Monday, 25 October 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Oct 07:01 [2110250701] ...... says on

The Real Terror Microsoft is really worried about ....... and probably quite a few others see in Red too

A denial from Microsoft will not change the shape and the flavour and the course of future developers event horizons which wrest leading control leverage out of the cold cruel hands of parasitic corporations and wannabe authoritarians ....

In the very near future will that be somewhat reversed with Cloud developers presenting to ARM/silicon partners virtual requirements for chip designs to execute proprietary intellectual property via coded instruction sets which realise in a certain universally acceptable order, a very specific pre-ordained result........


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Oct 15:57 [2110251557] ......... ponders on

A Virtually Real Persecution ..... and/or Just Desserts Levelling Up the Playing Field ‽ .

If .NET is truly open source... then presumably it may be time to stick a fork in it. ..... Adair

That's another worry already well done and now prone to terrifying Microsoft because of what IT can do to/for Operating Systems Administrators/Special Operations Executives ....... and that be, some ambulance chasing lawyers types might insist, a suitable case for the award and reward of monumental punitive damages in a classy action prosecution exploring negligent proprietary intellectual property development in-house.


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