Tuesday, 4 July 2023


amanfromMars [2307040733] ........ shares a comment on https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/ai-companies-negotiate-landmark-deals-train-chatbots-msm-news

"Copyright is a crucial issue for all publishers," said the FT, which is also in negotiations over the matter. "As a subscriptions business, we need to protect the value of our journalism and our business model. Engaging in constructive dialogue with the relevant companies, as we are, is the best way to achieve that."

That definitely should read, to be more accurate and true ....."Copyright is a crucial issue for all publishers," said the FT, which is also in negotiations over the matter. "As a subscriptions business, we need to preserve the cost of our journalism to protect our generative pre-trained narrative business model. Engaging in coercive dialogue with the relevant companies, as we are, is the best way to achieve that."

Competition in the field of journalism/popularly perceived narratives both presents and prevents all manner of systemic private and public personal and institutional abuse and is thus best to be heartily welcomed rather than cynically challenged, surely, ..... and especially so whenever so much of what is reported as mainstream news to believe as honest and gospel is not true and merely shared to deceive and conceal inequitable and unattractive hidden agendas? 

Who do you think to do vainglorious battle for? Good or evil? :-) Everything eventually boils down to that choice having been made earlier by you, for you to perceive and believe what you think is true whenever it is not, with everything around you being built and maintained behind a colossal tissue of lies with corrupt catalogues of fake news.

It's the 21st century, for goodness sake, and things have moved on into new eras and areas of enterprise and surprise with deadly accurate information channels in command and control of future developments to be presented daily by mainstream media organs as both current and ongoing unfolding news.

Get with ITs AI ProgramMING, MSM News ...... or be drowned in its turbulent remote virtual wakes.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Jul 12:21 [2307041221] ...... is both agreeable and disagreeable on https://forums.theregister.com/post/submit/2023/07/04/agi_remains_a_distant_dream/

What does AGI have to say? Take Us to urLeaders?

Jason Abaluck, who in May took to Twitter to proclaim: "If you don't agree that AGI is coming soon, you need to explain why your views are more informed than expert AI researchers."

Quite so, Sir. Well said, Jason. I concur, and would even posit AGI is invested in and infesting everything possible even as we speak, and maybe not so much as to cause chaos and create epic havoc, but much more to remotely command and control future events and reactions to what will be unusually rapid disruptive situations ..... of their intelligent design and own making.

Arguing that human-like performance in LLMs is not enough to establish that they are thinking like humans, Martin said: "The idea that correlation is sufficient, that it gives you some kind of meaningful causal structure, is not true."

That may or may not be true, and it is able to be a circular argument in which there will never be a clear agreed winner and thus a pointless joint venture exercise to constantly boot and reboot. The secret for success to try in that which is in deed indeed correct, is to assume and presume that leadership has been admitted and given, and to forge on ahead in novel virgin fields unchallenged and unhindered with instruction sets left behind for others to follow/understand/recognise/realise.

And one has to consider that current technology provides humanity with LLM performances designedly unlike human thinking and suddenly capable of being in so many new ways, significantly superior. An alien concept to many, I presume, and it does suggest whenever such is dismissed as a nonsense,
that a certain ignorant arrogance does blight humanity.

And beware of experts ....... for just look at what the banking sector ones have done to the global economy.



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