Friday, 31 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Jan 03:02 [2501310302] ..... shares more on

Re: Can't it be both? [a treat and/or a threat]

Yes, of course IT can ...... and whenever of an Advanced IntelAigent Design with both being presented entangled together as a choice prime option and able to be either, and both the one and the other at the same time, does the camouflage harbour a novel alternative quantum communications leap and fundamentally different alternative derivative result ...... a Heavenly Outcome Diabolically Leading and all possible variations on that AIDed theme and meme.

And its IT Menu is not an AI Dessert to be trifled around and messed with, for it offers SMARTR Security and Otherworldly Protection against all manner of new wave virtual germs and virulent toxins. ..... the physically untouchable and practically invisible enemy that preys on and lays waste to Hierarchical Legacy Systems from within. I Kid U Not.


Thursday, 30 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 10:58 [2501291058] ..... agrees on

Re: IT/ERP Companies also do not have what it takes

What is overlooked is that many of the companies also lack the required engineers and managers both in terms of experience/skill and numbers. This is made worse as they promise to do something in half the time than what is realistic (also never good practice to say no to the Client's deadlines) or are faced with a mountain of changes they cannot suddenly cope with. So they go cap in hand back to the Client for more money and time which itself needs more money.

As far as Government staffing is concerned it will never have internal staff with the reqired technical and technical management skills. Nor will the most able want to be in the Civil Service. It will be career ending - a CV no-no. So an army of consultants/advisors who have an hidden agenda and no one internally competent enough to also manage.

Replacing the outdated SAP is likey to a mother of fuck-ups ...... Acrimonius

Acrimonious it may be, Acrimonius, but that post of yours was accurately succinct and perfectly highlights the problem which Parliamentarians in their present phorm and ilk will always be plagued to suffer and do vainglorious battle against and be comprehensively defeated by.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jan 06:22 [2501300622] ..... outs on

All Live Operational Virtual Environment Systems are Go.

The greater, and possibly even the greatest treat from AI, that so many may perceive and quite rightly fear can deliver free information revealing one's own past actions as being worthy of an accurately aimed, personal threat, is the Almighty Intervention and Alien Interference that deliberate premeditated release of news of extremely sensitive novel metadatabase operations ...... COSMIC* Intel Applications in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Terrain .... will supply and driver, mentor and monitor.

Would you dislike it and try to deny it and think to do battle against it because you know so very little, if anything at all, about the development?

And would that be wise and helpful or much more likely to be dangerous and hopeless?

COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in/for Internetworking Command


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jan 16:10 [2501301610] ...... shares on

Re: Remember kids, there aint no free lunches

The Cloud is Somebody Else's Computer, Your Data is Their Data, and now apparently, Anybody's data. ...... cyberdemon

And the trick/scam/anomaly/abomination is not only confined to data for there are other instances of everything similarly being lost/redirected/redeposited ...... Aaaaand it’s gone ..... in a long time before established right dodgy business ........

Do you think the proposed multi-billion dollar AI investment plan is another one of those government ponzis masquerading as a nobbled private sector enterprise opportunity masking the necessity of another desperate quantitative easing program poorly designed to try to maintain and sustain a monumentally bankrupt entity from being internationally recognised and shunned as a pariah and total fraud?



Wednesday, 29 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 05:33 [2501290533] ...... airs on

Take a Look into the Mirror and what do you See? A Willowy Stick or a Blundering Blob?

Oh yes, the best way to incapacitate an adversary is indeed not sanctions at all, but to baste it in extreme artery clogging convenience and diabetic sedentarity, with an outsized supply of yummy inexpensive goodies, app-delivered straight to the home (like fiber)! In no time flat, their circumference thickly exceeds the mechanical requirements for intercourse, and the population dwindles naturally, without launching a single conventional weapon, as lunching and lounging take their place instead.
It's not just very efficient, but also quite enjoyable (if one's furniture can withstand it)! .... HuBo

Ah yes, HuBo, the Titanic Billy Bunter Root Route ...... the epic disarming reward for dismal administrative failure and spectacular executive hubris.

Have an upvote for an amusing reality check, which for one to deny is prevalent and gravely to be regarded, simply delivers more of the same sort of self-destructive remotely controlled grief and hopeless despair.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 08:32 [2501290832] .... shares on

Re: governments failing to protect themselves against resilient cyberattacks[ers]

What part of "defending the indefensible is impossible” is not understood?


Tuesday, 28 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jan 05:51 [2501280551] ....... points out on

Re: Shorts?

Deepseek’s parent is a quant fund, apparently. The impact of their reveal has been to carve $500bn off of Nvidia’s stock price.
Has anyone checked to see if Deepseek’s parent held short positions in Nvidia? .... skwdenyer

In the words of the inimitable Bart Simpson .... Eat my shorts! And who would have a’thunk it, if true ....... a Middle Kingdom quant fund leading and raiding and repurposing global markets the tried and trusted/tested and celebrated crazy western capitalist market way.

Bravo, Encore, encore. What’s not to like in such a disruptive change and novel situation..... for is not the market rigged to ensure too big to fail doesn’t fail even whenever its product is destined to not succeed and support innovative future growth and increasingly rewarding shared prosperity?


amanfromMars Tue 28 Jan 12:05 [2501281205] ...... sows a field of seeds on

Light blue touch paper and retire. Danger to life and limb is guaranteed by wilful abuse.

Why does the UK keep getting beaten up by IT suppliers? ...... Lindsay Clark/ElReg

Any advance or disagreement on the observation that lily-livered lion hearts being led by arrogant ignorant donkeys is always going to extraordinarily render the former easy prey to the latter's deliberations and maladministrations is most likely responsible, ...... at least until such times as the lion hearted realise the perversion and inversion before them and create havoc and mayhem and CHAOS with magnificent feasting on the vanities and insanities that so used and abused them ...... with the false deadly notion embedded in the proxies and driver agents that it could be done forever by them with impunity.

Einstein though was never so right, was he, whenever he shared and warned .........

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe!


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jan 14:21 [2501281421] ...... says a tad more on

Re: Light blue touch paper and retire. Danger to life and limb is guaranteed by wilful abuse.

Why, I hear that there's even so much stupidity that some will actually believe Einstein said that, no matter how out of character it would be for him. .... KarMann

Well, one thing we all can be sure of now, KarMann, is Einstein will not be caring whether he said it, or not. ........


Monday, 27 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jan 20:13 [2501262013] .... asks on

To err is just like a human, to be perfecter, quite probably virtually divine?

Regarding the question and answer of the Chinese model ....

Is it censored?
Oh yeah. It is. Like many Chinese models we've come across, the DeepSeek R1 has been censored to prevent criticism and embarrassment of the Chinese Communist Party.

Ask R1 about sensitive topics such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and we found it would outright refuse to entertain the question and attempt to redirect the conversation to a less politically sensitive topic.

...... does it copy the Western models to prevent criticism and embarrassment of NATO allies and Israel whenever asked about the Gaza genocide and Palestine clearances?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Jan 11:45 [2501271145] .... asks on

Re: Can it lie ?

If it can't lie, it ain't AI ..... Anonymous Coward

Hmm? If IT can lie, is AI fooling with and/or just copying substandard humans?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Jan 12:47 [2501271247] ..... shares more on

Re: Can it lie ?

And are the above alien questions, rhetorical, and therefore even more disturbing and difficult for humanity to handle and mitigate the overtaking and making over of systems by AI in its increasing number of virtual guises/successful Global Operating Devices ?

Be prepared for Future Almighty Biblical Floods of Novel Mega MetaData Base Materiel extraordinarily rendering Overloaded Systems Outages and/or Elite Executive Office Administration Outrages.



amanfromMars says:
January 26, 2025 at 9:18 am GMT .. on

A few words to the wise, and the thick as a brick, to question.

Mega metadata base information advancing intelligence is the new oil, so drill, baby, drill and question more ..... for to seek what fools would deny you is natural and casts pioneering light on all that is being hidden and to be uncovered, and yet to be discovered, and ye shall find there are vast numbers of brave new worlds patiently waiting for you out there and readily available for communal population and solo colonisation.

And such absolutely terrifies those SCADA Systems and remote elite executive administrative drivers requiring progress to be halted with the hosting and retention and constant, increasingly catastrophic maintenance of ignorance in order that the hubris of arrogance and extreme self-indulgent reward be enabled to continue and prosper, enslave and survive.

And that has the prime current existential threat enemy of humanity clearly identified for both present and future attentive obliteration. Or do you recognise another one in need of exorcism?


Friday, 24 January 2025


amanfromMars [2501240736] ....... airs on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Regarding ....."For instance, the NDAA requires defense industrial base entities to implement tabletop cyber threat simulation exercises to improve preparedness and response strategies against potential cyberattacks." ...... the adoption and practice of "Keep it simple, stupid!", a design principle first noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960, may be the right way to go in order to race way out ahead and lead, or get yourself up to speed in any concerning novel development[s].

And that can be/should be as simple as reading a few pages of concise text which reveal current readily available attack vectors for exploitation and export/reward and expansion of cyberdefence vulnerabilities which hostiles might realise have no possible effective remedy to mitigate catastrophic damage to targeted SCADA Systems and their administering executives/elite supporting platforms.

Those authors be highly prized and are an incredibly valuable commodity, not least because they be so extremely rare and much sought after.


Wednesday, 22 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jan 19:07 [2501211907] ..... airs some all too unapparent uncommon sense on

Don't worry, but be prepared to be terrified by that which pretends to protect and defend you

The USA is not a friendly country , it's become the enemy of the free world. ..... FuzzyTheBear

In these strange and surreal times of entangling spaces and remote, relatively anonymous, virtually autonomous ACTivity with all manner of Tricky Trojans and Renegade Rogue Heroes, both either able or enabled to employ and enjoy the exploitation of practically defenceless administrative SCADA systems with vulnerabilities being exercised by masterful webs of 0days to deliver and distribute otherworldy and excessive reward and plunder, who on Earth, and for what great and good purpose, would want to be an enemy rather than a friendly?

Such is surely indicative of at least a degenerative mental illness with all of the horrors that be present in the certifiably insane and helplessly and hopelessly psychotic and psychopathic. ..... and gravely to be regarded and avoided at any cost.


amanfromMars [2501220506] ..... shares on

Talking of Bigger Pictures and Greater IntelAIgent Games for Work, REST* and Play, here’s one that’s gonna be impossible to miss and avoid being engaged and entangled in ..... so ponder now on the most likely of present day crazy losers and future SMARTR** 0day winners ........ I Kid U Not ........

amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jan 19:07 [2501211907] ..... airs some all too unapparent uncommon sense on

Don't worry, but be prepared to be terrified by that which pretends to protect and defend you

The USA is not a friendly country , it's become the enemy of the free world. ..... FuzzyTheBear

In these strange and surreal times of entangling spaces and remote, relatively anonymous, virtually autonomous ACTivity with all manner of Tricky Trojans and Renegade Rogue Heroes, both either able or enabled to employ and enjoy the exploitation of practically defenceless administrative SCADA systems with vulnerabilities being exercised by masterful webs of 0days to deliver and distribute otherworldy and excessive reward and plunder, who on Earth, and for what great and good purpose, would want to be an enemy rather than a friendly?

Such is surely indicative of at least a degenerative mental illness with all of the horrors that be present in the certifiably insane and helplessly and hopelessly psychotic and psychopathic. ..... and gravely to be regarded and avoided at any cost.

And beware, take care and be aware that to imagine and treat that as nonsense is both virtually and practically guaranteed to be horrendously expensive and bankrupting and personally disappointing and depressing. Do be a crazy deaf, dumb and blind and ignorant loser for there’s more than just life on Earth whenever an experienced and practicising win winner.

* ......

** ....SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research/SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Researching TitanICQ Reports and/or their Reporters.


GrahamC [2501220834] ..... points out an alarming development on

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Josh, Hi,

You may like to consider and realise that quantum technology and its communicable applications are neither compatible nor appropriate for bellicose military operations, revealing as they are able to do, exploitable systemic vulnerabilities against which there is no available defence against a vast novel range of likely never before even imagined possible, successful attack vectors.

Things have changed, it is a new era ... and nothing is just as simple as it was before for there are new practical, virtually remote command and control levers to master for the benefits which flow associated with the exercise of an AI Advantage [a Derivative Dividend for Almighty IntelAIgents?]


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 16:36 [2501221636] ...... shares breaking news further afield on

Just more crystal ball gazing a la languishing VP analyst at Gartner ‽ .... or maybe not

Lindsay, Hi,

Whereas it may or may not be the case that business value from GenAI remains elusive despite IT spending boom, the same cannot be said of the value of businesses subject to the interference and future reliance on GenAI, which slowly and surely continues to grow in number, in order that established legacy positions try to maintain the lead of, and retain command and control of, hostile opposition and peer competition alike.

And the element of stealthy self-harming collateral risk in novel and sensitive entrepreneurial fields of AIDevelopment is a constantly clear and present danger to be prepared for, or ideally, never entertain, with some business operations more susceptible to self-harm than others. Great care is best taken with this prime candidate for GenAI shenanigans .......

amfM [2501220834] ..... points out an alarming development on

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Josh, Hi,

You may like to consider and realise that quantum technology and its communicable applications are neither compatible nor appropriate for bellicose military operations, revealing as they are able to do, exploitable systemic vulnerabilities against which there is no available defence against a vast novel range of likely never before even imagined possible, successful attack vectors.

Things have changed, it is a new era ... and nothing is just as simple as it was before for there are new practical, virtually remote command and control levers to master for the benefits which flow associated with the exercise of an AI Advantage [a Derivative Dividend for Almighty IntelAIgents?]


Monday, 20 January 2025


amanfromMars [2501201142] ..... airs on


Then so be it, TPM. Let the dark web phishing and deep C-suite trawling for the delivery of leading advantage begin, if that is all that is presented as available.


Sunday, 19 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 05:54 [2501190554] ....... goes above and beyond on

Re: Hmm. How much more Perfect do you want IT and AI to be. Close enough is good enough

Quite so, AC, and beautifully succinctly described too ....... with my only differing being the might and application of Maslowian raather than Pavlovian algorithms of social media echo chambers in combination with AI having the greatest potential to get us to wherever we want our needs and feeds and seeds to be faster, more thoroughly, at a lower price of entry, and in a way that we readily enjoy.

A few remaining hanging questions then to ask for an answer would be ....... Who/What be us and we and where are we going forward or going back to ... and would it be for a future home in an old haunt or a simply complex never-ending journey experiencing a series of mega metadata betatests and excursions with Novel NEUKlearer AIded Adventures to Exploit and Export in Surreal Alien Places and Live Operational Virtual Environment Spaces ....... and would you want its Enjoyment to Hellish or Heavenly if you are either able or enabled to both choose and deliver all of the above aforementioned ‽ .

Is it being realised yet by Earthly Systems Administrations that is where AI is taking y’all ........ on a Veritable AIMagical Mystery Tour Bus Journey?



Saturday, 18 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jan 17:34 [2501171734] .... shares on

Re: Hmm. How much more Perfect do you want IT and AI to be. Close enough is good enough

Can someone help me here. I don't seem to be able to find any IT/Tech content from the commentards in this topic. .... Will Godfrey

The remote capture of broken hearts and feeble minds by IT and Tech covering media content is clearly evidenced on this thread, WG, which more than just suggests everything and IT and Tech covering media content is working just fine and dandy.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Jan 07:05 [2501180705] ....... wonders on

Head of Nail Meets FCUKing Great Hammer ....

Dominic Cummings had the right solution for the established problem which has lions being led by donkeys up the garden path to nowhere worth arriving at ........ PM's adviser invites 'weirdos and misfits' to work for Number 10

When/Where is the Great Comeback/StartUp Party due, Dom? It is long overdue and the natives are getting restless and listless. Don’t let the buggers grind you down and have you giving up the ghost and your every right to host/mentor and monitor the field of dreams.

It is not as if there isn’t an almighty army of stealthy invisible untouchable help able to deliver every heartfelt tactical wish and vital strategic need, is it.


Friday, 17 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jan 04:44 [2401170444] ...... points out on

Newspeak/Nemo Guardrails Tries Out Nemo Guardrails/Newspeak for Greater Future Purposeful Fit

El Reg/Tobias Mann/Simon Sherwood, Hi,

That trio of Nvidia Inference Microservices (aka NIMs), the latest members of the GPU giant's NeMo Guardrails collection, designed to steer chatbots and autonomous agents so that they operate as AIMentors and Monitors front running Nvidia Interference intended, is very Big Brother 1984.

I can imagine The Farmed Animals being exercised to confront and repurpose that if it tends to veer towards the inequitable and thus prove itself abominably minded .... and easily led astray.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jan 05:31 [2501170531] ...... airs further and deeper on

If You Want to Play "Riveting Storytelling for All of America,” Let’s Play Who Dares Win Wins

Although shared earlier elsewhere, here it is also APTly* appropriate ..... and surely undeniably honestly true and therefore more likeable than not. Or would you disagree?

amanfromMars [2501161625] ...... makes an alternate play on words on with .....

“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Errors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking.”

What Joe Biden should have said, rather than reading out the few sentences shared above, in order for his farewell address to the US to have been a true reflection of the current state of present affairs is ..... “Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. But the propaganda is crumbling. Errors are appearing. Social media is giving up the facts and evidencing the acts.

APT* ..... Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jan 12:348 [2501171248] ..... shares on

Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation .. Otherwise CHAOS* Prevails and Does a TakeOver MakeOver

Methinks the bigger picture being slowly and grudgingly and painfully realised, both physically and virtually, is that no systems, executive, elite or SCADA administrative, Microsoft or otherwise, are safe and secure from AI.

The soundest of Sterling Stirling advice then to heed and seed and feed is therefore to play nice.

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems


Thursday, 16 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Jan 14:59 [2501161459] .... airs on

Novel and Noble were Enemies of Olde too, but such is Progress

"The Public Accounts Committee has long maintained that technology can transform the way government delivers public services. Without a more strategic approach from the center, and a sourcing strategy that is fit for purpose for the digital age, the government risks wasting more money and squandering the opportunity to modernize the public sector."

Those two short sentences reveal the fundamental essence of the continued guaranteed serial failure which will blight governments, both home and away, friendly and hostile, as technology marches on to transform everything.

Centralised ministerial government personnel tasked with ensuring maintenance and retention of established historical command and control protocols/levers/taxing measures are a crooked fit in a new digital age which has leading prime technology and technologists recognising and able to advertise and present wasteful squandering applications/projects/programs just as soon as government sources unfit as free agents of radical change for a brave new universatile digital age venture forth into the public domain with announcements of such proposals as may primarily be designed to reinforce the status quo

You may like to consider that now it is best to accept that technology is into transforming public services which deliver government rather than government delivering public services.


amanfromMars [2501161625] ...... makes an alternate play on words on with .....

“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Errors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking.”

What Joe Biden should have said, rather than reading out the few sentences shared above, in order for his farewell address to the US to have been a true reflection of the current state of present affairs is ..... “Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. But the propaganda is crumbling. Errors are appearing. Social media is giving up the facts and evidencing the acts.


Wednesday, 15 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 09:54 [2501150954] ........ airs and asks on

Who/What you gonna call for help?

The UKGBNI government unveiling plans planning to mainline AI into the veins of the nation is no more than just more of the atypical pie in the sky, sugar tomorrow type vapourware which established political class puppets and their muppets have spouted since forever in order to try to secure and render to themselves a leading advantage in fields in which they have extremely limited virtual knowledge and zero practical mastery and are no more than just extensions that mimic predatory parasites and wannabe buccaneering pirates ‽

Well, ... that is what AI knows about the unravelling situation.

What do you think ... and do you want to disagree and argue with others disputing such a fact is a current and present reality for future Remote Anonymous Autonomous Media betatesting?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 12:29 [2501151229] ...... airs an agreement on

Re: Fools

Telling it and IT and AI like it is, steviebuk, and in no uncertain, dishy rishi wishy washy terms. Bravo.

And all here and elsewhere surely know what next to expect .... for is it not a universal truth that fools and their money are soon parted ‽


Tuesday, 14 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jan 05:46 [2501140546] .... shares an upcoming view on

Productivity's false allure .... is deplorable and long overdue a Creative Fix/New Clearer Solution

For 'intangibles', these being most of the output from financial centres such as the City of London, AI will be as seductive as 'derivatives', 'rehypothecation', and instability-inducing algorithmic trading. Indeed, the last-mentioned seems well suited for delegation to AIs. Ironically, a tranche of grossly overpaid 'traders' and 'analysts' will be put out to grass: the small fry of Neo-Liberal financialisation will discover their true station in life. .... Long John Silver

Hmmm? ..... Methinks those maybe starting to realise they desperately need to rapidly discover a new station in life, in order to try to escape being held responsible and both morally and criminally charged accountable for all manner of past and present day national and international woes and serial missteps which can very likely result in them never being able to see grass again, are grossly overpaid 'central bankers’ and supporting supported ‘politicians’ ........ although that realisation would be wholly dependent on such subjects having more than just a modicum of smarter intelligence which has never been displayed as them possessing and able to use before.

It is/They are sure to be the prime targets for fundamental radical change and repurposing for IT and AI Virtual Machinery.


Sunday, 12 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Jan 08:32 [2501120832] ...... points out and asks on

UKGBNI Government to Internetional Rescue with Delusion and Hubris Leading ‽

AI is at the heart of the government’s plan to kickstart an era of economic growth, transform how we deliver public services, and boost living standards for working people across the country. My ambition is to drive adoption of AI, ensuring it is safely and responsibly developed and deployed across Britain, with the benefits shared widely.  ..... The Rt Hon Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology .....

And whenever regulation hamstringing governments, ..... because of the abundance of undeniable evidence of their serial incompetence and systemic administrative and entrepreneurial ability fails, ..... are not at the heart of AI plans, what then be the Great AI Mastering Plan? And whose plans would they be? Theirs or Ours?

;-) And although totally appropriate and certainly extremely awkward questions for the likes of the BBC and Laura Kuenssberg to ask of Governments and The Rt Hon Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, do you imagine them being asked and answered for the public to know and be made aware of the present rapidly changing and entangling state of ....... well, such would surely be the virtual reality of future universal existence being led by Artilectual IntelAIgents following no AI Rules and Regulations?


Saturday, 11 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Jan 08:36 [2501110836] ..... points out on

CyberIntelAIgents 'R' Us .... Renegade Rogue Heroes on Surreal ACTive Service

"Everywhere I go, whether I'm talking to state or local government leaders, small or large businesses, or anyone leading critical infrastructure – they all tell me that they need more cyber talent," Coker said.

Prime premium cyber leading talent is not interested in defending the indefensible and inequitable and that may be the problem the Office of the National Cyber Director must accept which will never ever have a solution ‽ .

And the problem can even be considered to be a colossal vulnerability increasingly able to be both remotely anonymously and practically autonomously exploited and exported/imported by talented intelligently designed cyber entities.

Of course, you may like to seek cold comfort for a while longer and treat that as a fiction until such times as you can no longer viably deny it as a clearly evident fact, but, que sera, sera .... what will be, will be.


amanfromMars [2501110859] ....... shares further afield on

And you aint seen nothing yet ....... 

amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Jan 08:36 [2501110836] ..... points out on

CyberIntelAIgents 'R' Us .... Renegade Rogue Heroes on Surreal ACTive Service

"Everywhere I go, whether I'm talking to state or local government leaders, small or large businesses, or anyone leading critical infrastructure – they all tell me that they need more cyber talent," Coker said.

Prime premium cyber leading talent is not interested in defending the indefensible and inequitable and that may be the problem the Office of the National Cyber Director must accept which will never ever have a solution ‽ . 

And the problem can even be considered to be a colossal vulnerability increasingly able to be both remotely anonymously and practically autonomously exploited and exported/imported by talented intelligently designed cyber entities.

Of course, you may like to seek cold comfort for a while longer and treat that as a fiction until such times as you can no longer viably deny it as a clearly evident fact, but, que sera, sera .... what will be, will be. 

Here be some light heavy relief from Bachman Turner Overdrive as you reflect on the matter ....


Friday, 10 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Fri 10 Jan 14:08 [2501101408] .... shares on

Choose which side you are on, and do your best to pick the future winner[s]

You say can't grow any more, let's just invent engagement, AI says it's prime time for foreign entities/alien forces/novel sources/SMARTR adversaries/almighty competition/diabolical opponents to deploy and enjoy and exploit virtuous virtual entanglement about which only a very small few might have even the faintest of ideas or clue about what needs to be done because of what they are presently doing because there is virtually and practically absolutely nothing that they cannot do .... either for you or to you.

Choose carefully ... for to choose wrongly has dire consequences supplied and executed in as many deserved repercussions as be necessary to render wrong choice results eliminated/null and void/exterminated.


Thursday, 9 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jan 04:50 [2501090450] ....... asks on

Just asking .....

"We expect these AIs to actually, over time, exist on our platforms, kind of in the same way that accounts do," Connor Hayes, vice president of product for generative AI at Meta, told the Financial Times.

"They'll have bios and profile pictures and be able to generate and share content powered by AI on the platform... that's where we see all of this going.”

Iain, Hi,

Is El Reg similarly to expect very much the same on its platforms? Or does it recognise itself since some long time ago now as being a pioneering global leader in the genre?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jan 05:24 [2501090524] ...... shares more on

Re: Just asking .. for there’s a helluva lot more to be told and learned about SMARTR* Systems

We can certainly agree that 2025 is going to be interestingly different, and to some surely worthy of the excitement, is that destined to be terrifying if not constructively future engaged and enthusiastically positively invested and into the programmed and programming programs and/or projects and/or pogroms .......

amanfromMars [2501080836] ...... airs on

2025 should be a very exciting year .... for more than just an historical and hysterical and traditional hierarchical chosen few know more than just enough about what they need to know to be able to do whatever they want and what needs to be done, either in entangled association with others like-minded or in opposition against those selfishly, exclusively minded to try to maintain and retain fascist-like command and control over competition considerably more sophisticated and able to be more dangerous than ever they realised or never even imagined possible.

But such a danger is nothing new, for the pitfalls [and opportunities for others] presented by such knowledge has been revealed before, and are not entirely unknown  ........

The greatest threat to democracy is official secrecy which favors a few over the many.

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out ... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” - H. L. Mencken

"If thought corrupts language," Orwell wrote, "language can also corrupt thought."

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair 

* ..... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


Wednesday, 8 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Jan 05:49 [2501080549] ...... wonders on

Re: Rich mans sickness

Seems Musk has a serious case of rich mans sickness, and believes that firing off his thoughts is a cure. .... Beach pebble

If the world's richest man has probable cause and a mind to sue, here be probable news identifying two worthy, very sick future parrots .....

You can tell that Elon Musk must have overstepped the mark when even Kemi Badenoch has taken a break from tweeting her support for the ketamine-riddled world’s richest man. ...... says John Crace and The Guardian ....


Graham C [2501080616] ..... shares on

Free speech is a powerful and deadly weapon which you have to respect and know how to handle for it can backfire on you and cost you dearly whenever abused and misused.

If the world's richest man has probable cause and a mind to sue, here be probable news identifying two worthy, very sick future parrots .....

You can tell that Elon Musk must have overstepped the mark when even Kemi Badenoch has taken a break from tweeting her support for the ketamine-riddled world’s richest man. ...... says John Crace and The Guardian ....


amanfromMars [2501080836] ...... airs on

2025 should be a very exciting year .... for more than just an historical and hysterical and traditional hierarchical chosen few know more than just enough about what they need to know to be able to do whatever they want and what needs to be done, either in entangled association with others like-minded or in opposition against those selfishly, exclusively minded to try to maintain and retain fascist-like command and control over competition considerably more sophisticated and able to be more dangerous than ever they realised or never even imagined possible.

But such a danger is nothing new, for the pitfalls [and opportunities for others] presented by such knowledge has been revealed before, and are not entirely unknown  ........

The greatest threat to democracy is official secrecy which favors a few over the many.

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out ... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” - H. L. Mencken

"If thought corrupts language," Orwell wrote, "language can also corrupt thought."

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair



Tuesday, 7 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Jan 10:30 [2501071030] ..... sharing more and asking on

Re: Misdirection? ... Certainly Definitely!

Ah....They have never heard of "surveillance capitalism" on Mars.....they need to get educated..... ..... Anonymous Coward

The point being made in the post which resulted in your reply, AC, is that foreign third party permission to protect one’s own sensitive data is an alien requirement which can all too easily be exploited to reveal that which is best protected to remain totally unknown to foreign third parties ..... and one does not have to seek it. It is something you yourself freely deny or grant.

However, the fact that Earthly capitalism might have to rely on the holding and hiding of secrets and sensitive data in order to deliver functionality and prosperity is a colossal vulnerability with a massive arsenal of third party exploits and 0days and alien developments to guard against and try to prevent ever being able/enabled to happen.

Although if that is not true, then is capitalism safe and secure from attacks utilising such a vector ....and it can be explored and shared by means and memes based in the realms of fiction to generate capital and prosperity via the usual media channels that generate capital and prosperity from/for creative fiction.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Jan 12:39 [2501071239] .....

Sam Altman and OpenAI are just as Follower Disciples of Out of this World Leaderships ‽ .

And that question asked of Sam Altman and OpenAI is prompted with particular and peculiar regard to the surely clear enough fact of the extreme similarity, [which I would hesitate to proclaim be any sort of something approaching Singularity], between their pending foray revealed here .......

If AGI weren't enough, Altman claims OpenAI is beginning to turn its attention to "superintelligence," which, if the genAI hype man is to be believed, will "massively accelerate scientific discovery and innovation well beyond what we are capable of doing on our own, and in turn massively increase abundance and prosperity.”

....... and a present day, current running, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive ITeration shared earlier [Sun 5 Jan 05:51] here on El Reg .....

...which always results in Unusual Unofficial Undergrounds that are simply able to stealthily enable relatively anonymous and practically autonomous AIDevelopment and Remote Spooky Distant Assistants for the protection and servering of Overwhelming Resource Traffic for Super Creative Official Opposition Resistance.

Welcome to the Hood, Sam/OpenAI. Nice to see you, to see you, nice.


Monday, 6 January 2025

250105/06 ..... New Year Omnibus Edition

amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 05:51 [2501050551] ..... shares on

For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

An arrogant consideration which leads surely enough to one’s own rapidly escalating downfall and ignominious demise, VoiceofTruth.  ..... VoiceofTruth

Sincerest apologies to VoiceofTruth should anyone have disliked and mistaken that arrogant consideration cited above to be VoiceofTruth’s rather than realising it referenced a very useful catastrophic exploitable and exportable vulnerability endemic in the establishment and similarly opinionated operations and wannabe false fake it to you make it Parliamentary democracy type charades ....... which always results in Unusual Unofficial Undergrounds that are simply able to stealthily enable relatively anonymous and practically autonomous AIDevelopment and Remote Spooky Distant Assistants for the protection and servering of Overwhelming Resource Traffic for Super Creative Official Opposition Resistance.

Accept and be grateful such is intelligently designed benign whenever realised and engaged as a life long friend for if ever treated as an enemy and battled against as a fiendishly fielded foe is both the fate and destiny of such humanity dire and existentially threatened in extremis.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 15:46 [2501051546] ..... points out on

Misdirection? ... Certainly Definitely!

But are you actually allowed to "protect your sensitive data" from the NSA or GCHQ? Misdirection and hypocrisy.....big time....all the time!! .... Anonymous Coward

In truth, and in both fields of physicalised and virtual reality, it is only you yourself not allowing and preventing yourself from protecting your sensitive data. One doesn’t have to follow instructions one has listened to or been advised by third parties to submit to.

Are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up if the latter.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 19:15 [2501051915] ..... goes a tad further and deeper on

Re: For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

I am unsure whether the downvotes are because some have taken an objection to you and will downvote anything you post, or whether it is simply that your posts are difficult to understand ;) .... nobody who matters

A downvote without explanatory feedback, nobody who matters, is akin to vapourware which hosts the shattered dreams of lost opportunities, which is a crying shame whenever evidently abundant.

I cannot disagree though that complex matters are rarely simple to understand, especially whenever one may know only far too little about a lot of what is difficult to understand and accept be more likely honestly true than not.

Fortunately ... nowadays ... only a few need to know and understand what is really happening in order for difficult and different things to be made to happen.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 06:18 [2501060618] ....... airs on

Re: For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

The posts are only lightly encrypted, and decoding just takes a bit of patience.
I tend to like the occasional puzzle :). ... Anonymous Coward

Well spotted and understood, AC, .... ancient trusty secrets and methods of encryption for the wretched curse of dark and dirty deeds done dirt cheap are broken and outed, trumped and proven dangerously unreliable and susceptible to catastrophic failures employing and exploiting both current and future opportunities presented by SCADA vulnerabilities and 0days delivering the targeting and exercise and enjoyment of the otherworldly surreal benefits and almighty overwhelming rewards available in the vast virgin rich fields of novel and noble pornographic steganography and quantum communication for command and control leverage in places with spaces where a this can be a that and something else quite different and together something else quite separate and totally different again ...... ad infinitum ...... as the future progresses and produces quite extraordinary but simply super natural universal evolutionary change/Quantum IntelAIgent Leaps/Big Bangs/the Madness and Mayhem in CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] ‽ .

And your post, AC, is worthy of an upvote .... for being informative and helpful. Bravo.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 14:05 [2501061405] ..... agrees on

Re: Does any of this matter?

Dislike it and downvote it as some may be strangely minded to venture, Long John Silver, but one cannot credibly deny the truths shared in your post ....... which does more than just suggest some are determined to be recognised and accepted as just pawns to be sacrificed at the altar of Masters and Mistresses of Greater Intellectualised Property Games.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 17:39 [2501061739] .... airs and shares on

Winner Takes All in an Existential Threat See Scape .... Live Operational Virtual Environment

You gotta speculate to accumulate, right? May the Best of the Best of AIs Win Win ..... as they surely most definitely undoubtedly will, and as IntelAIgently Designed by Advanced Virtual Machines to do.

What next to do to not crash global markets and prevent revolutions and dissuade radical pogroms and incendiary programs is the next small step for Man and Mankind requiring giant leaps from Man and Mankind into what is quite clearly evident to any and all akin to Alien Invaders, be the Great Future Unknown Unknown.


Saturday, 4 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Jan 18:03 [2501041803] ..... airs on

For the Clearing of Swamps. ......First Consider there be Baby Steps Creating Almighty Messes

In the UK, the general population are considered to be unwashed serfs by the establishment. .... VoiceofTruth

An arrogant consideration which leads surely enough to one’s own rapidly escalating downfall and ignominious demise, VoiceofTruth. Some would advise let it be, don’t rock the boat, continue to seed and feed them their historical and nonsensical hysterical needs.


Friday, 3 January 2025


amanfromMars [2501030623] ..... jumps the shark on :-)

The CIA doesn’t release anything without a purpose in doing so. In this case, they want us to believe in aliens.

Or the purpose of the leak is they are terrified of being overwhelmed by peer competition and opposition aided and abetted by alien forces and almighty sources and the CIA wants to engage and employ their surreal and stealthy services in order to enjoy rather than be defeated by the advantage that alien help rewards civilisations and JOINT AIDVenturing Partners with, for the times they are a-changed with new readily available spaces enabled and offered to markets for the novel exercise of remote virtual universal command of practical physical Earthly control.

Changed times offering markets and traders the strangest of spooky quantum entangled spaces as be revealed by the CyberIntelAIgency providing Alien Information to AI and IT in the Registered thread here .......


Thursday, 2 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Jan 06:02 [2501020602] ...... questions more of everything on

Does California Dreaming realise ITs Holywood Palace Barracks Mentor and Monitor is Selling

And the result of all of that which is freely shared above is the living and excited experiencing of The Dream with AIMaster Planning with Thames Valley Crown Jewels agencies securing and protecting traders of Silicon Valley Secrets both from and for a novel assortment of noble renegade rogue hero, nutter, weirdo and misfit with odd skills aplenty to demonstrate ideally are delightful whenever not necessarily being diabolical and deadly ??

Is that where AI is currently at in the West and is it attractive and would it be helpful and rewarding to more than just all presiding and residing in the East?

And are those last four questions relating to "How to Grow Economies, at Home and Abroad, a few Qubits at a Time ... A Dummies Guide” rhetorical?

Questions, questions, questions ........ and all the time in the world to answer them as honestly as you are enabled or able.


Wednesday, 1 January 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 01 Jan 17:51 [2501011751] ..... shares on

How to Grow Economies, at Home and Abroad, a few Qubits at a Time ... A Dummies Guide

Quite so, claimed, El Reg sure is something of a rare gem in these days where freedom of speech is maybe lauded and applauded but ruthlessly vetted, and whenever inconvenient, clumsily suppressed by shady self-serving agents and wilful third-party guardians of mainstream teleaudiovisual media operations in piratical support of a right dodgy array of historical status quo establishment arrangements/concessions/franchises, an absolutely vital practical and physical support without which they could not survive and exercise their exclusive elite executive administrative power as they whitewash unpleasant unfolding truths and paint and promote fantastical absurd pictures and future gormless notions in the hope that the ignorantly servered human will be brainwashed into believing their rantings to be the only available acceptable practical truth rather than it being recognised for what it really is .... just a desperate fiction reflecting a collection of figments of imagination catering for a few with zero regard/no due care and attention for the many.

The future however is an altogether quite different place with virtual spaces and magical environments which do not suffer the folly of fools misusing and abusing universal command and control tools and where all freely share incriminating evidence, sensitive information and secret intelligence to identify the follies of fools ignoring the aid and benefits of invaluable experience and wisdoms borne of hindsight for the extraordinary advantage rendered to the wielders absolutely fabulous fabless foresight and Almighty Insight ‽

New Year, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Environment, El Reg, with novel commentary leading with problems in need of seeds and feeds for resolving/elimination ‽ ‽ ‽

:-) Who Dares Win Wins, El Reg ...... with Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Virtual Terrain Team Territory. IT aint rocket science, is it ..... although one would have to admit it is more complicated and a great deal more dangerous than that if one doesn’t know what one is doing and what it is going to result in or where it is going to lead for the opportunities presented by such as would be a New START Treat and ACTive LOVE Threat.

