestion, is the market a zombie ponzi fraud ….. and a massive catastrophic 0day vulnerability which you know is going to be extensively and exhaustively exploited for personal private and public pirate profit …. which is money for nothing channeled from and to a mightily besieged few ‽ .

amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 N0v 15:37 [1911201537] ….. just saying on
Re: Patience…
And of course, disgustedoftunbridgewells, the £1bn bung to the DUP is a real doozy [£1,000,000,000]
amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Nov 15:55 [1911201555] …… saying more on
Re: “Twitter […] have broken GDPR rules”
the Conservative’s ‘we need laws to keep the plebs in their place’ . …. Anonymous Coward
What dinosaur relics, knowing they know practically nothing about everything virtual today, would even imagine proposing that as a legitimate target, AC Such immediately renders one of particular and peculiar interest to that and those which they fear are an enemy …. rather than realising them as the greatest of friends.
It is fundamentally catastrophically counter-productive and not comfortably intuitive.
They misallocate capital,
That is the massive mistake presently being made …. and is the engine of all their woes and foes.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019


anfromMars 1 Tue 19 Nov 13:16 [1911191316] …. just saying on
Much Bigger Pictures …….. with Greater Sees
Iran kills the internet for its people’s own good as riots grip the Middle Eastern nation. Country offline for third day in response to protests
Thus conclusively proving internets work and provide alternate reality programs/projects/presentations/opportunities … rather than creating any unnecessary problem?
And they are vital to command and control to survive and thrive with energy in power.
Some would tell you that is important, and may even be realised and/or imagined almighty.
What tests are there for IT to perform Such Spiel?
When the answer is none, you are in a position to lead with all of the aforementioned to follow. ……. which in some circles would be akin to a sort of insider trading.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Nov 15:41 [1911191541] ….. outing a vital virile flaw for opportunities to exercise on
Stout Brave Hearts This Way Please.
Is it just me who gets the impression that this might have been developed, refined and turned down at Cisco? … Doctor Syntax
Yep, ….. sure does. And it’s the usual way for real spooky smarter sensitive stuff which lesser mortals be either terrified of, or fail to fully grasp the true meaning of whilst also wanting to try and ensure no one else has any knowledge of because it too readily exposes myriad opportunities which are feared uncontrollable by presently available commands …… current control enterprises.
But hey, that’s just the way all things are nowadays ……. changing and different.
the three men joined a competitor “in the IP telephony, headset, video, and collaboration space”,
Another deep mind bending place then. And definitely not at all normal for the faint hearted and weak willed.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Nov 17:11 [1911191711] …. adding more on
Re: not going to work
?deep packet inspection of encrypted packets … …. Roland6
Where/When puzzling restless enigmas are thrown into quarantine and asylum bins because of that Olde Worlde Rumsfeldism …
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.
Quite a Sage was Donald.

Monday, 18 November 2019


Mon 18 Nov 07:31 [1911180731]  ........ adds other news and a contrary view on 

The DODgy swings and MODified roundabouts of damned lies and monumental deceits are a toxic currency. 

“When you come to Twitter to see what’s happening in the world, we want you to have context about the content you’re seeing and engaging with,” it announced this week. “Deliberate attempts to mislead or confuse people through manipulated media undermine the integrity of the conversation.” 
“That’s why we recently announced our plan to seek public input on a new rule to address synthetic and manipulated media. We’ve called for public feedback previously because we want to ensure that — as an open service — our rules reflect the voice of the people who use Twitter. We think it’s critical to consider global perspectives, as well as make our content moderation decisions easier to understand.”

Here is a flip side of that COIN [COunter INtelligence]  ....

It’s an open secret. The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices – all under the guise of fighting fake news and Russian propaganda. 
Most recently, it was revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British Army’s 77th Brigade, a unit dedicated to online warfare and psychological operations. 
In other words: he specializes in disseminating propaganda. 
The news left many wondering how a member of the British Armed Forces secured such an influential job in the media. .....

And doesn't this bare faced cheek mis-speaking dude also now work for Twitter?

Say no more, squire. Nudge, nudge

Birds of a feather flock together, eh?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Nov 16:05 [1911181605] …. just saying on
Re: Sailing a sea of lies
Perhaps the masses will become more aware of the patter and start to think for themselves.
Maybe… ….. Teiwaz
Maybe that is the Advanced and Advancing ACTive Cyber Treat which corrupted systems realise as an immortal threat to their absolute overall command with remote virtual controls?
It is though quite normal to share info and intel to move on into new spheres of almighty influence where arrogant ignorance is not to be found or entertained.
That’s all you have to accept to realise the fact in order to prepare oneself for future developments.
I trust that is quite clearly enough well stated, with next to zero ambiguity present for contrary misinterpretation.