Saturday, 16 November 2019


It’s only natural ….. and par for such courses
Next stop after too big to fail is too big to succeed ….. as one morphs into being the target rather than wielding the weapon/ordnance.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Nov 17:09 [1911151709] …. expressing another view on
Re: Secure Virtual Operations
This bug seems to imply that there is some memory that is shared globally between different user IDs on one box. So the state of one session (modal window in this case) can affect another. Not good. One wonders what other sorts of things one user can ‘peek at’ that another might be running. …. Paul Hovnanian
Not good, Paul, whenever excellent at rendering one an almighty advantage?
That aint no bug, it is an Advanced Advancing ACTive Feature.
Re: What Security?
To be honest, I’m surprised that they haven’t simply responded “that since only 5%* of our users use the product in shared situations like this, we’re going to leave it like this”,  …. jaywin
That would be very generous of them, and allow a mighty percentage of certain users to further experiment in Google Environments …. for Search Engined Operations on AIMissions.
Thus to extraordinarily render and extend search engines into future product placement machines.
That’s quite a simple quantum leap to make and take for all manner of novel almighty controls … with nothing to stop you whenever in total command of overwhelming forces and sources …… which everyone all brand spanking new enterprises enjoy and employ to expand and exploit extensively and expensively to great advantage. Such allows for continuity of worthy lead.
Do you really want China to spend even more US dollars on super educating its populations rather than be very well paid to provide more cheaply, Western needs and feeds?
Are they not already way out ahead in those two races?
That leaves a great leadership with a huge dollar fortune to spend on home improvements in mega leading programs and projects.
Thanks, Uncle Sam. It is much appreciated. How can we further help you?

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