Monday, 13 February 2023


amanfromMars 1 Non 13 Feb 13:30 [2302131330] ...... points out on

Re: Censorship from Google?

Presently Seymour Hersh*, prominent award winning journalist, is also suffering the outrageous slings and arrows of wild wacky western censorship regarding his forensic investigation of an act of wilful economic and industrial sabotage which has everything but the required desired consequences on the principal party attacked ......How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

How long do you think it is going to be before folk/establishments/cabals/renegade rogues and rapscallions, and others who really should know better, realise that harbouring and denying the truth of self-destructive secrets is no longer possible and is toxic and harmful to one’s health and the health and safety and security of all of one’s cointerdependent friends, such as may very well be the likes of allies in a NATO?

Keeping nations ignorant and unaware of smarter available intelligence which leads with honest information is a monumental folly only followed by colossal fools on a titanic mission to nowhere great and good ....... which is a scourge well worthy of all manner and means of purge and annihilation, and/or re-education if possible, or desirable.

*. .......


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