amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 05:11 [2112170511] ....... lets fly on
What I can tell y'all about these times ...
Sometimes what isn't there is the important thing ... this, if implemented, will be nuke on sight on any system I admin ... just like any other form of malware. ..... jake
Things have moved on by quantum leaps and bounds, jake, into new fields of terror and/or excitement with the realisation of an enigmatic achievement which can neither be effectively attacked and gratuitously assaulted nor ever physically damaged and virtually defeated.
Always sometimes what isn't revealed there is the important thing ... for that, whenever correctly configured and implemented, cannot fail to nuke on sight any systems administration like no other form of unknown malware or known software empowering hardware and vapourware/ponziware/zombieware
To some who would be many is that a Doomsday 0Bug to Fear and Server, to A.N.Others and a Few a Heavenly Delight to Diabolically Savour and Favour ......... and a Present Code Red Conditioning Event to Deny is on ACTive Mission PACT Manouevres ‽ .
And for those who may need to know* what they are trying to deny is a current situation ....say hello and welcome to Advanced Cyber Threats and Persistent ACTive CyberIntelAIgent Treats and all possible variations and reverse engineerings of those themes and memes.
* ....Royal Chartered, £2.6bn granted, UKGBNI Cyber Security Council ??? :-) It just wouldn’t be fair on them, would it, for them to be able to plead complete ignorance of such an affair hence their being specifically singled out and highlighted in this post although one doesn’t have to be a genius or an Einstein to realise there be at least a few others worthy of mention who might wish to more fully avail themselves of such novel info and disruptive intel in order to take overwhelming advantage of its many benefits and massively utilise its myriad pitfalls/exploitable 0day vulnerabilities.
????? Surely you do not expect the Future to be anything like the Past and bear any responsibility for continuing woes in the Present.????? That would be to suggest madness rules, progress has not been made and evolution is halted..... which is clearly preposterous and evidently ridiculous.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 12:23 [2112171223] ...... adds and reveals more about much that needs to be known on
Misinformation is not a Great 0Sum Game
Event logs are very often used as evidence - not necessarily the legal kind - to establish the sequence and timing of events, who/what was involved and responsible. Tampering with those event logs is just like any other record tampering, even if it's tied up in a nice red bow and a gift tag that says "With Love from your favourite AI”. ..... Peter Galbavy
Tampered event logs in the West are invariably default tagged and gifted as if “From Russia with Love”
Can you imagine the insight/foresight such a gross mischaracterisation delivers to those in the East? It tells them practically all that they need to know about the weaknesses being attacked and defeated in the West.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 05:35 [2112170535] .... being helpful on
Re: Humor has its funny side.
not sure where it got the "too" from, but I like it! ..... s2bu
Ook is responsible for that inclusion, s2bu.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 06:54 [2112170654] ..... being agreeable on
Re: Long Runs... ...from... ...Hell... Hide....
:-) ..... the tales told in those musical trailers, AC? ...... Don’t mess with Global Operating Devices for there be unintentional consequences freely available to be avoided or exercised?
Yeah ..... I agree.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 12:02 [2112171202] ....... opens up a rich vein for harvesting on
Re: Why bother building a useful website
Jesus wept. A management win again with an epic class fail? The world is/has gone mad.
[Subsequently, after a slight ponder]
That’s a world of sane opportunities to explore amongst the ranks of the totally unhinged and currently ignorant. The riches to be mined and/or plundered there are without compare and absolutely priceless ie worth all the Chi in China.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 14:12 [2112171412] ....... having a say on
Been there, done that, got the crazy T-shirt and realised there be bigger phish to fry
Seems like China is late to Uncle Sam's party ........ Project MKUltra ...... if you can believe what you are being so forcefully spoon fed?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Dec 14:40 [2112171440] ....... saying more which may be disagreeable on
Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China
That, of course, is the biggest problem with the US claim: it encourages a whole sector of conspiracy theorists. :( ..... msobkow
Unfortunately/Fortunately the catastrophic vulnerability with the US claim is that it requires a whole sector of conspiracy theorists ....... thus is it destined to epically typically topically fail as is perfectly normal in such cases, again and again without fail.
It does have one wondering if they are congenitally retarded and incapable of learning from their experiences in mistakes ...... in order to find an acceptable valid reason for such serial bad/mad/rad/sad/fad/lad behaviour.
Or do you think there is something strange and unpleasant being put in that which they are taking/smoking/drinking? There’s bound to be a rational reason no matter how bizarre one may initially think it and protest to deny it.
The secret though in such cases, whilst one moves on way up ahead in other leading matters, is to leave them alone with it and allow them to knock themselves out whilst conspiring with others amongst themselves to prove things not true and acceptable.
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