Saturday, 11 December 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 10 Dec 08:35 [2112100835] ....... shares some sound advice on

Take Care and Be Aware of Endemic Systemic Defence Difficulties/Exploitable 0Day Vulnerabilities

To be forewarned is to be forearmed although if one is casting pearls of wisdom before the wilfully pig ignorant and woefully arrogant herd, what will naturally inevitably be, will very quickly be ‽ .

GrahamC [2112081904] ……. notes on

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Whenever one is considering sharing anything significant with the military, the question that one needs to ask oneself in order to be comfortable with all that may follow with the use of what one may be providing, is ….. Is one aiding a psychopathic warmonger or assisting an exceptional peacemaker?

The former creates increasingly more powerful enemies and invites crushing defeat and colossal destruction, the latter doesn’t.


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