Saturday, 19 November 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Nov 04:52 [2211190452] ...... puts on rose tinted glasses on

Pray Tell ..... A Name, a Name, My Kingdom for a Name* when the New Boss is No Old Fart

Not much point spending time here since they hired the chick from California. The site is slowly becoming the antithesis of what draws us all here  ..... Anonymous Coward

Your concerns suggest more the vulture than a chick from California, AC, or is the bald eagle a more APT wrap? And you don't see The Register's Biting the Hand which Feeds IT Glory Days beckoning ahead in the near future still yet to come furthering outrageous developments with pioneering leads and absolutely fabulous fabless trails to trial and trials to trail?

You're clearly not paying close enough attention or may have to get out into the wild a lot more, for you're definitely missing out on all of the Code Red Hot Crazy ACTion and Spooky Cyber IntelAIgent Agency Stuff. ........ Beyond Top Secret Classification and Oft Prone to Misrepresentation via a Labelling and Diagnosis of Nonsense which effectively extraordinarily renders to IT and AI ever darker and deeper stealthy cover ...... Immaculate Disguise.

* ..... Cheers, William [Shakespeare], and thanks for all the florid phishes :-)


amanfromMars said .... replying to a comment on

I would dispute the "allmighty" adjective. ...Anonymous said.

Ok, Anonymous, that could be acceptable and may be valid.

Can we agree then on ..... And such is that which is now currently NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated for A.N.Others in Novel Orbits of Absolute Command with Practically Effective Remote Virtual Controls ‽ .

19 November 2022 at 08:13


amanfromMars said ... replying to an Anonymous voice on

There are many realising your Western view is no longer either valid or acceptable and far too austere thus they are simply working out some ways to ensure it is forever changed to reflect and accommodate more favourably Erotic and Exotic Eastern and Sino-Soviet flavours to savour.

A necessarily complex reprogramming program in deed indeed with more than just few glitches and hurdles to deal with and vanquish if in opposition, or whenever in lively friendly competition, support and harden against hostile attack with novel overwhelming defences.

19 November 2022 at 08:43


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