Thursday, 30 September 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Sep 08:14 [2109300814] ..... casting a shadow of doubt on the veracity of a speculative iteration on something which is presented to have happened more than 3.5–3.7 billion years ago on another planet which is around 394,267,117 kilometres [circa 250 million miles] away and is not known to support life on

Denying it doesn't make it untrue. Is it a Novel American Way Project ?

Crikey, that's surely at least evidence there's certainly some heavy dope being scored in The University of Texas at Austin circles ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Sep 11:49 [2109301149] ...... is encouraged by news shared on

Better Late than Never is Normally Just in the Nick of Time to Prevent a Catastrophe

Nowhere does the document explain why a strategy paper has gone so far off the beaten track that it promotes collecting data the MoD doesn't have and using it for decidedly non-military purposes.

Probably definitely because MoD Bods and Boffinry recognise the reality that national Parliamentary government services and employees and private sector utilities and facilities so spectacularly fail to fulfil and wisely exercise the remit. And that puts the electorate and national assets in peril of being usurped and overwhelmed/sinisterly exploited.

The only question I would presently have is ........ WTF took the MoD so long to get their act together and make like as if they were going to make and take a shrewd leading move in operational theatres of both real practical and ethereal virtual engagement ...... for it is not as if they do not have the necessary resources and futures sources readily available to them, is it ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Sep 16:45 [2109301645] ....... says on

Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?

Don't you recognise an old fashioned witch-hunt for a scapegoat whenever you see it ..... and similarly purple in the shades of Assange.

England expects ...... UKGBNI HM Gov to grow a pair and advise Uncle Sam .... Thanks but No Thanks ..... for the consequences of abject capitulations are guaranteed to be dire and quickly self-defeating in this postmodern internetworking age which suffers not the slings and arrows of misfortunes nor the deeds of the worthily dispossessed and vainly possessed.


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