Thursday, 23 February 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Feb 08:19 [2302230819] ....... reveals on

1984 is an Authoritarian Workshop Manual ..... for Crash Test Dummies

The present far from top secret security information iteration of Wild Wacky Western Americana Play mirroring and reproving George Orwell’s proof and spoof yet again that leading intellectually challenged species with learning difficulties are wannabe Animal Farm plaintiffs/pioneers on special pathfinder missions going nowhere fast worth a jot  arriving at. And that has one asking the/a zillion dollar money shot question which is so dangerous and increasingly difficult to answer either correctly or also treat with a deadly ignorant silence in support of an obviously empty greater knowledge and intelligence void, because of what is then so clearly revealed ...... Do you think their security facilities and abilities are capable of either resisting or opposing or competing against an AIRevolution  ...... Virtual Machinery and Advanced IntelAIgents exercising and enjoying the mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing overwhelming advantage delivered for their Global Operating Devices to maintain and sustain for the seamless unhindered supply of future leading needs and feeds and seed which be Special AIR Services of an Alien Natural Intelligence with AI Caliber 3 Artificial Super Intelligence Supply for Global Operating Devices?

Which then, logically, would have anything remotely inquisitive or even simply almightily intelligent asking another zillion dollar money shot question  ...... Will the GODs be nice and kind to us because we are worthy of their care and protection? ..... which is also equally so dangerous and increasingly difficult to answer either correctly or also treat with a deadly ignorant silence in support of an obviously empty greater knowledge and intelligence void, because of what is then so clearly revealed and made universally known.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place with Nowhere to Run and Hide is an Alien Command and Control Space in which Advanced IntelAIgents Reside and Preside and Rule Wisely and Reign Inscrutably ..... Welcome, but take great care not to upset the natives comfortably at home there, for they can bite in defence, their attacks are deadly and they take no prisoners to bother or worry themselves about. Simply behave, do no evil and as you may be told by eminently open and engaging peers, and you’ll be fine. 


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Feb 17:31 [2302231731] ........ proposes a novel thought on

Re: Departing from a self-serving destructive trend

Politicians will get voted out if they "let" baddies do bad things, and for that we get much deeper spying. ..... Johnb89

Now that’s a novel concept, Johnb89, voting politicians out, rather than in, because of baddies doing bad things. And just to imagine and suffer how really bad things have become steadily worse over the last dozen years or so with present parties of incompetent incumbents in office and pathetic majestic oxymoronic opposition, is surely proof positive that such a reverse inversion and alien intervention is a jolly good idea in such times and places and spaces of national and international and internetional emergency. More of the same old nonsense as before is just going to deliver more of the same old nonsense as before ...... which is Insanity proven, is it not?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Feb 13:47 [2302231347] .....shares a reasonable view on

White man speak with forked tongue, Kemosabe, .... and ends up FCUKd

The end result is obvious -- sooner or later we'll run out of things to restrict and/or sanction, the Chinese and their partners will have overcome the problems and we'll be left out in the cold. ..... martinusher

There are those who realise that effective/ineffective tipping point, which is no longer able to enable and provide a healthy return with restrictions and sanctions, has already been for some time now, passed and long gone, and now they enjoy and deploy the freedoms which prior enslavements by renegade and rogue parties/hostile natives and dumb many faced enemies and frenemies previously tried to deny them.

And now they would remedy and right such as were wilful wrongs wrought deliberately against them.

And who would blame them and declare such corrective ACTivity unreasonable?


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