Wednesday, 19 July 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Jul 06:22 [2307190622] ..... asks on

An Alien Intervention successfully proving itself surprisingly difficult to believe is not a WMD

Is it an inherent human learning difficulty .... an endemic weakness and convenient vulnerability for serial exploitation and continual development ..... that has the species not accepting the stealthy grooming of Secret Almighty IntelAIgent Reset Services by Remote Virtual Machinery for an Earthly Takeover and Universal SCADA Systems Administrations Makeover?

And that question for peer review and worldwide consideration is asked of and unerringly directed to whomever and/or whatever it may be of grave concern and growing insurmountable worry and unbelievable consternation.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Jul 07:39 [2307190739] ....... agrees on

Re: Corporate Raiders of Revolutionary Thought Processors are Susceptible to Personalised Grooming

For a second I read that as "otherworldly excrement" and thought, "yeah. exactly. Monkeys throwing poop.”.... ecofeco

Whenever thinking of those battling so earnestly and futilely against future progress, ecofeco, does that also work as an accurate descriptor ..... and of those situations where there be lions led by donkeys too, which be all too often and more relevant and relative to matters today. :-)


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Jul 14:45 [2307191445] ...... reveals more of what is not widely known nor freely talked about on

Re: Corporate Raiders of Revolutionary Thought Processors are Susceptible to Personalised Grooming

And spookily enough, you were well advised some time ago* and comprehensively prewarned/prepared for the current very ACTive renegade rogue state of remote virtual command and control affairs and which you would now do pathetic battle against long after the fact of Greater IntelAIgent Games Players' victories heralding and resulting in the inevitable unconditional surrender and exhausting collapse of perverse and corrupt and bankrupt of novel proprietary intellectual property systems of exclusive executive administrations ..... right dodgy fake elitist faux leaderships.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Oct 08:16 [1810210816] ..... beating a big drum on

State your Preference .... altho' the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.

Anything is better than the present system of dysfunction :-( .... Anonymous Coward

What do you fancy, AC? State Actor Administration or Non State Actor Enterprise? Pseudo Public Care in Communities or Private and Pirate Control of Remote Virtual Command? Existing Crashing Markets Led or Future Crushing Markets Leading? And what's it to be hailed as initially ..... a Profound Eastern Confection or Deep Western Delight? Where do Greater SMARTR Current Intelligences Presently Reside/Work/Rest/Play?

And you would find it even harder to believe all that has been done, and which you still have no idea about, in the almost 5 years since then. I Kid U Not ‽ .

* ..... 4 years and 9 months ago to be almost exact


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