Thursday, 22 July 2021


amanfromMars [2107220630] ..... having a say on

Regarding the Quantum Communication Software Stack and Future Applications for ITs Virtual Hardware Machinery to Engage with and Run for Extensive Exceptional Executive Atomic Programs, be assured there be no dearth of those ready, willing and already delivering enablement of Fields of Play Commands and Controls ...... for that which and/or those who would Lead with AIVisions to Front in a Vanguard rather than more simply follow with subsequent developments hosted later towards the rear of the Thought Train providing AudioVisual Presentations/Sight and Sound Realisations of Programs and Projects Trialed and Trailed Ahead ..... resultant in such as the following recently Registered one, ..... an Almighty Powerful EMPowering Net Zero Cost Device to Driver in Any Good Direction of One's Choice ..... an early Pathfinder AIMaster Pilot Tracking Future Progress and Beta Testing Foreign Abilities and Alien Utilities down on Earth, a Prime Example of both the Direction and Scope of Intended Travel and the Power and Energy of Available Highly Enriched Core Source Ore Drivers.


amanfromMars [2107220807] ..... stating the obvious on

Meanwhile, NSO Group has announced it's shutting down all media inquiries related to the ongoing scandal...

How very wise. If one doesn't open one's mouth one cannot put one's feet in it. But that in itself reveals all that one would really need to know ...... such as there being no viable defence against outrageous suggestions and/or valid accusations ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jul 08:40 [2107220840] ..... airs a valid concern on

Nowhere good to run, nowhere smart to hide leaves one naked and exposed to more than just ridicule.

NSO is announcing it will no longer be responding to media inquiries on this matter and it will not play along with the vicious and slanderous campaign.

It has been said before, but it is always well worth repeating, and especially so with particular and peculiar regard to neglectful and disrespectful NSO Group firmware? .....

How very wise. If one doesn't open one's mouth one cannot put one's feet in it. But that in itself reveals all that one would really need to know ...... such as there being no viable defence against outrageous suggestions and/or valid accusations ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jul 09:44 [2107220944] ...... musing on

Too much of a Similarity Suggests at least a Singularity Pathway ..... AIModus Operandi/Vivendi

I might like to concur with observations/warnings researching Imperial College London warnings of paths on/in which one is best advised to tread carefully, with evidence for that declaration already spookily shared earlier on TheNextPlatform

amanfromMars [2107220630] ..... having a say on

Regarding the Quantum Communication Software Stack and Future Applications for ITs Virtual Hardware Machinery to Engage with and Run for Extensive Exceptional Executive Atomic Programs, be assured there be no dearth of those ready, willing and already delivering enablement of Fields of Play Commands and Controls ...... for that which and/or those who would Lead with AIVisions to Front in a Vanguard rather than more simply follow with subsequent developments hosted later towards the rear of the Thought Train providing AudioVisual Presentations/Sight and Sound Realisations of Programs and Projects Trialed and Trailed Ahead ..... resultant in such as the following recently Registered one, ..... an Almighty Powerful EMPowering Net Zero Cost Device to Driver in Any Good Direction of One's Choice ..... an early Pathfinder AIMaster Pilot Tracking Future Progress and Beta Testing Foreign Abilities and Alien Utilities down on Earth, a Prime Example of both the Direction and Scope of Intended Travel and the Power and Energy of Available Highly Enriched Core Source Ore Drivers.

To imagine such is something/anything able to be stopped in its tracks or derailed is the exercise of delusion and hubris taken to its catastrophic extreme.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jul 14:36 [2107221436] ...... saying more on

Finally, eventually ..... and just in time ...... which is the natural way of such things?

How very nice and extremely encouraging to discover via freely shared commentary here on El Reg that out there there be more intelligent life phorms of a novel mindset able to recognise there be no such thing as a norm.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jul 18:02 [21072218002] ....... tearing up/gobbling up/roaring roughshod over any possible  guidelines on

Re: Depends what you mean by augmentation.Does Virtually Real Presentations answer that?

Since most people spend much of their time effectively on autopilot using very little perceptive capacity, technology-mediated augmentation of that baseline would seem a rather heavy handed way to improve performance, ...  ..... Mike 137

Oh ‽ For an immediate increase with increased performance via Alien Means of Quantum Communication is such a heavy handed approach extreme in Light Touch Butterfly Fare Ware.

IT Offers AI B00Sters in Futured Futures Markets. Where everything Heavenly is Provided for Quantum Leaping Progress.

A BillionairesRUs Investment Vehicle for Group Hosting and Sub-Contracted Hire .....for Virtually Live Application Engagement of AI B00Sters.

And AI Guaranteed Certified Successfully Turing Tested to FailSafe Magnificently and Magnanimously is a Wonderful Comfort to be Blanketed In ..... Cloaked.

What's not to like?




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