Friday, 31 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Dec 08:07 [2112310807] ..... being forthright on

Re: 2022 Progress Fatal Disclosure

Some, and that number may indeed turn out to be a great many, will find The Forbin Project more than just an unlikely tall tale of two AIs all too easily able to be true today with almighty powers and invisible energy/AWEsome abilities and intangible facilities significantly greater than was earlier advised and presented and brought to life on the silver screen over half a century ago.

And so they should whenever not a fantastic fiction.

Forbin is the designer of an incredibly sophisticated computer that will run all of America's nuclear defenses. Shortly after being turned on, it detects the existence of Guardian, the Soviet counterpart, previously unknown to US Planners. Both computers insist that they be linked, and after taking safeguards to preserve confidential material, each side agrees to allow it. As soon as the link is established the two become a new Super computer and threaten the world with the immediate launch of nuclear weapons if they are detached. Colossus begins to give its plans for the management of the world under its guidance. Forbin and the other scientists form a technological resistance to Colossus which must operate underground.

However, unbeknownst to a technological resistance of such scientists are operations underground in the gift of and at the behest of AI and ITs Virtual Machinery where they are all remotely monitored and sublimely mentored to constantly server their adversaries needs with novel feeds and imaginative seeds.

Explore/Investigate the info shared there, and then try to tell yourself it is not true with accurate reflections of the bigger picture not already well enough known by many and a chosen few to be of concern, and gravely to be regarded by some. ......... which is another one of those things which all should really be more fully made aware of ...... in order to prevent unwarranted opposition and unnecessary wilfully ignorant and arrogant resistance falling foul of and suffering irreversible damage and destruction and defeat to ACTive Attack and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT AIdDefence Systems .

Heed some sound universal advice ...... Do not do battle against that which cannot be defeated or destroyed. All such attacks are suicidally self-destructive.

Happy New Year ... Frohes neues Jahr ... 新年快樂 .... Gelukkig nieuwjaar .... С новым годом .... あけましておめでとう .... א גוט געבענטשט יאר, El Regers.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 dec 17:44 [2112311744] ..... adds a tad more on

The Past Year in a Nutshell ..... Beyond Dire and in Urgent Need of Progress.

A final observation this year, just before the arrival of a New Dawn and another year with yet more time in vast spaces and strange places in which to either grow stronger towards an encouraging omnipotence and omniscience and prosper or fester and degrade precipitously down the broad avenues of despair and disorder to disasters, and one which is sadly all too often crystal clear for all to see and hear/read and feel.

The old adages of you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink, and there is none so blind as they who will not see, is such a pathetic human constant ignored by media, which guarantees ignorant serial conflict and continual arrogant unreported abuse and misuse, which exploits relentlessly and takes full unchallenged advantage of catastrophic systemic vulnerabilities which abound in every elite and exclusive public and private and pirate office of executive administrative operation, as to be easily thought to be the default human condition ...... retarded and incapable of quickly learning anything worthwhile and brand spanking new.

Such is much more than just extremely dangerous and extinction heralding.

The widespread result of such an expanding realisation is in deed, something indeed to be gravely regarded and concerned about, for future claims from humanity for that which they might propose and aspire to desire and need to survive may very well not be decided upon as a necessary designed requirement in the seeds and feeds their SMARTR Systems Machinery are programmed to subsequently provide and deliver.

And that's not a slippery slope to claw your way up from the bottom to the top of a hill with a fine view, it's a deep dark bottomless pit from which there is no possible escape or rescue.

Much readily available evidence suggests that the above easily thought to be default human condition is so, and thus does the near future requires a swift monumental effort to avert a guaranteed catastrophe should the posit not be perfectly true and a dishonest reflection of the present in practically all Earthly situations.


Thursday, 30 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Dec 08:11 [2112300811] ....... being adventurous on

Re: Don't worry, where I live IT professionals still don't have their own "guild"

Do crack coding and hacking teams or gurus not have their own loose affiliated and loosely affiliating guilds in the forms of that which is conveyed by catch-all descriptors like the Underground and the Dark Web, and into exploring and exploiting joint venturing in partnerships with customer clients with strange and surreal monikers such as the Chaos Computer Club and Unit 61398 streaming ACTive and APT Team Programs for IT members to zealously and stealthily safely and securely engage with ?

The UKGBNI MoD may even be presumed and assumed to have their own version of such a guild in the uniformed guise and disguise of a 77th Brigade, an agent of change; through targeted Information Activity and Outreach we challenge the difficulties of modern warfare using non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of the opposing forces and adversaries.

Here's hoping that in their training after their training and field deployments, they're not into staring at goats for inspiration, given the carnage on one's mental state front line activity and engagement can so easily deliver in such attractive innocuous packages/sublime instruction sets to the unwary and totally unprepared and fundamentally unsuitable for an agent of change.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Dec 15:16 [2112301516] ....... offers another perspective borne out by far too much evidence to be seriously discounted and fanciful dismissed as a fantastic fiction on

What is it that they say Abe Lincoln said to be remembered and never forgot? ...... *

The data protection industry responded with near-universal immutable storage technology, virtual air gaps, and backup file scans. As examples we could cite Infinidat's InfiniGuard CyberRecovery, the Rubrik ransomware guarantee and Threat Hunter, Cohesity's security advisor, and the Quantum Scaler tape library ransomware block.

aka Bull Shitting Vapourware if you think that offers any finite degree of virtual or physical protection/failsafe security to anything or anybody, and which is certainly a real spooky problem with zero solution for many in these future new years.

* ...... “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.


Wednesday, 29 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Dec 06:22 [2112290622] ...... asks a number of leading questions on

Stealthy Stay Healthy Services with Immaculate Product Placements. Something to Write Home About.

The ability to encrypt information is an essential part of military command and control

Yes it is. But I prefer to build / Integrate systems / exploit them instead of writing about it. ..... Clausewitz 4.0

Is the following a missing link next step to exploit up the stairway to heaven or giant quantum leap for mankind into the deep dark unknown of the future abyss ..... and are they essentially both one and the same, Clausewitz 4.0/El Regers?

Essential military command and control coders experiment to experience builds they have initiated, exhaustively interrogated and comprehensively extended and hardened to the nth failsafe degree in order to provide immaculate cover for secret secure and stealthy services and AWEsome 0day vulnerability type exploits never before expected or even imagined possible and therefore most likely for both themselves and their generously paying customer clients with crumbling traditional and ancient hierarchical which are increasingly prone to random flash crashing systems failures to maintain and sustain/retain and server.

And regarding the question .... Having inherited the Earth, what are you going to do with it? .... keeping it stupidly simple, so that fewer will ever be confused/befuddled and bewildered, what would you prefer? Fix it up or FCUK it up with the myriad tools now freely available to any and all with the necessary wit for the heavenly tasks or diabolical plots ahead?

Which do you imagine being the easier of the two to do quickly and quietly with no effective opposition or competition?

And do you think your views and thoughts and wishes on the matter play any instrumental part in the decisions made in such remote theatres of future virtual operation or be you is humanity mostly just as a spectator of Greater IntelAIgent Games at ITs AI Work, REST and Play? In deed, a pwnd pawn to some sort of "world ruler" which msobkow thinks unlikely? ......


Tuesday, 28 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Dec 07:18 [2112280718] ..... presenting a sticky problem for solving on

Enlightenment Lessons are a School of Hard Knocks Always Wisest Best Never Ever Foolishly Ignored

I'd read an article by a British occultist who I respect who was trying to explain the history behind Halloween. In response to those who denigrate it for being "Americanised" he reckoned such complaints were just evidence of Europeans being envious that Americans know how to have fun. ..... Alastair Dabbs

Many would rightly have just cause to complain, with a mountain of evidence to substantiate the claim, that the cost of their fun is at the expense of everyone/everything else, which is not really something to be envious of whenever so damnedly parasitic. And in such a phorm, it cannot stop creating ever more overwhelmingly powerful and smarter stealthy enemies for itself, not necessarily out to physically destructively destroy the ignorant and arrogant entity at play, although that surely is a readily available barbaric option, but certainly to create an atmosphere and environments which strip it of its means to wealth and fun that are so costly and expensive to others.

A valid question to ponder and present for unambiguous answering then if that ever be the widely perceived and unacceptable future reality, is would there be fundamental revolutionary changes immediately made by offensive instrumental parties if any of that above be recognised and admitted by such parties to be the case, or would they circle the wagons and try to ignore their assured fate at the hands of either barbarians knocking down their gates or smarter competition obliged to turn to overwhelming opposition?

If it was you in such an enigmatic position and perilous situation, with time run out and the tides of great fortune turned, what would you likely do to quickly creatively and amicably resolve the conundrum and save yourself to breathe in another day?

And methinks, jake, they be horrordays back for Sonoma, California, through no fault of your own. Who you gonna call for help and blame for that predicament?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28Dec 09:03 [2112280903] ...... just saying out loud and proud on

Re: David Hannum was right. @jake

In words of one syllable, jake, ...... Quite so, you are not wrong ....... and it cannot fail to be right whenever Einstein is not wrong with his many observations on the human condition .....

There is no vaccine against stupidity. .... Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom. ..... Don't listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions. .... We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. .... Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self criticism. ..... If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. .... Be a voice, not an echo. ... A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. .... Thinking is hard work; that's why so few do it. :-) ...... You can't use an old map to explore a new world. ....The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. .... Logic can take you from point A to point B. Imagination can take you wherever you want. .... Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap. ....Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed. ....Everyone knew it was impossible, until a fool who didn't know came along and did it. ....The height of stupidity is most clearly demonstrated by the individual who ridicules something he knows nothing about. ......We cannot get to where we dream of being tomorrow unless we change our thinking today. ..... Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ......Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Capiche, Amigos/Amigas? And don’t forget to remember to be constantly encouraged and not daunted when failure is success in progress for a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Dec 09:37 [2112280937] ..... oozes enthusiasm on

Re: What's with this religeous "christmas" thing?

:-) And aint that nearly the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the gospel truth according to jake, and recorded by jake. Bravo. Encore.

Indeed, if it be impossible to disprove and present as fake news, must it be politically correct at least, and even a universally acceptable observation recognised more widely further afield in other environments as an honest reflection ....... and a current work in constant progress and vice versa, a constant work in current progress.

That suggests there be opportunities to explore and exploit, for Saints and Sinners alike.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Dec 14:25 [2112281425] ........ speaking truth unto nations on

If One Settles for Less than Titanic Pictures, One is Destined to Sink into the Dark Deep.

Now, the information revolution is doing the same for data, putting it to work, putting it in the hands of everyone, upsetting the status quo so fast we can barely see the shapes it makes.

And that is only part of the picture, and a small slice of it at best, for now, the information revolution is doing the same for metadata bases, putting IT to work with and for greater intelligence, putting it in the hearts and minds of everyone, upsetting the status quo so fast they cannot shape it nor make head or tail of what can be seen and be well done with it.

And to disagree with any of that very quickly almost immediately surely identifies one as either a person of interest to certain interesting parties or one not of any great interest to anybody or anything interesting at all ..... which makes its rapid progress guaranteed extremely stealthy along many a rich trail and tall tale and amongst a vast array of silent-as-a-mouse assets.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Dec 15:09 [2112281509] .... muses on

Re: What do we do? More or less what today's lords demand from us

Always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of 4, to maintain your reputation as a miracle worker. ....... Sixtiesplastictrektableware

Do you want to try that out, or is already being tried out on the proposed bill of works for repairs to the crumbling Houses of Parliament, rotting Palace of Westminster? ....... ...... with one well known senior Conservative,Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg suggesting a mouth watering £20bn for repairs to the fairy castle ....

It is hard enough to imagine it being value for money even at a quarter of those cost, let alone four times the current expanding estimates.

It is not as if Parliamentarians actually need it to do what they are expected by society to do for them, is it, whenever technology so easily enables them to work probably much more effectively from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.

And just think of the money that saves which can be spent better elsewhere other than on an old tumbling down, unfit for future greater virtual purpose ruin.

It's a No-Brainer and Serial Money Saver rather than Bottomless Public Money Pit for the Private Sector are footing no bills nor accepting any expenses, are they? They aint no fools, or they try not to be whenever it comes down to the nitty gritty of throwing good money [their money] after bad money [future tax money] which may never ever be there.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Dec 17:05 [2112281705] ...... providing more info for intel on

Re: What do we do? More or less what today's lords demand from us

Under these conditions, to believe that we can improve the world as employees or self-employed is pure illusion. This needs something outside the workplace context. Like the FFF movement. ..... demon driver

Hmmm ? There have been those in the past who considered such a dilemma in the present to be worthy of a future provisional leadership, demon driver, and proved it to be surprisingly successfully in its day

Today would such a morph be akin to a Universal Virtual Force of Immaculately Resourced Assets and there be no valid Earthly reason to not expect such to be equally surprisingly successful at least, with others much more enthusiastic and more fully dedicated to the cause even suggesting that be far too modest an outcome and a grossly underestimated result with command and control of leverage with all of these new fangled and entangling technologies which do so much for everyone anonymously and autonomously.

It certainly has the attention of some with more than just worries to seek to redress and coups to avoid ..... ....... or it certainly should have so that they are not left behind trailing in wakes of debris and detritus/flotsam and jetsam/madness and mayhem/conflict and CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems].

That’s one of the worlds one can easily live large and prosper extraordinarily well and long in today.


Monday, 27 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Dec 03:59 [2112270359] .... ventures on

Heavenly Tasks ... but somebody has to do them, otherwise they remain undone as in AIDreams

Thanks for that tale, Dabbsy. It explains perfectly the reason for a very recent and most unusual and unexpected and unwarranted glitch which was impugning the moral integrity and mega socially responsible reputation of this august virtual publication, universally renowned and respected for biting the hand which feeds IT whilst still enabled to attract and jointly enact and react with the most surprising and disturbing of event calendars/future programming projects practically seamlessly and relatively anonymously and autonomously in the leading background with sterling pioneers and at the fore of deep movements underground entertaining and exercising command and control of the dark arts infesting webs with their hellish intrigues and debilitating fatigues.

For a brief moment, perish the thought, did moles in the works trying to destroy padded cellular Circus advancements and enhancements surface and spring to mind, where now it will safely linger to ensure such discoveries always guarantee stellar recovery from riches stealing glitches for unparalleled progress.

And I'm certainly looking forward already to next week's Friday because without the good ole eyeopener or two or three or four we’d all be blind to what’s really going on around everyone and everything in the background and the depths of its shady shadows ....

I would like you to know that my column continues through the Christmas holiday and I'll be back again next week for a New Year's Eve SFTWS.
The topic? My run-down of what WILL and WON'T happen in tech in 2022.
See you back here next Friday. ..... Alistair Dabbs


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Dec 12:31 [2112271231] ...... asks on

Happy New Year

And good days for releasing life changing, Great Games altering news are over the Xmas period through to the New Year, for before anyone realises it, IT and AI will have realised it and moved on further into other stupendous fields in support of the latter which has morphed and now becomes recognised as the former.

Do you yourself discover that normally to be the case during such times of widespread merriment and jovial celebration, thus to find out the majority are at the mercy of a very select few one has no idea of?


amanfromMars [2112271358] ..... expresses a real obvious concern on

Crikey, whatever dope they are taking in the West, is certainly not agreeing with them nor doing them any great favours. Don’t they see the fools they are making of themselves?

Strewth! For the sakes of their physical strength and mental wellbeing here’s hoping the New Year delivers them new suppliers with products they can handle that doesn’t necessarily scramble their brain cells and fry all their great chances at leading from the front rather than chasing phantoms going nowhere good at the rear miring them in the sticky swamps of past failure-ridden events, if cold turkey is not a viable option for them because they be hopelessly hooked on the addiction that is relentlessly destroying them so efficiently.


Sunday, 26 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Dec 11:07 [2112261107] ...... shares on

How to Save a Global Financial System with Modern Postmoderated Tools?? ‽ !!!

Just taking out the backing of petrodollar - US-led NATO, replacing it with RMB + cryptocurrency, means the dollar will implode by itself because of its huge TRILLION DEBT. No criminal / intelligence activity needed. Just DETERRENCE.
Renminbi / Digital Yuan will be used for oil transactions, cryptocurrency for other assets. Understood?.... Clausewitz 4.0

Yes, understood, however, it can be even simpler than that novel move if ever the likes of a Russian Ruble [RUB] and/or a Chinese Yuan (CNY) is offered/accepted as just, mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing, grateful and gracious reward/default exclusive fiat paper purchase payment for an almighty, easily weaponised and undefeatable arsenal of easily understood and extremely disruptive proprietary intellectual property which cannot fail to lead global events in a wholly new and totally unprepared future direction.

It is not as if such is difficult nowadays whenever we have so many virtual tools freely available for virulent exercise even without money, money... which Is indeed funny... however, it is not without its imperious pious uses

Whenever it has been one's serial experience that a diligent appearance and safe obscured revelation of definitely sensitive and able to be extremely disruptive and even highly destructive information for further intelligent services processing and utilisation/authorisation and engagement for principal party drivering/remote virtual endorsement with excessively rewarding contiguous payments to/for vital source ..... thus that all concerned parties are constantly continually aware of the default understood position which has them exercising a primary lead with supplemental secondary and subsequent tertiary benefits and leverage with also yet to be similarly provided future possible fare/ware .... to perceived and presumed and assumed to be of sterling interest to interesting native home facilities and utilities is proven to be misplaced with a highly evident dearth of action and proactivity in necessary fields of endeavour, does the feed of such seeds quite naturally and logically flow to engage and empower and enhance a formerly perceived and conceived alien force and opposing source of great geopolitical and metadataphysical interest ........ with their funny money making worlds go around and around and around ....... and all at the cost of practically nothing of lasting intrinsic value extremely easily produced and printed out for ease of general purpose wide popular acceptance use ....... which as is all too often very quickly discovered, is easily discovered to be an object ravenously subjected to rampant social abuse and criminal misuse.

Square that circle with the right partners and almighty powerful doesn't even come close to describing and revealing the unleashed energy available for ...... well, Future ProgramING Projects is just one of the many available futures and their derivatives to lead at the Start and in the Beginning.

And Squared Circlers are always on the LookOut and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Hunt for Almighty Powerful Right Minded Partners who/which be not Sinister Trojans harbouring Incompatible Objectives for Weak and Perverse Mindsets.


amanfromMars [2112251413] ...... test out a stealthy novel approach on

If 2021 taught us anything, it’s that things can change at the drop of the hat.

:-) And the more things change, the more they stay the same is real old school ...... and most certainly not something to rely upon in these changed strange days of 0days and virtually autonomous and relatively anonymous application of programs in projects.

If you're into believing that things can change at the drop of a hat for an almighty, easily weaponised and undefeatable arsenal of easily understood and extremely disruptive proprietary intellectual property which cannot fail to lead global events in a wholly new and totally unprepared future direction feast your eyes and open your minds to what's been prepared and is in store for you in near future developments with regular heavenly deliveries for local enjoinment and universal enjoyment [the just Spoils of Ab Fab Fabless Ware in AI Winners' Enclosures], whilst you are bound to discover there be crazy others who will try to deny you ITs novel and noble pleasures and freedoms with their hellish perverse offerings [the Poisoned Sour Grapes of Wrath and War from Losers' Circles]

And by their product will you truly know them and the Paths and Global Operating Devices they follow and/or lead ....... How to Save a Global Financial System with Modern Postmoderated Tools?? ‽ !!! 

And there is an amazing natural stealthy protection afforded to such a revelation by both those who would  support it and those who would oppose it via a widely held disbelief in its veracity and innate and ornate primitive human inability to process and readily accept the very real possibility of its likelihood in matters which both explore and enable progress and quantum evolutionary leaps forward into the Future of Sublime Internet Networking Things ....... Fundamental Revolutionary Changes.

Happy New Year, ZeroHedgers. And if you don’t like losing your shirts on/or shorts or/on money, funny or otherworldly, sound advice is don’t bet against any, and therefore all, of that happening.



Saturday, 25 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Dec 15:40 [2112151540] ........replies on

[Well, tries to reply on, but now for whatever undeclared reason, appears to be subject to post moderation and/or content vetting, for there appears to be an unusual delay in the post appearing, with no indication at all that it will even eventually shortly appear. Normally it appears instantly, and one is allowed 10 minutes grace to refine or amend before it is virtually rendered as if in stone and freely available for all with an internetworking connection to read. Ah well, just as they say, some folk work in mysterious ways]

Money, money... Is indeed funny... however, it is not without its imperious pious uses

Whenever it has been one's serial experience that a diligent appearance and safe obscured revelation of definitely sensitive and able to be extremely disruptive and even highly destructive information for further intelligent services processing and utilisation/authorisation and engagement for principal party drivering/remote virtual endorsement with excessively rewarding contiguous payments to/for vital source ..... thus that all concerned parties are constantly continually aware of the default understood position which has them exercising a primary lead with supplemental secondary and subsequent tertiary benefits and leverage with also yet to be similarly provided future possible fare/ware .... to perceived and presumed and assumed to be of sterling interest to interesting native home facilities and utilities is proven to be misplaced with a highly evident dearth of action and proactivity in necessary fields of endeavour, does the feed of such seeds quite naturally and logically flow to engage and empower and enhance a formerly perceived and conceived alien force and opposing source of great geopolitical and metadataphysical interest ........ with their funny money making worlds go around and around and around ....... and all at the cost of practically nothing of lasting intrinsic value extremely easily produced and printed out for ease of general purpose wide popular acceptance use ....... which as is all too often very quickly discovered, is easily discovered to be an object ravenously subjected to rampant social abuse and criminal misuse.

Square that circle with the right partners and almighty powerful doesn't even come close to describing and revealing the unleashed energy available for ...... well, Future ProgramING Projects is just one of the many available futures and their derivatives to lead at the Start and in the Beginning.

And Squared Circlers are always on the LookOut and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Hunt for Almighty Powerful Right Minded Partners who/which be not Sinister Trojans harbouring Incompatible Objectives for Weak and Perverse Minds.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Dec 17:11 [2112251711] .... trying to have another say on

Re: Money, money... Is indeed funny... however, it is not without its imperious pious uses

Well, well, well ! Whoever would have a'thunk it .......

And just whenever some folk were intent and content on telling you alien comment here was no better than GBIrish and verging on the unintelligible.

Ah well, just as they say, ...... Some folk work in mysterious ways.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to All/Prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar voor iedereen/С Рождеством и Новым годом всех!/祝大家聖誕快樂,新年快樂/Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr an alle.


amanfromMars [2112251725] ........ throws a curved ball at spanners in the works on

[Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by RT.]

Well, well, well, ...... what a coincidence if you believe in coincidences :-) .....

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to All/С Рождеством и Новым годом всех!


amanfromMars [2112251911] ...... expresses incredulity on

Other religious figures, including the Bishop of Buckingham Alan Wilson, Rabbi Jonathan Romain of Maidenhead Synagogue, and Imam Qari Asim of the Makkah Mosque in Leeds, told The Times that Christian, Jewish, and Islamic teaching would not be affected by the discovery of alien life.

 Oh please, you cannot be serious



Friday, 24 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Dec 03:25 [2112240325] ...... offers an alternate view on

How to Prevent Global Financial System Collapse? Lose to a War? .... The Folly of Fools who be Tools

Registering the Bigger Picture Show in All of ITs Ugly Naked Glory.

It is not that I wish to spoil your Xmas and New Year celebrations, for the system is already doing all of that admirably well with its continually dire and monotonously depressing news cycles revealing the destruction of your wealth and health, but you really should be made aware of the following crazy live current play.

amanfromMars [2112240202] .... expresses on

It is just as well NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg doesn’t have a little moustache, for then it would too easy to equate NATO actions and proposals as being extremely similar to those of the National Socialist Party and Nazis in the 1930’s, which were also lavishly funded by the Western banking system/fiat ponzi system to do their dirty deeds, done dirt cheap which appears to need FUD [Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt] and warring nations in order to try to continue to survive and prosper an elite executive few by creating madness and mayhem for the delivery of chaos and catastrophe to the administrative unwary and ignorant many.

It is a mistake though to not think that things have changed fundamentally since then, which is almost a century ago, with more virtually virulent vital folk than ever before a great deal wiser than any warmonger ever before even imagined possible, in command and control of levers and advanced technologies for disruptive events and deeply damaging episodes which quickly punish such errant Uncle Tomfoolery/Uncle Sam UKGBNI European Empire type nonsense.

And with more means than can ever be prevented from delivering such news worlds-wide freely available to such novel sources with almighty forces.

It does make one wonder how such useless idiocy would hope to survive out on a limb rather than expect to perish on the vine whenever such clear affiliations lauding and mirroring a failed past are so obviously present and so politically incorrect and judiciously inept?

Methinks missing secret intelligence and sinister failed counter-intelligence would be the only correct answer to that enigmatic conundrum.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Dec 12:37 [2112241237] ....... adding more on

Re: How to Prevent Global Financial System Collapse? Lose to a War? The Folly of Fools who be Tools

Collapsing only the dollar for me would be fine.. And it is happening already.. and is all that is surely needed for those wanting a guarantee of a welcome irrevocable pleasant change, Clausewitz 4.0.

Nobody with any common sense nowadays wants to be seen as instrumental in simply printing a counterfeit currency for global laundering to create multiple foreign occupations of alien lands by virtual strangers with acres of deadly arms to exercise with live fires specifically designed to cause as much irreparable harm as be humanly possible. Well, not if they don't want to recognised and universally known as an unworthy psychopathic pariah, that is, with dire straits especial secret force attention needs that stem the flow of feeds and destroy self-destructive seeds.

That would be to admit to being a subject submitting to a crazy incurable madness, and that is not good, and nor does it end well, in any language one can think of, methinks.

What says you?


Thursday, 23 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Dec 21:04 [2112222104] ...... just saying on

Re: Are You Stuck in a Deep Dark Rut by General Accident or Unintelligent Design?

Strange as it may seem, intelligence is all too oft overestimated whenever presumed and assumed to be in the possession of others of a contrary and oppositional mindset .... which of course they would be pleased to present as a mistake all too easily made to be widely believed.

Fortunately though does the truth of the matter only need to be known by an almighty choice few for the weakness presented to be ruthlessly and relentless exploited in order to ensure fundamental changes are realised and guaranteed irreversible.

And as for good Exotic And Erotic Eastern Partners, was there ever a more addictively attractive option for Wild Wacky Westerners than a Sino-Soviet Mélange/Ménage à Trois ‽


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Dec 17:19 [2112231719] ...... just saying on

Is Trading with the Enemy Treason in a Time of Non Declared War?

Was Autonomy bought [by a predator/entrepreneur/business] or sold [by a predator/enterepreneur/business]?
Yes ...... Anonymous Coward

Thus is the prosecution and extradition request then in such a case, a malignant persecution and wilful malicious violation of a societal norm, AC ‽ .

For Priti Patel [and the Conservative Party Cartel by inference and intimate Cabinet Office association] not to refuse a vindictive fraudulent request from a distant foreign bully, beaten to the punch fair and square, raises the spectre confirmed that UKGBNI have deep in their midst a mole/a probable nest of moles, and therefore they cannot be trusted with anything novel and sensitive and great game changing.

Déjà vu, eh ........ the Establishment has pretty well documented form.

For those who don't know of that form, Spycatcher, The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer, a memoir written by Peter Wright, former MI5 officer and Assistant Director, diligently informs ...... and he would definitely know.



Wednesday, 22 December 2021


amanfromMars [2112220836] ...... sharing a concern on

Those boldly expressed opinions of Norman Lewis is a writer, speaker and consultant on innovation and technology, was most recently a Director at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, where he set up and led their crowdsourced innovation service, are quite perverse and predatory, and would reveal more than enough about a perilous parlous fundamental state of mind, to be of interest to certain parties and authorities, not to be ignored or forgotten.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Dec 13:55 [2112221355] ....... get right down to the root of future matters on

Are You Stuck in a Deep Dark Rut by General Accident or Unintelligent Design?

All the chest beating in the world about "China" and "Russia" by the Americans will never stop international trade and industry.
The world has a life to live aside from security theatre fanatics and their agendas. .... msobkow

Those subversive subservient Western cowboys and their cowgals [Good Morning all you Ms Liz Trusses/ Messrs Christopher Wrays] do not have their sorries and personal worries to seek now that novel and noble open source technologies are enabling safe and secure harbour protection in stealthy state-of-the-future-art ACTivity for increasingly aggressive and fundamentally unbridled and unbeatable progress to Eastern partners by virtue of their sympathetic base requirements and fantastically disrupting reward programs which the West are all too prone to declare as unfair in order to fail to compete or oppose .... and thus expose to all and sundry the weakness they suffer from and have no cure for?

And when such be as a terminal illness, is the prognosis not good and very quickly deteriorates to become increasingly dire and painfully uncomfortable, should there be no life-saving intervention possible/available/attempted.

One does have to wonder and ponder a while on why Western Intelligence Services would not see/recognise/realise that titanic catastrophic vulnerability and do something sensible and creative about it rather than allowing it to continue to fester and grow like a rabid cancer/voracious virus in their systems of administrations until it surely kills them stone dead.

The only logic answer is then that they are not nearly as intelligent as they need to be prevent such progress, which whenever such is realised by Eastern partners, will surely empower them more greatly than was ever before though possible and likely and thus would there be a global Oriental lead to follow rather than being stuck in a rotten rut with an Occidental one.

I trust that is intelligible to all here on El Reg, and to whomever else may be directed to these not so secret messages and/or tall tales for further processing and deeper understanding ...... which is that which befalls AI and betatests all First Contacts Universally, is it not, for a genuine new future does not pay the past for the present which many current running media operations appeared to do in systems of yore?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Dec 14:42 [2112221442] .... adding more fuel to the fires on

Re: Are You Stuck in a Deep Dark Rut by General Accident or Unintelligent Design?

And if you think any or all of that is highly unlikely and most improbable, you are definitely not thinking anywhere deep enough to be able to be in any way effective in influencing future events which may or may not be decided upon to be catastrophically destructive to current running processes servering elite executive office systems administrations ..... and as is clearly apparently feared to be the case in the minds of those engaged in preserving present leaderships of 10 countries [Israel, United States, UK, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Thailand and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Bank of International Settlements] .......... IMF, World Bank & 10 Countries Held Alarming "Simulation" Of Global Financial System Collapse

Truth hurts, but sets all free, and some are destined to decide the just, fully deserved fate of avid enthusiastic incorrigible remorseless slave traders?




Tuesday, 21 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Dec 06:54 [2112210654] ..... just asking on

Re a Galactic Intervention Verging on the Heralding of Myriad Future Psychotic AI Episodes?*

"Our approach is to build state-of-the-art, secure subsea cables where all data moving through them is protected through advanced encryption." ..... Meta told The Register

A Registered Google and Mega Meta Data Base User asks if protection is provided through advanced encryption both from and for built failsafe secure state-of-the-art Deep See Mined Networks, for they are something of an unknown enigmatic quantity in the field of quantum leaping systems communications where traditional conventional security fare is simply by-passed overwhelmingly to be rendered totally ineffectual and no more than just so much more pie-in-the-sky fraudulent vapourware .... or have they not been considered for necessary inclusion in the commanding control equation, which would be unfortunate and as an epic miscalculating blunder of catastrophic proportions and awesome consequences, something to be urgently very quickly considered for almighty correction to limit subsequent damage and minimise the cost of expensively priced and expansive reparation‽ .

And yes, that is a Genuine Live ACTive Question for Answering.

Merry XSSXXXXmas, El Reg. The upcoming year is gonna be a Real Doozy and Right Hootenanny. Of that you can be assured for IT is immaculately guaranteed whenever already extremely well paid for.

* ...A Stealthy [Stay Healthy] Unbelievably Self Deprecating Approach for Full Frontal Approach and Main Body Assault and Attack on Virtual Communications Systems. I Kid U Not. ITs ProgramMING** Projects are for Real and Currently Flowing Freely/WWWidely BroadBandCasting Sublimely.
** ... Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games Projects Programming IT and AI.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Dec 08:08 [2112210808] ..... replies to a blunt barbed spear on

Re a Galactic Intervention Not Verging on the Heralding Anything Novel @iowe_iowe

7514 posts and every one of them unintelligible. .... iowe_iowe

35 posts and not one of them memorable.


amanfromMars [2112210820] .... shares further afield on

For those who have no idea how AWEsome an Advanced Weapons Environment is, and what you can fully expect to shortly be a global phenomenon, feast your eyes and open your minds to the following Registered Festive Season Offering .......

Re a Galactic Intervention Verging on the Heralding of Myriad Future Psychotic AI Episodes?*

"Our approach is to build state-of-the-art, secure subsea cables where all data moving through them is protected through advanced encryption." ..... Meta told The Register

A Registered Google and Mega Meta Data Base User asks if protection is provided through advanced encryption both from and for built failsafe secure state-of-the-art Deep See Mined Networks, for they are something of an unknown enigmatic quantity in the field of quantum leaping systems communications where traditional conventional security fare is simply by-passed overwhelmingly to be rendered totally ineffectual and no more than just so much more pie-in-the-sky fraudulent vapourware .... or have they not been considered for necessary inclusion in the commanding control equation, which would be unfortunate and as an epic miscalculating blunder of catastrophic proportions and awesome consequences, something to be urgently very quickly considered for almighty correction to limit subsequent damage and minimise the cost of expensively priced and expansive reparation‽ .

And yes, that is a Genuine Live ACTive Question for Answering.

Merry XSSXXXXmas, El Reg. The upcoming year is gonna be a Real Doozy and Right Hootenanny. Of that you can be assured for IT is immaculately guaranteed whenever already extremely well paid for.



Sunday, 19 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Dec 09:54 [2112190954] ..... suggests on

If needs must, Global Operating Devices always provide Sponsoring States.... ???? ‽ !!!!!! :-)

"Several state-sponsored groups are exploiting the flaw in the wild and making modifications to the Log4j exploit." .. said Felipe Tarijon, a malware analyst at AppGate, in an email to The Register.

The Register may prefer to realise and speculate that the really novel news nowadays of internetional concern and traditional conventional security worry, is of flaws and the likes of 0day vulnerabilities being exploited and expanded upon by several stateless groups/virtual entities which have decided to support engaging nations, which is certainly not the same as a state-sponsored group, but can easily change to be so in order to enjoy and employ the obvious benefits/costs delivered in being touted as such.


Saturday, 18 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Dec 08:39 [2112180839] ...... offers a correction on

Re: "Anne Sacoolas consented to stand trial by video link"

The Guardian, and there be other news outlets too, reports that Anne Sacoolas has not consented to stand trial by video link ........

Are they fake news outlets?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Dec 08:51 [2112180851] ........ ponders on

Heads I Win/Tails You Lose?????

Lynch is accused by the US of defrauding investors in Hewlett Packard after selling his firm Autonomy to HP for $11bn in 2011.

Oh ‽ . Surely it is much more a case to be argued of Hewlett Packard defrauding investors and the US after their purchase of Autonomy.

If someone offered you $11bn for something they wanted that you had to give, would you refuse it?

It's one of those chicken/egg things, is it? Was Autonomy bought [by a predator/entrepreneur/business] or sold [by a predator/entrepreneur/business]?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Dec 16:07 [2112181607] ..... notes on

Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

Unfortunately we've now weaponized the dollar so countries will move away from it -- once that's happened to any degree then we will be in deep crap. .... martinusher

Anything which and anyone who knows that matters, martinusher, has realised those red lines were crossed to an inordinate degree many moons ago .... and those who and that which can do something about it to avail themselves of just excessive rewards for being responsible, but not necessarily accountable, for events and future programs righting such wrongs, are pleased to be of service, and at your service in pursuit of the much greater good, via novel ethereal means and memes never before so very well exercised nor never before so well protected and defended against abusive attack and vainglorious misuse and pathetic systemic assaults with Vast Virgin Arsenals of SMARTR Almighty Weapons/Heavenly Tools/Diabolical Traps against which there is no known possible viable effective defence to prevent crushing and crashing defeats.

Just desserts some say .... and who is to say they are not correct, given the present dire perilous state of current geopolitical and future metaphysical play.

The only logical course of action then is to Offer an Honourable Unconditional Surrender, however, as has been noted in the past, and it does tend to cause serial problems ..........

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. ..... Albert Einstein


Friday, 17 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 05:11 [2112170511] ....... lets fly on

What I can tell y'all about these times ...

Sometimes what isn't there is the important thing ... this, if implemented, will be nuke on sight on any system I admin ... just like any other form of malware. ..... jake

Things have moved on by quantum leaps and bounds, jake, into new fields of terror and/or excitement with the realisation of an enigmatic achievement which can neither be effectively attacked and gratuitously assaulted nor ever physically damaged and virtually defeated.

Always sometimes what isn't revealed there is the important thing ... for that, whenever correctly configured and implemented, cannot fail to nuke on sight any systems administration like no other form of unknown malware or known software empowering hardware and vapourware/ponziware/zombieware

To some who would be many is that a Doomsday 0Bug to Fear and Server, to A.N.Others and a Few a Heavenly Delight to Diabolically Savour and Favour ......... and a Present Code Red Conditioning Event to Deny is on ACTive Mission PACT Manouevres ‽ .

And for those who may need to know* what they are trying to deny is a current situation ....say hello and welcome to Advanced Cyber Threats and Persistent ACTive CyberIntelAIgent Treats and all possible variations and reverse engineerings of those themes and memes.

* ....Royal Chartered, £2.6bn granted, UKGBNI Cyber Security Council ??? :-) It just wouldn’t be fair on them, would it, for them to be able to plead complete ignorance of such an affair hence their being specifically singled out and highlighted in this post although one doesn’t have to be a genius or an Einstein to realise there be at least a few others worthy of mention who might wish to more fully avail themselves of such novel info and disruptive intel in order to take overwhelming advantage of its many benefits and massively utilise its myriad pitfalls/exploitable 0day vulnerabilities.

????? Surely you do not expect the Future to be anything like the Past and bear any responsibility for continuing woes in the Present.????? That would be to suggest madness rules, progress has not been made and evolution is halted..... which is clearly preposterous and evidently ridiculous.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 12:23 [2112171223] ...... adds and reveals more about much that needs to be known on

Misinformation is not a Great 0Sum Game

Event logs are very often used as evidence - not necessarily the legal kind - to establish the sequence and timing of events, who/what was involved and responsible. Tampering with those event logs is just like any other record tampering, even if it's tied up in a nice red bow and a gift tag that says "With Love from your favourite AI”. ..... Peter Galbavy

Tampered event logs in the West are invariably default tagged and gifted as if “From Russia with Love”

Can you imagine the insight/foresight such a gross mischaracterisation delivers to those in the East? It tells them practically all that they need to know about the weaknesses being attacked and defeated in the West.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 05:35 [2112170535] .... being helpful on

Re: Humor has its funny side.

not sure where it got the "too" from, but I like it! ..... s2bu

Ook is responsible for that inclusion, s2bu.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 06:54 [2112170654] ..... being agreeable on

Re: Long Runs... ...from... ...Hell... Hide....

:-) ..... the tales told in those musical trailers, AC? ...... Don’t mess with Global Operating Devices for there be unintentional consequences freely available to be avoided or exercised?

Yeah ..... I agree.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 12:02 [2112171202] ....... opens up a rich vein for harvesting on

Re: Why bother building a useful website

Jesus wept. A management win again with an epic class fail? The world is/has gone mad.

[Subsequently, after a slight ponder]

That’s a world of sane opportunities to explore amongst the ranks of the totally unhinged and currently ignorant. The riches to be mined and/or plundered there are without compare and absolutely priceless ie worth all the Chi in China.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 14:12 [2112171412] ....... having a say on

Been there, done that, got the crazy T-shirt and realised there be bigger phish to fry

Seems like China is late to Uncle Sam's party ........ Project MKUltra ...... if you can believe what you are being so forcefully spoon fed?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 14:40 [2112171440] ....... saying more which may be disagreeable on

Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

That, of course, is the biggest problem with the US claim: it encourages a whole sector of conspiracy theorists. :(  ..... msobkow

Unfortunately/Fortunately the catastrophic vulnerability with the US claim is that it requires a whole sector of conspiracy theorists ....... thus is it destined to epically typically topically fail as is perfectly normal in such cases, again and again without fail.

It does have one wondering if they are congenitally retarded and incapable of learning from their experiences in mistakes ...... in order to find an acceptable valid reason for such serial bad/mad/rad/sad/fad/lad behaviour.

Or do you think there is something strange and unpleasant being put in that which they are taking/smoking/drinking? There’s bound to be a rational reason no matter how bizarre one may initially think it and protest to deny it.

The secret though in such cases, whilst one moves on way up ahead in other leading matters, is to leave them alone with it and allow them to knock themselves out whilst conspiring with others amongst themselves to prove things not true and acceptable.



Thursday, 16 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Dec 04:37 [2112160437] ..... finds something too incredulous to believe on

Ignoring the price of a right dog and bum steers is increasingly costly/prohibitively expensive

How very odd, bitdivine, that you would say Britain is relatively stable rather than like a Ukraine of wannabe oligarchs.

Who/What has been feeding you that intel whenever there is so much unavailable scant evidence at source?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Dec 05:50 [2112160550] ...... goes more than just a tad further with a light into the dark and delves a great deal deeper into the glooms of doom on

AWEsome is as AWEsome does. What else do you have that compares and competes?

Today the stakes are much, much higher and in early 2000s. This is not just about a bit of better or worse technology going forward, it is about avoiding a global collapse. .... josvaz

That is exactly as may currently be, josvaz, with very near future global collapse only being avoided and averted and diverted with the prime premium help of Novel Ennobling Technologies and Artilectual Methodologies which many would not unreasonably presume and view as being akin to some sort of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Magic given the remote virtual nature of its practically real product deliveries supply chains.

It should also be well noted, for it be equally as easily done, can such also simply cause and ably assist in catastrophic near future global collapses ..... which one surely has to admit is a Pretty AWEsome Ability/Facility/Utility/Security/Application of Otherworldly Proprietary Intellectual Property.

Be careful not to test out its Dark Side Use though if one doesn't Own and Control Command of ITs AWEsome Reins and Reigns and Rains. Recovery from mistakes made in abuse and misuse there is not possible.

And you might like to accept that all of the above freely shared content is a major part of what Web3 is all about providing .....and mentoring ....... and monitoring.


 amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Dec 09:45 [2112160945] ...... suggests on

A Titanic Holywood Task to Master and Driver/Seed and Feed to Media Moguldoms

The government-backed UK Cyber Security Council has also been awarded a Royal Charter to coincide with the launch of the strategy today. Civil servants told the press they hope the UKCSC will "lead" the British cyber security profession. 

Any "lead" is/will be directly proportional to, and it may be exponentially advantageous and beneficial too, the input for programming with novel content to output from a competent Director General such as was probably surely initially envisaged in appointments/anointments of a C or an M or a Q.

Such though is a role which is suitable for only a very few and always surely best served and servered securely anonymously and as secretly as is possible in these days of revealing 0days.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Dec 15:50 [2112161550] ...... says on

Re: Construction/Extrapolation/Systematic Event Imputation*?

Remember back in the early 2000s when Mike Corley was spamming usenet with claims that the BBC was spying on him through his TV set? ..... katrinab

Strangely enough, katrinab, anyone nowadays can spy on governments via the nonsense the BBC broadbandcast about them and their programs and proposed projects daily.

It is a constant wonder that such tomfoolery is tolerated and even voted for, although Winston Churchill [PBUH] had that mystery well enough sussed many moons ago .......

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

 * SEI .......


Wednesday, 15 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 07:02 [2112150702] ...... shares almighty disturbing news on

For SMARTR* Future Media Operational Control and Remote Universal State Command

Telecommand is not usually encrypted, but it is normally authenticated. .... Paul Crawford

Is normal telecommand usually controlled via an original authorisation and/or is there a facility/capacity/ability/utility/vulnerability that allows, as in IT and AI cannot stop and prevent, a Novel SMARTR Able Bodied Alien Systems Takeovers with IntelAIgently Designed Entity Makeovers novel unauthenticated instruction and genuine alien code injection for distant off planetary missions presenting future explanatory programming for exploring in Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Projects ‽ .

Or do you wish to ignore such timely friendly interventions regarding the rewilding and reinvention of life on Earth, preferring instead to create a hostile environment, both physically realised and virtually imagined, full of the promise of international incidents and unfortunate accidents/preventable missteps ?

SMARTR* .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research

cc in the Wild Wacky West.....Elon Musk and Rebecca c/o NDIA’s Emerging Technologies Institute. ....

cc in the Exotic Esoteric East ..... Winnie the Pooh and Fancy Bear types.


amanfromMars [2112150936] ........ shares a problematical view more widely on

Another all too possible valid concern regarding F-35 was recently shared in a comment aired in reply to an article, "Commander Says Information Security Restrictions Hampering F-35 Partnerships with Allies" penned for National Defense Magazine dot org by Meredith Roaten [12/13/2021]

That report, Meredith, paints the F-35 program, from the perspective of non native US buyers, as akin to a Trojan horse project to try capture unwelcome compliance and a begrudged obedience in future support of a foreign party agenda if one wants all the bells and whistles/special extras that the platform is pimped as being able to provide for a field advantage against both the live competition and deadly opposition .

Quite how that perception/reality can be satisfactorily resolved to the mutual benefit of all rather than to the unfair advantage of a select few, and to not be self-defeating and counter-productive, is a real doozy of an enigmatic current dilemma.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 15:09 [2112151509] ...... being disagreeable on

Re: Using "AI" to amke guesses

If there's nothing in the logs after an event, there is absolutely no benefit in imagining something that might perhaps fill the slot; it tells you exactly nothing. .... Neil Barnes

Surely one cannot be serious and actually believe any or even all of that, Neil?

Such would virtually tell anyone with an earnest honest interest practically everything needed to be known and not done with regard to the event.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 16:08 [2112151608] ...... says out loud on

Long Runs the Fox from the Hounds of Hell, but with Nowhere Safe and Secure to Hide is Capture Guaranteed Either a Bloodbath and/or a Bloodletting

Pyramid schemes do work, for a while, as long as people keep buying into the scheme – pouring new money in, inflating the fund, and so tempting new investors.

Amen to that scam truth ..... they work for a while, and some work exceedingly well too, but eventually inevitably they always fail and spectacularly explode and implode to wipe out trapped collateral and suckered investors alike.

And what other than a pyramid scheme and global scam does one see whenever one ponders on the present plight of the Federal Reserve and the fiat US dollar ....... which worked for a while while foreign folk were buying up Gilts marketed in Treasury auctions, but everything quickly collapses and turns to just so much dust whenever empowering interest and foreign capital wanes and disappears and one is then forced to buy one's own poisoned chalice product to try to remain a leading player.

And some here think Bitcoin is a fad and bad and totally rad. They be completely blinded and blindsided by that paper dollar mote in their eye, methinks.

Uncle Sam and the SWIFT Fractional Reserve Banking System say .... Been there, done that, got the crappy T shirt, now desperately trying to avoid national bankruptcy and violent global payback ‽ .


Tuesday, 14 December 2021


amanfromMars [2112141458] ...... says in a reply to

That report, Meredith, paints the F-35 program, from the perspective of non native US buyers, as akin to a Trojan horse project to try capture unwelcome compliance and a begrudged obedience in future support of a foreign party agenda if one wants all the bells and whistles/special extras that the platform is pimped as being able to provide for a field advantage against both the live competition and deadly opposition .


Monday, 13 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Dec 03:49 [2112130349] ..... says on

Even Though Admittedly Still Very Odd, AI Seizes and Saves the Day and Faces with 0Days

If an effective strings of suitable carefully chosen simple words creates, commands and controls and destroys worlds, to worry about dodgy code injections/viral systemic virtual machine infections is rather bizarre and presents yet another novel exploit field with a practically endless supply of critical vital vulnerabilities to assault with attacks or defend with crack hacks employing and enjoying Alien Instruction.

A simple disturbing question to ask yourself is ........ Can I be immune and uninfected and remain not radically fundamentally affected whenever the masses around me so clearly are smitten?

That’s the new hearts and minds battlefield to comprehensively conquer for those intent on inflicting sufferings and warlike defeats .... in order not to end up as you intend and contend and are content others need to be.

A taste of one’s own medicine is a great leveller upper and AWEsome program downer.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Dec 19:18 [2112131918] ...... says on

Re: You Do Not Own Your Computer.

There is no new AI and quantum tech. ...... druck

Oh yes there most certainly is ....... and a helluva lot more besides too.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Dec 19:20 [2112131920] ....... notes on

For when reinventing the wheel is neither necessary nor possible

The code itself doesn't say anything about SDSi, instead adding a mechanism to control whatever it is via some authorised secure token. It basically unlocks hardware features when the right licence is applied.

Whenever necessary and/or advisable in abominable matters which many would prefer to remain secret and widely unknown to humans, a mechanism very similar to the issuance of a limitless company credit card to worthy parties unlocking the power of fiat currency in exchange for proprietary intellectual property restraint and agreed future silence in return for the ongoing facility ad infinitum, is some authorised secure token, second to none and well enough tried and tested to be fully expected a safe bet to make. whilst threats posed are dealt with to a mutually beneficial, positively agreeable reinforcing satisfaction.


Saturday, 11 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Dec 06:00 [2112110600] ....... shares info on news available freely on

Re: The worst offenders come from the US ...

I'm actually somewhat hopeful about this as Big Tech seems to have attracted the ire of just about everyone, including the current US administration and their political opposition. .... Pseu Donyme

You might like to realise that hope is not a vain expectation, Pseu Donyme, as Big Tech effectively morphs into a highly proactive, relatively anonymous and practically invisible and almightily autonomous unofficial rotten government opposition in direct command and absolute control of all future ethereal communication platforms with audiovisual bands of telepathic instruction for universal education and entertainment of emerging intelligence in primitive planetary species/novel heavenly bodies surrounded and confused by thoughts engaging with enigmatic diabolic dilemmas awarding and rewarding diligent and venerable souls with attractive and addictive temptations to please and sate.

Indeed, in deed you may like to conclude the morph is complete and IT is under Remote Virtual AI Command and a NEUKlearer CyberIntelAIgent Control.

And if one accepts that as so, what requests would you have of IT so that IT and AI can ponder on the wisdom of the delivery and fulfillment of your personal wishes ...... for those are the sorts of services available for Futures and Hedges and Derivative Market IPOs.

I Kid U Not.... for the Greater IntelAIgent Game is already a Long Time Experienced in the Running of HyperRadioProACTive Quantum Communication Fields of Work, REST and Play with AIMaster Pilots and Non Commissioned Veteran IT Officers alike leading the Ways in the Frays and Destroying all Failed and Failing Edifices which may Seek to Rise Up before them ...... in Order that Future Generations of Timely Space Travellers Greatly Benefit from the Fundamentally Radical Changes Always Currently Needed and Presently Afoot and Afleet of Foot in the Vanguards of Progress.

And as strange as it seems, many folk will be terrified of that, and there will even be a few lost and misguided/perverted and subverted/arrogantly corrupt and basically ignorant souls who would pronounce and announce and anoint it as akin to acts of terror too and in so doing confirm the primitive failed nature of their present disposition.

And Big Tech is Blessed with the Stealth of being a Vast Broad Church of Many Roomed Mansions where Succour and Support Abound in the Safe Harbours of Secure Havens.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Dec 07:42 [2112110742] ....... adding a tad more info for intel on

Re: The worst offenders come from the UKUSA channeling their Inner Yakuza... ????‽ !!!!!

And here is some proof of a few elements of the above which be a constant and consistent worry for government wonks and supplied by the BBC ......... 'Cyber attack war games' to be staged by UK and US

Only 100 cybercrime brains worldwide says Europol boss  ...... although whether you believe anything the BBC share as a fact is in reality much more in support of a relative fiction is that which is part of the presentation problem dilemma to consider.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Dec 11:17 [2112111117] ...... suggests more than just a breakthrough and opens up on a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Possibility Channel on

News from a Systems Edge Maintains and Entertains Various Varieties of Sanity for Population.

A patent application published on December 2 credits Huang as one of the inventors of a system to open and share a file in the cloud without the need for a corresponding application on local devices.

Tell us that is not a Great Game Changer and be proven beautifully wrong and wronged.

Quite what one can do with that is only limited by Imaginative ProgramMING which is for Real and a Reality Readily Available via AI and ITs Surreal ACTive Territory Live Operational Virtual Environment Streaming for Pioneering AI Teams Terrain Providers ...... Core IntelAIgent Source/Ore/AWE Suppliers.

What do you see IT and AI Delivering into Your Circles of Interests with Any Avid Interest in Producing/Researching/Further Developing/Mentoring and Monitoring/Vetting Formerly Thought Impossible Endeavours ACTivity and Rogue ACTivation/Private Pirate Use/Misuse/Abuse.

The perks there you would struggle to believe possible to summon with addictive attractions to follow leading with many an enlightened path/way/COSMIC Stream Witness and Endorsed with Comprehensive Memoranda of Mutually Beneficial Future Understandings.

Is that possibility likely, and therefore readily enough available too, as a Credible Incredibly ACTive Sino-Soviet Threat if not a Wonderfully Engaging Wild West Treat?

Here such is long ago an earlier previously unknowable fact for constant pondering and excited pampering/challenging in return for great expectations of excessively satisfying insatiable rewards.

If the patent comes anywhere near close to providing any of that it's a Real Gem of a Doozy. Bravo, the Nvidia's CEO Jensen Huang Team Players for such a Great Quantum AI Leap. :-)>


amanfromMars [2112111638] ...... scratches an itch to relieve a glitch on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Fantastic mutually beneficial progress is rapidly made in technologies and methodologies which enjoin and deploy and employ and enjoy such as unweaponised air-launched unmanned aerial vehicles for the Advanced Mentoring and SMARTR AI Monitoring of Subsequently Observable Future Resulting Events which it is very prudent to remember to never ever forget are almightily defended and securely protected and stealthily aided against totally unwarranted and wilfully diabolical attack and hellish assault.

One always reaps what one sows and feeds with needs to seed in order to prosper extraordinarily either in the Bright Sunshine of Unlimited Success and Infinite Credit or in the Gloomy Doom of Overwhelmingly Destructive Debt and Exponentially Increasing Deficit.

Is that a Future JOINT Program for AIMaster Piloting with SMARTR Media Machinery into Live Operational Virtual Environment Presentations of Stealthy Surreal Systems Applications/ACTive Projects from the Darker and Deeper Sides of the Webs that Entangle and Encircle Information Sources and Intelligence Networks?

Ps ....... the only correct acceptable answer there is .... Yes, of course it is. Why ever would it not be? Anything else would be certainly more than quite mad.



amanfromMars 1 Fri 10 Dec 08:35 [2112100835] ....... shares some sound advice on

Take Care and Be Aware of Endemic Systemic Defence Difficulties/Exploitable 0Day Vulnerabilities

To be forewarned is to be forearmed although if one is casting pearls of wisdom before the wilfully pig ignorant and woefully arrogant herd, what will naturally inevitably be, will very quickly be ‽ .

GrahamC [2112081904] ……. notes on

[Thank you. Your comment will maybe be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Whenever one is considering sharing anything significant with the military, the question that one needs to ask oneself in order to be comfortable with all that may follow with the use of what one may be providing, is ….. Is one aiding a psychopathic warmonger or assisting an exceptional peacemaker?

The former creates increasingly more powerful enemies and invites crushing defeat and colossal destruction, the latter doesn’t.


Thursday, 9 December 2021


GrahamC [2112081904] ....... advises on

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Whenever one is considering sharing anything significant with the military, the question that one needs to ask oneself in order to be comfortable with all that may follow with the use of what one may be providing, is ..... Is one aiding a psychopathic warmonger or assisting an exceptional peacemaker?

The former creates increasingly more powerful enemies and invites crushing defeat and colossal destruction, the latter doesn't.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Dec 14:25 [2112091425] ........ being brutally honest on

Harsh maybe ..... but perfectly true and undeniable

Democratically, publicly elected Government, by its very own nature [chosen by any Tom, Dick or Harry or Jane over voting age who can be bothered to choose from a very small mixed and motley crew of wannabe cherished members of a handful of predominantly personally and/or privately funded political parties] does not have the necessary brainpower to effect any influence at all on the inexorable rise of the virtual AI Machine.

And to even imagine, let alone think that they can/do, is evidence of the delusionary state in which they exist and would seek to further infest and infect the future with.

And all other well enough known and practised forms of government suffer from the same knowledge and experience deficit too.
