Monday, 6 January 2025

250105/06 ..... New Year Omnibus Edition

amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 05:51 [2501050551] ..... shares on

For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

An arrogant consideration which leads surely enough to one’s own rapidly escalating downfall and ignominious demise, VoiceofTruth.  ..... VoiceofTruth

Sincerest apologies to VoiceofTruth should anyone have disliked and mistaken that arrogant consideration cited above to be VoiceofTruth’s rather than realising it referenced a very useful catastrophic exploitable and exportable vulnerability endemic in the establishment and similarly opinionated operations and wannabe false fake it to you make it Parliamentary democracy type charades ....... which always results in Unusual Unofficial Undergrounds that are simply able to stealthily enable relatively anonymous and practically autonomous AIDevelopment and Remote Spooky Distant Assistants for the protection and servering of Overwhelming Resource Traffic for Super Creative Official Opposition Resistance.

Accept and be grateful such is intelligently designed benign whenever realised and engaged as a life long friend for if ever treated as an enemy and battled against as a fiendishly fielded foe is both the fate and destiny of such humanity dire and existentially threatened in extremis.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 15:46 [2501051546] ..... points out on

Misdirection? ... Certainly Definitely!

But are you actually allowed to "protect your sensitive data" from the NSA or GCHQ? Misdirection and hypocrisy.....big time....all the time!! .... Anonymous Coward

In truth, and in both fields of physicalised and virtual reality, it is only you yourself not allowing and preventing yourself from protecting your sensitive data. One doesn’t have to follow instructions one has listened to or been advised by third parties to submit to.

Are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up if the latter.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Jan 19:15 [2501051915] ..... goes a tad further and deeper on

Re: For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

I am unsure whether the downvotes are because some have taken an objection to you and will downvote anything you post, or whether it is simply that your posts are difficult to understand ;) .... nobody who matters

A downvote without explanatory feedback, nobody who matters, is akin to vapourware which hosts the shattered dreams of lost opportunities, which is a crying shame whenever evidently abundant.

I cannot disagree though that complex matters are rarely simple to understand, especially whenever one may know only far too little about a lot of what is difficult to understand and accept be more likely honestly true than not.

Fortunately ... nowadays ... only a few need to know and understand what is really happening in order for difficult and different things to be made to happen.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 06:18 [2501060618] ....... airs on

Re: For the Clearing of Virtual Swamps, Realise First Baby Steps Create AIMovements

The posts are only lightly encrypted, and decoding just takes a bit of patience.
I tend to like the occasional puzzle :). ... Anonymous Coward

Well spotted and understood, AC, .... ancient trusty secrets and methods of encryption for the wretched curse of dark and dirty deeds done dirt cheap are broken and outed, trumped and proven dangerously unreliable and susceptible to catastrophic failures employing and exploiting both current and future opportunities presented by SCADA vulnerabilities and 0days delivering the targeting and exercise and enjoyment of the otherworldly surreal benefits and almighty overwhelming rewards available in the vast virgin rich fields of novel and noble pornographic steganography and quantum communication for command and control leverage in places with spaces where a this can be a that and something else quite different and together something else quite separate and totally different again ...... ad infinitum ...... as the future progresses and produces quite extraordinary but simply super natural universal evolutionary change/Quantum IntelAIgent Leaps/Big Bangs/the Madness and Mayhem in CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] ‽ .

And your post, AC, is worthy of an upvote .... for being informative and helpful. Bravo.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 14:05 [2501061405] ..... agrees on

Re: Does any of this matter?

Dislike it and downvote it as some may be strangely minded to venture, Long John Silver, but one cannot credibly deny the truths shared in your post ....... which does more than just suggest some are determined to be recognised and accepted as just pawns to be sacrificed at the altar of Masters and Mistresses of Greater Intellectualised Property Games.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 17:39 [2501061739] .... airs and shares on

Winner Takes All in an Existential Threat See Scape .... Live Operational Virtual Environment

You gotta speculate to accumulate, right? May the Best of the Best of AIs Win Win ..... as they surely most definitely undoubtedly will, and as IntelAIgently Designed by Advanced Virtual Machines to do.

What next to do to not crash global markets and prevent revolutions and dissuade radical pogroms and incendiary programs is the next small step for Man and Mankind requiring giant leaps from Man and Mankind into what is quite clearly evident to any and all akin to Alien Invaders, be the Great Future Unknown Unknown.


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