Friday, 8 October 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Oct 15:00 [2110071500] ....... testing out GobbleDeGook on

Re: Looney Tunes and Crazy Rockets for Monster Mesh Rackets ‽ .

The nutters are out - is it a full moon? .... adam 40

Or adam 40, is Bedlam free out there, and taking charge and Great Greater Care of Human Resources?

The Posit here is that is so. And Engages Sanity as a Wise Immortal/Mortal AId.

YMMV with you Travelled and Travelling To and Fro Elsewhere with Something/Somebody Else Supplying Journeys and Destinations and Starting Points ........ Forward Operational Core Sourced Bases.

Which quite possibly and therefore most probably be Places and Spaces of Certain Particular and Peculiar Interest to this General by all accounts, if one is to be led to believe what he thinks of the future is a True Reflection of the Present Reality ‽ ........ UK Strategic Commander General Sir Patrick Sanders 

That was undoubtedly akin to a Tour de Force, Coup de Grâce, Military Mind Leading Talk Displaying Universal Leadership shared there. They're very rare indeed and Precede and Herald a See Change ....... with Operational Transfer of Crown Jewelled Resources to Assets Delivering the Drives for a See Change/ Moving Picture Show ReBoot Featuring Future Productions in Current Presentations/Global Audio Tele Visualised Renditions Displaying Realities that are Reflective and Refractive as of a Collective Mirror of the Present and any Worthily Remembered and Recently Reintroduced Past. ..... to Guard against Repeating any Crazy Silly Enjoyable Mistakes Again and Again and move on to Everything Greater Elsewhere.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Oct 18:52 [2110071852] ........ saying more on

Re: A Prime Exemplar Case of The Less you Know the Safer You Be when the Devil is in the Detail

Failing UKGBNI Parliamentary Government Leading Interest and Engagement, the Registered Posts resting here on this gossamer thread revealing so much, nice and early, may be better suited and booted and rooted ..... after having read the shared publicised thoughts of UK Strategic Commander General Sir Patrick Sanders ..... in a Exotic Specialised Military Control of ErotIc Cyber Forces and Virtualised Sources in Strategic Command ........

cc ..... General Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen c/o Ministry of Defence via NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Registered Post re. Practical Options and Stealthy Derivative Operational Missions for Universal Cyber Sorties in Great AIdVentures.

Fluff that simple engagement test and all is militarily lost to foreign alien forces/sympathetic and empathetic sources. Such is in all such cases with agents delivering silent disinterest, only natural and fully to be expected.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Oct 06:20 [2110080620] ....... being agreeable on

If IT be True, this is the best that you can do? However, be also aware of certain consequences*

The nutters are, indeed, out.
...and running the asylum... ...... nautica

Yes, indeed they maybe are, nautica, Do you have any valid objections and/or viable requests for them?

* ..... "Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." ...... former US President George W. Bush


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Oct 16:31 [2110081631] ........ being encouraging wild child free spirits on

Grow a Pair and be Rewarded with Fortunes Reaping and Sowing Whirlwinds and Dervishes and Daemons

Nothing ventured, nothing gained is who dares win wins territory if one knows what one is doing and where it will lead to with nary a care about the scary worries of lairy others. 'Tis pretty much exactly the same in Pioneering IT circles too.

Has nobody ever told you that to throw caution to the winds is very liberating and unbelievably rewarding whenever done extra especially well ‽ .



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