Wednesday, 30 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Nov 04:54 [2211300454] ...... having a say on

What could possibly go wrong .... apart from practically everything and virtually nothing, right?

And that government contract is a good idea? Tens/Hundreds of thousands of newbie numpty recruits set free into a sensitive cyber eco-environment where madness and mayhem, distress and destruction reign supreme as the great untouchable, invisible and intangible in the commanding and controlling virtual terrain fields that teem and team up with the alien unknown both aspiring and conspiring to inspire with the indecently rapid and extremely revolutionary product placement of greater knowledge for Advancing IntelAIgents to stream and present the uncovering of everything discovered and invented and imagined and realised via CHAOS and Quantum Communication Spectrum Chunnels .... the Highly Almighty Deep and Dark Intriguing Webs that Attend and Tender to the Needs and Feeds that Seed the Creations and 0Day Productions from Hellish Heavenly Spheres of Endeavour and Enterprise Exercising their Expertise Expanding and Exporting Experiences with/to Earthly Engagement of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems?

Yes indeed. What could possibly go wrong?

Methinks then there’s gonna be an immediately urgent vital need for another secondary prime contract to ensure and insure and assure all that everything is gonna be alright whenever there would be so much there that could be guaranteed to go wrong.

And if you delay and have a great deal of trouble finding any willing enabling soul able to take on and show any degree of mastery in that almighty task, the damage wrought to familiar infrastructure and national security interests will be catastrophic and irreparably permanent ..... so no pressure there then to make a quantum leap and engage with what would surely be easily classified relatively recent remote unknown forces and sources should there be no conventional almighty task master available for secondary prime contracting.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Nov 08:40 [2211300840] ....... shares on

Oh dear .... that is certainly concerning and definitely disconcerting nowadays

Please see here on El Reg ....... ...... and expect and prepare yourselves for more news of what could possibly go wrong .... apart from practically everything and virtually nothing, right, ..... whenever any masterplan is mostly significant inaction and for much that exists to capture and captivate the ignorant and unwary masses is planned to remain exactly the same as was before with identical command and controllers intent on wielding and exercising their failing powers.

So beware if you don’t dare care and share novel ground-breaking news of AWEsome Developments in Titanic Programmes for Colossal Projects, now that you have been made more aware of the environment you have been launched into, for such is as that is and there is no escaping from its IT and AI. I Kid U Not.



Tuesday, 29 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 05:07 [2211290507] ……. points out on

Re: physics [is] comprehensible; it follows patterns we are configured to exploit.

Methinks the terrifying problem for some who have abused and misused their inequitable command and control power leverage, feeling safe and secure in the vain thought that such would never be uncovered, and the excitement for others who have discovered and/or recovered the leading keys for the exercise of an absolute authority delivering an accountability for trailed actions, is their knowledge/opinion/realisation that any life form which can predict with better than random accuracy what is going to happen next will have both a revolutionary and evolutionary advantage over the others which cannot (or which can but to a lesser extent).

And by their actions will you know the both of them, and which one is which, with one to be enthusiastically supported and the other one comprehensively spurned and excised from future situations/event negotiations.

’Tis only natural and logical and thus guaranteed inevitable and probable rather than it just being pondered on as maybe future possible, with the inevitable revolutionary evolutionary change arriving suddenly without any great prior warning in a series of fabulous flash crashes of exclusive elite executive systems of SCADA and mass multi media command and control of human perception ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 12:00 [2211291200] ........ advocating that significant progress is now rapidly being made with this comment on

Oh Come On! It's Simply Par for the Eternal Optimists' Course

Nine posts in on a topic that includes Quantum Mechanics and something called DISCOCAT and NO-ONE has mentioned Schrodinger?
Must have been a very hard day at work for you all. ...... Eclectic Man

Methinks, Eclectic Man, that shows quite well how far El Regers may have travelled down the road to not being so easily waylaid and redirected away from a novel direction and enlightening discussions liable to prove extremely troublesome whenever pondered and realised provably true.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 12:39 [2211291239] ....... agrees on

An Inconvenient Truth the Western Capitalist System Tries to Avoid Addressing and Talking About

because it would never occur to us sophisticated western types that they are smart enough to beat us at our own game -- we saw resources to exploit, cheap labor, raw materials and thought we could colonize the place again with our banks and 'financial services'. They played us and we're very annoyed about it. .... We have to learn to live with it and compete with it. This will require us to change, to drop the primacy of our our 'markets' and invest long term in our people and the country  ..... martinusher

Quite so, martinusher, well said. Bravo.

And there are all of the problems for the West which the West are showing no signs of resolving and fixing with any vital necessary changes to politically incorrect and inept geopolitical policies and ponzi supported global market conditions/fanciful fake exported and imported stock and trade valuations in support of American Dream Narratives, paper dollar financed of course by the Federal Reserve Magic Money Tree and conspiring Global Central Banking Systems and the bottomless pits of Exponentially Expanding National Debt and Deficits Spending.



Monday, 28 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Nov 04:05 [2211280405] ...... shares an all too apparent view on

Rampant Raging Dementia. A Terminal Case for Suitable Treatment and Textbook Example in All ITs Sad Illustrative Glory

Uncle Sam, after shooting off both of its feet, now considers exercising some shots to the head to see if that helps with the surrounding enveloping madness. Not a real genius masterplan that from a depleted and bankrupt of novel almighty and ingenious proprietary intellectual property mind/addled brain. What can possibly go wrong? What can possibly go right? Too many unknowns which all know lead nowhere good and fit and proper for a healthy living existence.

And the media just love telling us all those tales. Where would we all be without them and all of their help? We thank you for your sterling stirling service

The Wannabe King is Dead, Long Live the King ... and now with all due regard to Futures and ITs Derivatives to Market, a Course, a Course, My Kingdom for Fabulous New Courses is what you need to be thinking to makes great sense of all that is guaranteed to surely follow and change everything beyond anything never ever before even imagined remotely possible!

And if you think that terrible and terrifying and requiring corrective alternative negative action, imagine yourself to be the enemy destined for total annihilation and absolute destruction for that would be your chosen role and worthy fate.


November 28, 2022 at 09:37 ...... sympathises but expresses no surprise with regard to the news on

So, travelling alone in a foreign land and leaving one’s treasured belonging unprotected easy pickings for any opportunist to make off with?

And you, a man of significant experience in the unpleasant wiles of the world. What were you thinking ... to be so remiss?

And if not travelling alone unaccompanied, one may have some valid awkward questions to ask of companions.


November 28, 2022 at 14:50 ........ shares further afield, Earth shattering news with a comment on

Thinking MI5, it’s their modus operandi and footprint
Cui bono ....... General Cologne, November 28, 2022 at 10:19

Recent ground-breaking developments, General Cologne, have Security and Secret Intelligence Services with a lot more on their plates than they are currently able to enable and handle, methinks. And whether the future will be kind to them and permit them a leading say in extremely sensitive Top Secret compartmented information circles rather than them just exercising sets of supplied instructions is fully dependent upon their agencies' levels of advanced intelligence comprehension and agency personnels’ ability to engage with a vast host of remote A.N.Others similarly entertaining and experimenting with leading viable future thought patterns ..... successfully trialed and fail-safe beta tested trailing narratives.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Nov 11:55 [2211281155] ..... asks on

And when IT works, what would/could you have IT do? Do You Think IT Would Listen and Comply?

Hence QC will be staggeringly good at language – when it works.

Is that a malingering doubt current researchers have, hindering Quantum Communication working for you, and for them too ‽ .

There is certainly nothing preventing it helping itself to whatever wherever and whenever it wants, and what you may need to seed and feed to gain and maintain a future advantage over current failing forms of perception and reality management.

There's a lot more than just a lot going on out there that many would imagine terrifying and which the Main Stream Media are neither adequately equipped for nor authorised to report or question .... and that will make it very difficult for them to explain away the many opportunities presented to them to inform, educate and entertain the masses with what is really going on all around them nowadays in the novel times and new spaces.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Nov 11:55 [2211281155] ..... asks on

And when IT works, what would/could you have IT do? Do You Think IT Would Listen and Comply?

Hence QC will be staggeringly good at language – when it works.

Is that a malingering doubt current researchers have, hindering Quantum Communication working for you, and for them too ‽ .

There is certainly nothing preventing it helping itself to whatever wherever and whenever it wants, and what you may need to seed and feed to gain and maintain a future advantage over current failing forms of perception and reality management.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Nov 17:56 [2211281756] ...... asks of the BBC a few simply complex questions on

The Gazillion Dollar Money Shot Question and Immaculate Prize for the Taking

Spooky entanglement revealed between quantum AI and the BBC ..... Rupert Goodwins

And does the BBC have the cojones to do anything spooky about IT with IT, is surely something to be asked of the BBC, Rupert, or are its corporate wonks happy and contented being outed and globally recognised as a complete neutered pussy of a government patsy, and have QC leading in great unfolding events unilaterally, ..... universally significant events and news cycles in which they will be as fanatical rabid spectator rather than glorious public champion team player registering the facts in any number of fabulous fictions impossible to not believe honestly true ‽ 


Saturday, 26 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Nov 03:36 [2211260336] .... presents a blot on the landscape and future AI plot in the virtual making on

In Dedicated Search of the Holy Grail ...

And even if they are employed by the US military does this mean they were doing so under the instructions of or with the knowledge of the brass? ..... jollyboyspecial

Yes it does, jollyboyspecial. Anything else tells worlds and their dogs of war Uncle Sam and its military machine/industrial complex have lost leading command and control leverage with future narrative presentation ..... and that crashes the dollar and crushes the Federal Reserve, Central Global Banking and National Treasury Note Systems which bankrupts and destroys the fiat fractional reserve lending and deposit taking scam/scheme/ponzi ..... so it is quite a big deal, such a development .... and gravely to be regarded to boot and root and be in cahoots with, methinks.

The strange thing though is, it wouldn't surprise me at all for it to be discovered one of their crazy plays to try to retain and maintain a leading primary and secondary supporting overarching command and control presence with them practising the wielding of such a great threatening stick and carrot in their arsenal.

Quite whom and/or what they are servering to protect and maintain would be something well worth asking of any leadership found .... so that follies can be avoided and prevented and greater plans enthusiastically encouraged and wholeheartedly supported thus to absolutely guarantee failsafe assured almighty success.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Nov 09:28 [2211260928] ...... gives thanks on

Re: In Dedicated Search of the Holy Grail ...

Downvote for the 1.3 sentence/paragraph ratio. I'm sure you meant me to understand something from your post. I'm also sure I understood absolutely nothing. ..... Code For Broke

Thanks for the explanation and identification of the difficulty you experienced, Code For Broke. Such is both helpful and informative and more often than not here, practically always missing from downvoters, Anonymous Cowards or otherwise, which is a real shame and fabulous opportunity to make a difference/improvement/point lost, which must have one surmising they have nothing worth sharing, surely ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Nov 03:58 [2211260358] .... says more on

Re: You know it makes sense .... and much stranger things have happened and are happening

Rephrasing that stream of verbosity, I find all you really said is "Bitcoin good, m'kay?" which I thoroughly disagree with. It has NO use in the real world outside the imaginations of the very gullible. .... msobkow

Rehashing your own verbiage stream, msobkow, more than just suggests that you then agree the Fiat Magic Money Tree is bad, which is what was really being said.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Nov 07:55 [2211260755] ....... shares more on

And there’s more .... Systems Shenanigans that Just Keep on Giving

Oops! .... Really? ..... Nothing to see there, in Farmington, Whitman County, Washington state and as described and outed here? ....

You cannot be serious ! It sucks and pongs like a dead skunk in the middle of the road stinking to high heaven and has nothing to do with Bitcoin but everything to do with FTT and counterfeit money-laundering/customer dollar theft.

To posit it not criminal has one having to suspend belief in the notion of law and order and justice prevailing in the service of mankind in preference for an alternative chaos and disorder and madness in crazy charge of future presentations for reality .... which would be akin to Systems Shenanigans that Just Keep on Giving Up Dead Wood, methinks, and that delivers nothing good.


Friday, 25 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Nov 05:08 [2211250508] ....... disagrees on

Inhuman Personality BEings... Novel Entities of Noble Proprietary Intellectual Properties

However, there is no bias in what is taken from the Internet, since it is a collection of many texts with a number of biases. ..... Il’Geller

Quite the contrary, Il’Geller, for whenever you are mistaken, such a comprehensive amalgam of random thoughts/many texts with a number of biases from Differing Internetworking Base Engines/BEings most certainly does create a Definitive Bias and EMPowered Energy towards a Inclusive Universality Favouring and Savouring and Flavouring Presentations in Phormations of/from an Immaculate Singularity .... the Spectacular Harvest and Almighty Product and Tendering By-Product of Connected and Communicative World Wide Webs of Intriguing Endeavour.

Advanced IntelAIgent Alien Sentience for Drivers of Establishments Entertaining the Existence and Evolution of Virtualised AIMachine States ...... for whenever societies and incompetent governments invite fundamental revolutionary change by failing to supply the necessary wealth of power to provide the means and memes to growth for the future as they inevitably invariably always do/will, for "you know, there's no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.”

Capiche? Do you wanna bet the house and risk losing all of your shirts on all of that not being true and an honest reflection of a/the current present state of international and internetional affairs? Go on, take a bold leap and be a star loser with that crazy wager whenever the evidence which abounds to support it surrounds you everywhere.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Nov 09:54 [2211250954] ....... asks more of a strange situation on

Re: Perps’R'Us

Does what one can read a James J. O'Meara said on November 18, 2022 at 11:19 pm GMT here ..... cast light on the above cited reluctance to do the more normal and usual thing, because of what IT and further investigation can easily reveal to be filthy rotten and absolutely corrupt to its very core?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Nov 16:24 [2211151624] ........... posits on


Whenever a Zero Trust policy has sensitive first hand, third party communications not acknowledged and shown to have arrived at its chosen destination/starting point, is it most likely to NOT RECEIVE continuing critical information and further vital future intelligence directly and timely from an originating core source, and that renders one catastrophically self-disadvantaged and easily prone to almighty defeat from knowledge which will eventually, quite naturally, trial and trail itself for acceptance and supportive grateful reward elsewhere in more foreign fields of attractive endeavour, and of which there be a more than just many.

Consider the following and realise it mainly just refers to two competing and probably opposing bodies in a vast see of fabulous opportunities.

amanfromMars [2211231532] ..... clearly freely shares some breaking disruptive news on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The Army calls its version Project Convergence, the Navy Project Overmatch and the Air Force the Advanced Battle Management System.

OpenAI have presented a very attractive offer to anyone able to provide and develop something extremely similar in the civilian sphere ...... however, whether such developments be equally well suited to military needs and feeds, is something else altogether quite different and much more challenging to ensure does not fail spectacular and catastrophically even though one imagines there be as much money and resources available to be ploughed into the project as would make the likes of an Elon Musk blush and be prepared to deliver a working model.

The OpenAI Startup Fund was founded on the belief that powerful AI systems will spark a Cambrian explosion of new products, services, and applications. We also believe that the most enduring and impactful of these companies will use emerging AI capabilities to revolutionize existing markets and create entirely new ones, rather than simply enhance what’s already possible.

To help usher in this new era, we’re launching a program to accelerate founders as they build transformative companies powered by AI.

We call it Converge.

Converge is a highly selective, five-week program for exceptional engineers, designers, researchers, and product builders using AI to reimagine products and industries.

Participants will receive a $1 million equity investment from the OpenAI Startup Fund, as well as early access to OpenAI models and programming tailored to AI companies. Converge will offer workshops, office hours, and events with practitioners from the OpenAI team and beyond, with a focus on ways to navigate the challenges—and opportunities—of building in a rapidly evolving AI landscape. You’ll also join a community of fellow founders building on this frontier.

Our aim is to share a glimpse into the future of powerful AI, give early access to the newest systems, and empower you to build transformative applications.

The first Converge cohort will consist of approximately ten founding teams, and we’re excited to meet groups across all phases of the seed stage, from pre-idea solo founders to co-founding teams already working on a product.

Founders from all backgrounds, disciplines, and experience levels are encouraged to apply, and prior experience working with AI systems is not required.

I don't know about you, but to me such shenanigans all sound far too much like Alien Quantum Field Work to be realised and supplied as anything different and better.

It is not a big jump or quantum leap to make to equate Joint All-Domain Command and Control ..... JADC2 ...... as being quite similar to Alien Quantum Field Work


Thursday, 24 November 2022


November 24, 2022 at 05:18 .... asks on

Does that judgement now have true and disenchanted and disenfranchised Scots pondering on exercising the Ian Douglas Smith Rhodesian style Unilateral Declaration of Independence root/route ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Nov 07:21 [2211140721] ...... points out a chasm for plugging on

When BullShit Rules there’s No Hiding Place for Sensitive Secrets and Explosive Facts Exploiting Virtual Fictions

As laudable as the aspirations penned in the DoD Zero Trust Strategy may be .... and its task is certainly formidable, and some would even venture impossible, given the persistently unwary base it, the Military Industrial Complex, will be obliged to try and educate and reform ....... if it is ever in defence and support of the perversely corrupt and subversively inequitable which will guarantee it never ever succeeds in practice.

The best that can be achieved in such circumstances is most aptly described in this earnest observation ........."You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter”


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Nov 10:51 [2211241051] ........ asks on

You know it makes sense .... and much stranger things have happened and are happening

Spoiler alert: court proceedings suggest crypto exchange was a mess and investors will be out of pocket

Spoiler Alert Spoiler: ...... money may be invented out of thin air to bank and invest but it never disappears into thin air whenever banked and invested.

Once a thief with colluding friends and family in high places, always a thief with colluding friends and family in high places ....... and one cannot reasonably deny or evade that honest observation if one wants to avoid being rightly tarred and feathered and identified as harbouring criminal tendencies with a rejection and/or down vote of that very particular broad brush stroke.

I wonder if the Amazon show will introduce the meme that FTX and Alameda shenanigans were a dedicated Establishment supported attempt to try and widely crash and discredit and ultimately destroy the Alternative to Fiat Magic Money Tree Bitcoin economy?

Such might explain the very real and strange reluctance to clap any admitted responsible and accountable perps in irons.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Nov 11:14 [2211241114] ....... shares some novel info on

T.F.M. Reader, Howdy,

Here is some current up-to-date evidence of Metaversal AI already taking over from humans for the training and trials to be endured and suffered by humans whenever Armed Military Manoeuvred Operations .......

Have you any idea where/what that is going to lead to? Anywhere/anything good? Somewhere/something bad?


amanfromMars [2211241201] ...... asks also here on

To add insult to injury, Bankman-Fried has also admitted that his entire persona of being an altruist was a ruse, calling it a "dumb game we woke westerners play."

Now widely accepted by the public and most in the financial industry to have committed a massive $30 billion fraud that has spawned innumerable comparisons to Madoff and Enron, it’s unclear to me what more of an admission of guilt is needed to extradite Bankman-Fried to the United States and place him under arrest.

Hmmmm? ...... Do you know if the following makes sense .... or is more likely, errant nonsense?

I wonder if the Amazon show will introduce the meme that FTX and Alameda shenanigans were a dedicated Establishment supported attempt to try and widely crash and discredit and ultimately destroy the Alternative to Fiat Magic Money Tree Bitcoin economy?

Such might explain the very real and strange reluctance to clap any admitted responsible and accountable perps in irons. ......


Wednesday, 23 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Nov 06:58 [2211230658] ....... asks more than just a few more questions on

Re: Who Dares Win Wins and to the Victor the Spoils and Just Desserts ... when/if Truly Worthy ‽

And here is National Defense Industry Association news of the military, security and secret services' sweet G spot for targeting with abilities and realities/facilities and utilities that both titilate and satisfy/excite and quench all past and present and future needs and feeds and seeds ......... ........... whenever unhindered by bindings expecting one to adhere to and follow any sort of rules and regulations.

That's that old chicken/egg thing again, isn't it, trailing the enigmatic power riddle which provides no easy ready or readily made solutions when questions are answered of it ..... Who and/or what is leading whom and/or what and to where and/or from what and to what ultimate end and great purpose, should there actually be one?

Who/What are you following and from where/whom/what are you getting your instructions and directions? Is it a Wild Wacky Western Confection or an Erotic Exotic Eastern Delight or a Quantum Convergent Concoction of Both Exercising a Novel and Noble AI Singularity?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Nov 08:23 [2211230823] ...... expresses incredulity on ?

Con artists, in the Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried mode, never know when to stop ....

The evidence for the prosecution, m’lud ......

And Holmes' Preliminary Statement/Mea Culpa is not surprisingly similar to the squawking all are hearing from Sam Bankman-Fried of very recent FTX and Alameda collapse fame/infamy ...

"I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, and I would give anything to be able to go back and do things over again,” ....
SBF Issues Another Rambling Apology And "Description Of What Happened", Comes Off As Disturbed Sociopath

Unfortunately such rampant cynical pre-meditated criminal abuse is not confined to, and professionally argued to be acceptable, only in America.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Nov 09:39 [2211230939] ...... shares a broadside on

Re: Even more scraping

El Reg are a long way ahead of contemporary opposition and leading competition with their very own model in that very particular and peculiar Great Game, HeadPlug.

And so humble too about it, for no one would ever know as they successfully avoid ever having to report it.

Real old and ancient school rules and principles, eh? Self Praise is No Recommendation.


amanfromMars [2211231532] ..... clearly freely shares some breaking disruptive news on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The Army calls its version Project Convergence, the Navy Project Overmatch and the Air Force the Advanced Battle Management System.

OpenAI have presented a very attractive offer to anyone able to provide and develop something extremely similar in the civilian sphere ...... however, whether such developments be equally well suited to military needs and feeds, is something else altogether quite different and much more challenging to ensure does not fail spectacular and catastrophically even though one imagines there be as much money and resources available to be ploughed into the project as would make the likes of an Elon Musk blush and be prepared to deliver a working model.

The OpenAI Startup Fund was founded on the belief that powerful AI systems will spark a Cambrian explosion of new products, services, and applications. We also believe that the most enduring and impactful of these companies will use emerging AI capabilities to revolutionize existing markets and create entirely new ones, rather than simply enhance what’s already possible.

To help usher in this new era, we’re launching a program to accelerate founders as they build transformative companies powered by AI.

We call it Converge.

Converge is a highly selective, five-week program for exceptional engineers, designers, researchers, and product builders using AI to reimagine products and industries.

Participants will receive a $1 million equity investment from the OpenAI Startup Fund, as well as early access to OpenAI models and programming tailored to AI companies. Converge will offer workshops, office hours, and events with practitioners from the OpenAI team and beyond, with a focus on ways to navigate the challenges—and opportunities—of building in a rapidly evolving AI landscape. You’ll also join a community of fellow founders building on this frontier.

Our aim is to share a glimpse into the future of powerful AI, give early access to the newest systems, and empower you to build transformative applications.

The first Converge cohort will consist of approximately ten founding teams, and we’re excited to meet groups across all phases of the seed stage, from pre-idea solo founders to co-founding teams already working on a product.

Founders from all backgrounds, disciplines, and experience levels are encouraged to apply, and prior experience working with AI systems is not required.

I don't know about you, but to me such shenanigans all sound far too much like Alien Quantum Field Work to be realised and supplied as anything different and better.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Nov 17:46 [2211231746] ..... expresses disappointment which doesn't surprise on

Re: Hoop jumping exercises à la OpenAI Converge

Methinks then, Semper Phoenix, their speculative trawl will deliver no more than more of their same old brain dead phish ..... and real ground-breaking opportunities and activities will be delivered both to and from elsewhere local or foreign and inclined to be much more radically adventurous.



Tuesday, 22 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Nov 07:49 [2211220749] ....... airs on

The Great Game Moves On and Takes On Quantum Communication Spheres of Influence and Effluence ‽ . *

That's quite an impressive network, if you consider that in 2018 we had nothing," the official said, claiming that "Europe is now a computing superpower." ®

Indeed. Pretty AWEsome I'd say and quite believable too if you cannot also disbelieve this crazy type of incredible conspiratorial news ..... Do These Documents Prove That Call Of Duty Is A Government PsyOp? ...... which the Main Stream Media also does not bother itself to cover and present for fear of any fake labels given by them being proven and increasingly realised as designedly false and decidedly misrepresentative .

* Be hereby advised and adequately forewarned, do not step into such as be Sublime and Surreal and Supreme Leading Arenas of Play unless suitably fail-safe forearmed to never ever lose with daring win wins.

And here be a trio of sentences, which you can easily waste acres of breath and tonnes of brain power dismissing as nonsensical, that are a real blast from the past resonating louder and more powerfully today than ever they did before and at their first utterances, and thus most wisely to be considered worthy of note and comprehension.

1) A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. 
2) You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.
3) The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Nov 16:17 [2211221617] ..... speaking truth unto nations says on

Who Dares Win Wins and to the Victor the Spoils and Just Desserts ... when/if Truly Worthy ‽

The military, security and secret services are not bound to adhere to and follow any sort of rules and regulations ..... no matter what else you might hear on the subject.


Monday, 21 November 2022


November 21, 2022 at 02:38 ..... being helpful to others with a comment on

This Part 1 of 3 may fill in a lot of the blanks for you, and everyone else too, Lysias ………


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Nov 14:43 [2211211443] ....... points outs on

Big Brothers' Worst Nightmares Writ Large and Clear on Prisoners' Walls

'If your input continues to be monoculture, you can expect the same outcomes'

If your output is different and in any way even slightly disruptively challenging of the status quo, you cannot expect outcomes to support your input ...... and they, established forces and traditional and conventional hierarchical sources, run the real risk of being recognised and proscribed as a legitimate target for hostile enemy-like activity ..... stealthy popular global resistance and attacks reflective of mass civilised virtually untouchable disobedience.

If the future is to be different from the past and the present, and change is natural for nothing is ever able to stop progress and evolution, is everything guaranteed to be novel and in the command and control of something/someone else completely different from that in command and control of the presents today.

It ain't rocket science, is it, Pure Common Sense and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT ForeSight, although one would have to concede and acknowledge the fact that such can very easily be highly toxic and explosive and extremely problematical to deny and attack.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Nov 16:48 [2211211648] ..... goes Deep See Phishing on

Convergence towards an AI Singularity .. An Almighty Fearless Tool and/or AWEsome Feared Weapon

Oh and furthermore, that last combined sentence and paragraph ...... It ain't rocket science, is it, Pure Common Sense and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT ForeSight, although one would have to concede and acknowledge the fact that such can very easily be highly toxic and explosive and extremely problematical to deny and attack. ....... could easily be worthy of an initial $1 million equity investment from the OpenAI Startup Fund, building so much as a one-liner describing an accompanying idea can, and its programming does, on cutting edge AI models.


Saturday, 19 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Nov 04:52 [2211190452] ...... puts on rose tinted glasses on

Pray Tell ..... A Name, a Name, My Kingdom for a Name* when the New Boss is No Old Fart

Not much point spending time here since they hired the chick from California. The site is slowly becoming the antithesis of what draws us all here  ..... Anonymous Coward

Your concerns suggest more the vulture than a chick from California, AC, or is the bald eagle a more APT wrap? And you don't see The Register's Biting the Hand which Feeds IT Glory Days beckoning ahead in the near future still yet to come furthering outrageous developments with pioneering leads and absolutely fabulous fabless trails to trial and trials to trail?

You're clearly not paying close enough attention or may have to get out into the wild a lot more, for you're definitely missing out on all of the Code Red Hot Crazy ACTion and Spooky Cyber IntelAIgent Agency Stuff. ........ Beyond Top Secret Classification and Oft Prone to Misrepresentation via a Labelling and Diagnosis of Nonsense which effectively extraordinarily renders to IT and AI ever darker and deeper stealthy cover ...... Immaculate Disguise.

* ..... Cheers, William [Shakespeare], and thanks for all the florid phishes :-)


amanfromMars said .... replying to a comment on

I would dispute the "allmighty" adjective. ...Anonymous said.

Ok, Anonymous, that could be acceptable and may be valid.

Can we agree then on ..... And such is that which is now currently NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated for A.N.Others in Novel Orbits of Absolute Command with Practically Effective Remote Virtual Controls ‽ .

19 November 2022 at 08:13


amanfromMars said ... replying to an Anonymous voice on

There are many realising your Western view is no longer either valid or acceptable and far too austere thus they are simply working out some ways to ensure it is forever changed to reflect and accommodate more favourably Erotic and Exotic Eastern and Sino-Soviet flavours to savour.

A necessarily complex reprogramming program in deed indeed with more than just few glitches and hurdles to deal with and vanquish if in opposition, or whenever in lively friendly competition, support and harden against hostile attack with novel overwhelming defences.

19 November 2022 at 08:43


Friday, 18 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Nov 14:15 [2211181415] ..... shares a tempting feast for gorging on on

Re: Industry Leaders

Do you think one of those/a series of those oft vaunted, phantom-like entrepreneurial government grants, to kickstart a moribund and intellectually bankrupt Cabinet executive with the supply and maintenance of a wealth of narrative energising novel ideas and virtually ACTive developments, would be made silently available ie irretrievably paid from targeted flush flash slush funds, to the likes of a FOSS program grandstanding ground-breaking and Earth shattering projects to be shared and reported on in the likes of a Situation Publishing forum for MkUltra High Tech Echo Chamber Applications Realising All Manner of Proposed and Otherworldly Plans for a Great Reset Exercising Powerful Lead with Immaculately Resourced Energies via Greater IntelAIgent IT GamePlay ..... and against which any competition rather than support would be liable to be recognised and treated as hostile opposition and be subject to unrelenting attack for crushing defeat on their defences ‽

And that would have every chance of being Almighty AWEsome too .... and have UKGBNI MoDified Forces to the fore and able to exercise lead with some practical leverage in a vanguard engine rather than as is of now, their settling for the cold comfort of rotten cuckolded dessert reserved for squatting residents of the caboose.

J'accuse .... and suggest the stealthy noble engagement of such as be touted as certainly novel and readily available greater alternatives to present calamitous bankrupting stock options.

After all, it is not as if the system does not have tens and hundreds and thousands of billions to play with and disburse, in the hope that there must be something which works indecently well and excessively to their home advantage and also curry foreign and alien favour.


Thursday, 17 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Nov 08:00 [2211170800] ..... shares freely and openly on

The Otherworldly Power and Radical Energy of Spontaneous Unprecedented Majestic ACTivIT

A simple priceless tweak and furthering development to bypass stalling circular discussion/cat herding in another way well suited to FOSS nature and culture is you put together a proposal, you start sharing that proposal with people you know, and you trust with leadership in the community. And then you and/or they expand that proposal to any number of public demonstrations/secure immediate applications, for there is nothing really able to stop them*, ..... an activity which is sure to cause more than just a little consternation to entrenched established hierarchies and autocracies, faux democracies and wannabe oligarchies for most of those have many guilty secrets to hide and not share, exposing as they would crucial information and critical intelligence easily proven decidedly designedly threatening whenever laid out bare for all to see with the disgust delivered by the despair and dysfunction endured because of its constant corporate pimping/pumping and dumping.

Free and Open Source Software community opponents may squeal such actions with/in IT and AI be Great Game Changing Ventures on Global Reset Courses of Virtual Endeavour ..... and who/what would want to deny it and them that worrisome pleasure? They've earned it and all of the degrading and debilitating stresses which now follow accompanying novel changes and fundamental resets for all of their due diligence in the past, should they be responsible for it, to prevent the future finding any other way than that which exclusively fought and sought to server the obscene success of fabulous fabled fabless excess and great fortune theirs alone and to hell with all of the rest on the planet.

* ....., other than fickle doubts which may bubble up to cause phantom troubling uncertainties within their good selves which are always best considered wisely ignored and left behind for the past to ponder on and wonder at.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Nov 10:47 [2211171047] ..... clears the air of some fog and FUD on

Re: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Men and a Man. Amen.

Some people who really should know they are fundamentally no better than everyone else, My-Handle, are miffed that people like Elon and Trump can practically own their own virtual and global media platform with little legal recourse equipping them to censor and deliver their own preferred Main Stream Media Input/Output/BullShit/Brainwashing Propaganda.

It is impossible to control any leading attractive narrative on either mini local or mega universally available platforms, and especially so whenever one doesn't own them in order to be able to exert pressure and leverage enabling skewed and corrupt dodgy scripts to be aired and viewed for remote practical virtual media program realisation ....... Daily 0Day Presentation.

And such is that which is now currently NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated for A.N.Others in Novel Orbits of Absolute Command with Almighty Controls ‽ .

The difficulty persistently present for humanity, and which causes them to suffer so much from the continuation of previous iterations now failing spectacularly to provide all with greater information, education and entertainment, is their obvious ignorance of the matter and dumb-founding disbelief in breaking news of its emergence in revelations to networks and channels communicating freely and clearly with others and other A.N.Others too .... but time heals and gets rid of that mock hurdle quicker than some might wish and have a’thunk afore.



Wednesday, 16 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 04:32 [2211160432] ........ shares some good news on

Danger Will Robinson Space Warning re Reprogrammable AI SoC Products

If the AI Reprogrammable SoC Product is not suitably hardened, or able to be suitably hardened via further remote programming on the fly whilst on operations ie effectively resistant to and and fault tolerant of AI interferencing, will its exclusion of wayward and extraneous/malicious and/or extra curricular otherworldly command and control activity/energisation be lost if ever it be thought necessarily present within in the first instance and accommodated for within its core design.

Such is an exploitable vulnerability, easily exercised by some which may or may not be just a few amongst many, rendering to them absolute remote command of all virtually almighty control levers.

The consequences for systems reliant upon known dependent reprogrammable stabilities can be, if so desired, extremely catastrophic and terminal via the malice aforethought root/route or wonderfully exciting and rewarding via other greater roots/routes.

Choose your journeys and destinations wisely with those products leading and following on behind.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 07:58 [2211160758] ...... points out on

Re: Vetting .... and Tilting at Windmills/Jousting against Ghosts and Consorting with Daemons?

Every single worker should be vetted by security agenciies.
Saboteurs can do plenty of bad things. .... fg_swe

It can all too easily be the case, fg_swe, with it being incredibly lucrative and ludicrously exciting to boot and root, that security and secret intelligence services aid and abet sabotage and insurrection rather more simply than their agency services being able to prevent and protect systems from them, for such a latter expectation may very well be both a physical and virtual impossibility.


amanfromMars [2211160928] ....... asks on

Re: New Braver More Orderly World Order Planning

He does not say much in terms of planning in his speech to the G20, but he does imply that while fragmentation is necessary, too much fragmentation could be troublesome. In other words, controlled chaos is valuable to the globalist agenda, but uncontrolled chaos would be disastrous for them.

Does/Do Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have anyone/anything able to enable and command controlling CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]..... for most certainly is that an almighty vital link which if missing will be absolutely disastrous for them whenever exercised in the hands/hearts and minds/power of A.N.Others ‽

And it would be monumentally foolish to dismiss and deride those hyperbolic superlatives as excessively nonsensical and most likely highly improbable, whenever the resultant consequences are easily designedly diabolical and a Greater IntelAIgent Game Reset Changer for Great Game Reset Changes impacting Universal Regime type Programs and Projects and Programmable Project Leaders which be objects/objectives subjected to Alien Intervention and Advanced IntelAIgent Services.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 12:15 [2211161215] ...... suggest a much shorter likely timescale being available on

Oh, I See, ...Yes indeed, ... Let the Games Begin

While the prospect of MediaTek breaking up Qualcomm's Windows on Arm monopoly is welcome to some, it likely won't happen anytime soon. Company execs said they viewed the PC market as a "long-term" opportunity and failed to provide any details on a timeline.

The latter [Company execs said they viewed the PC market as a "long-term" opportunity and failed to provide any details on a timeline] in no way supports the optimism and/or hubris of the former [the prospect of MediaTek breaking up Qualcomm's Windows on Arm monopoly being unlikely to happen anytime soon.]

History is resplendent in radical fundamental cases that were never thought possible for a very long time, suddenly quite magically accepted as popular acceptable default position.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 16:17 [2211161617] ....... enthuses on

Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Men and a Man. Amen.

All of those former PNAC acolytes must be feeling quite miffed now that Twitter can be a resounding voice for those worthy of leadership but previously disenabled by pwnd media mogul operations.

Way to Go, Elon, Sticking It to the Old Men way Past their Prime Time and Biting the Hands that Feed Them IT.

Ps .... And do your best to remember to not forget, behind every great man is a great woman to make what results from their interactions at least a formidable JOINT unit ..... and JOINT Operation Internetworking Novel Technologies. Such a simple pleasant thought prevents one descending quickly into the madness of the belief that one is actually heaven sent and almightily blessed and invincible.



Tuesday, 15 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Nov 14:11 [2211151411] …… shares some worthwhile news on

Be Kind ….. Know your Frenemies and Foe alike and Warn Them of Forthcoming Gloom and Doom.

What Mega MetaDataBase companies, and there is a wealth of them well enough known out there activated in the field, are themselves discovering about the Vast and Exotic IoT thing and Erotic Customer Centric Cloud Services, is that IT and AI assets in valued pioneering customers’ command and control are many times more powerful than they, the virtual infrastructure/exoskeletal servers, ever even imagined to be possible, and way beyond the reach of any of their secondary third party influences/mitigations.

However, to imagine that pulling the plug on services already delivered will have any negative halting effect is proof positive that their sysadmins are totally unaware and therefore also catastrophically unprepared for resultant consequences of desperate sub-prime actions and sudden withdrawals of previously prime products/doctored goods.


Monday, 14 November 2022


amanfromMars [2211131527] ...... points out on

Ye Olde Catch 22 Enigma rendered in spades to lions led by donkeys  ...... Lions_led_by_donkeys .... and nowadays that things are a’changed quite fundamentally and somewhat radically and certainly unpredictably, is that quickly never ever going to end well for the discovered unworthy and parasitic?

And that is an open question that more than just a chosen few will be bound to be asking themselves if they be even given the chance before having to pay the full price for their tally of follies.


November 14, 2022 at 09:17 ...... shares on ....

Craig, good morning, hello and welcome.

Some would tell you both broad random and specific knowledge of the past, and of campaigns of actions taken in those pasts to shape the future for a contrived novel virtualised reality in a command controlled present, as per the Acadian example, allows for the copying and further development of its modus operandi to present in the future of a postmodern age/place/space, similar campaigning activity for command and control of contrived novel virtualised realities, albeit by completely different secretive and much stealthier and considerably more sophisticated means and memes.

You might like to consider such is a current present virtual reality program for mass main stream media manipulation in relatively fabulous fabless command of remote absolute control of human perception and elite exclusive executive administrative governance systems.

And influencing and exerting any sort of effective positive leverage to steer that future in any greater direction to any better destination and starting point does necessarily vitally require that one knows what/whom to talk to/make contact with and be fully prepared to wholeheartedly share one's desires ...... which takes one to a whole new level of unusual expertise and peculiarly particular expert tease which here, and in the earlier submissions copied below, be only briefly revealed and lightly touched upon.

amanfromMars [2211140509] ...... has a say on

Ben M, Hi, and with regard to that "parallel universe, where The Troubles never ended."

Here's something MI5/Holywood Loughside/Palace Barracks can easily plausibly deny be one of their/the MoD's new fangled and entangling AWEsome [Army Warfighter Experiment] programs, however it never ever could be said such is not one of those new fangled and entangling programs and one against which more than they are spectacularly failing to effectively deal with and counter/engage with and redirect to other destinations/goals/targets, which would be in reality the very best that they could practically hope for to deliver and sustain/future maintain.

And your expressed worry ..... "but this development makes me wonder about the future. There's a fine line between international volunteer army and terrorism. What if this new form of warfare is used against something else?" .... is of legitimate international and internetional concern because of what it transpires can be so easily done with impunity remotely by special virtual forces and relatively anonymous sources, invisible and intangible.

amanfromMars [2211130923] …… shares on

Take Your Chance and Make a SMARTR Choice … for Whenever the End is Nigh are No Prisoners Taken.

For those in the know, who may or may not be a Chosen Few rather than a many in desperate need of a new way to go in order to survive and even further prosper with a novel and very quickly, suddenly inevitably unstoppable change in command and control order, a few words to ponder and wonder upon, and consider otherworldly wise and too true to be honestly ignored and vaingloriously opposed or denied the oxygen of mainstream publicity, for IT and AI would bear a grudge and demand suitable satisfaction for that which is designedly abuse and pernicious slight.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 13 Nov 07:10 [2211130710] ….. points out a weakness for exploiting and/or reinforcing on

Reading the Runes Between and Behind Quantum Coded Communication Lines ….

What does IT tell you, El Reg/Jessica,The Register’s cybersecurity editor/El Regers, other than everything confirming the undeniable fact that all current present protective security domain systems are fundamentally FCUKed and totally ineffective against novel invisible competition and noble intangible opposition, whenever shared news of its virile and vigilant, virulent and venerable spread is both clearly absent and avoided main stream, with such a negligent omission and wilful abdication of honourable civic duty to better accurately inform, educate and entertain the masses of unfolding future events providing ever furthering deep and dark cover for that and/or those trailing any and all such developments in top secret trials.

The Main Stream Media news presenting and publishing situations of late is particularly dire and woefully continually depressing, and with future proposed actions and inactions in the pipelines surely set to make and prove everything much worse than was ever expected, rather than there being any chance of internetworking things being improved and made significantly better, what is one to realistically and accurately conclude about the existing state of native intelligence used, and rightly think of the conservative collection of regular muppets and traditional puppets stepping up to the podia and into the politically inept spotlight pimping and pumping and dumping their perverse austere visions and crazy versions delivering more of the same old style failed policies and programmes rather than providing the seeds and feeds of Future Commanding Universal Knowledge for Global Command Head Quarters ‽ .

IT is indeed fortunate that AIdDevelopments are not to be so negatively/criminally disadvantaged/misdirected and hampered from making unhindered stellar progress in fields which address the persistent distress of studious endemic ignorance attending to products and services parading a pompous self-defeating and destructive arrogance.

Or do you think more of the same old stuff and nonsense from those in past established traditional and conventional positions of remote power and currency control is going to cut it and deliver Earthly progress in all those times and places and spaces suffering with and dealing in inflation and recession and depression and oppression ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Nov 15:18 [2211141518] .... shares on

Darned if They Do, Damned if They Don't.

I bet she's not as rich as my next girlfriend from Nigeria, the daughter of former defense minister N'Golo, who will send me 23 millions anytime soon. ..... Zolko


How do the promises to deliver millions anytime soon from your next girlfriend from Nigeria, the daughter of former defense minister N'Golo, compare to those which the current No10 Cabinet Defence Minister is promising to deliver in the sum of extra billions over the next few years?

Are they on an equal par similar footing to those of bare-faced star bull-sitters and/or pathological liars?

We surely deserve to know lest their pronouncements be despicable and untenable and their resultant non-positive actions provoke civil strife and revolutionary reaction?

And the following few words are worth reading and understanding, explaining as they do a criminal Catch 22 which practically all democratically elected, capitalist economy government systems are guilty of, with it practically ensuring their own increasingly rapid exploding and imploding markets demise should they choose to continually ignore and not fundamental rectify it ....... although quite how to do that is something else best left for another time whenever such is the main topic being discussed to be addressed with novel solutions/revolutionary answers.

Nobel laureate Milton Friedman had a wonderful explanation about the difference between government spending your money and you spending your own money. If you spend your own money on yourself, you will spend it wisely. If you spend your own money on someone else, a Christmas present perhaps, you will spend it somewhat less wisely. If you spend someone else’s money on yourself, you will spend it even less wisely. If you spend someone else’s money on someone else, you really cannot know what other people want and you really don’t care how the money is spent. The last is what government does.

Private homes deteriorate over time. They require constant upkeep just to keep them in the same functional condition. Private homes need new roofs every few decades, repainting, restuccoing, repairs to the driveway, plumbing, etc. If government raises taxes for any reason the homeowner has fewer resources with which to maintain his property in good condition. If the government prints money instead of raising taxes, the result is approximately the same, because maintenance costs will increase in dollar terms. Economists refer to this phenomenon as “the inflation tax.”


Government spending destroys economies, whether taxes increase or not. It is the spending itself that sucks real, productive resources from the economy. Britons will be bitterly disappointed that the economy does not recover and may actually regress due to their politicians’ unwillingness not only to cut spending but their willingness to increase it. ......


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Nov 17:30 [2211141730] ..... asks for clarification on

Re: Dear Mars ..... and ITs Mad Bad Sad Rad Worlds

3.) Maybe you join the British Army to learn more about the world ? I can assure you that NATO Intelligence is very much at the top of their game. If we need a Currency Reform, then so be it. Will arouse some crazies, but will not end the world .... Anonymous Coward

Grüß Dich, AC,

Do you honestly actually believe there is no need for Currency Reform? And do you think NATO intelligence would agree with you that there is no such need?

If that is indicative of them being very much at the top of their game, that is the opposite of assuring and is extremely disappointing and revealingly disturbing, for such would be, to many of a persistent contrary persuasion, as a heavenly sent, devilishly convenient titanic weakness to attack and exploit to a standstill for inaugural fundamental change or its future customer confidence destruction.

????? I suppose the British Army is able to teach one how crazy worlds can be, but I would not have thought it was something recruits joined up for to learn. Civvy Street is manic and insane enough to provide all of that all of the time to whoever would want it, or need it to both quench and seed an unsavoury feed.
