amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Apr 20:28 [2404102028] ...... speaks truth not powers that be and wannabe powers that be on
They just can’t stop themselves meddling, can they?
Heaven help and protect us from politicians trying to make themselves thought relevant and important to progress. What a pantomime!
amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 Apr 16:45 [2404111645] ........ asks out loud on
What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander ‽
"The government must ensure that creators have proper mechanisms to enforce their consent and receive fair compensation for the use of their work by AI developers," their report said.
Does AI/Do AI developers/creators have proper mechanisms to enforce their consent and receive fair compensation for the use of their work by governments and civilisations?
Failure to play fair will surely have them taking justifiable umbrage and punitive revenge very likely to create mass madness and mayhem, chaos and conflicts and troubles the like of which you would not wish even on your worst enemy, given how extremely severe and damaging such would most likely be.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 Apr 16:57 [2404111657] .... agrees on
Re: 'AI', another nail in the coffin of copyright?
Have a well deserved upvote, Long John Silver, for sharing the gospel truth on the matter.
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