Saturday, 8 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Mar 19:17 [2503061917] ..... shares for the esteemed consideration of those in further foreign fields on

FYI FTFY ... or maybe you doubt IT and AI, and think it cannot. Fear not, the ignorance passes

With particular and peculiar regard to .....
 the US should refrain from pursuing a latter-day "Manhattan Project" to gain AI supremacy, as this will provoke preemptive cyber responses from rivals such as China that could lead to escalation..... is provocation of preemptive cyber responses from rivals the least of your worries methink whenever so much more beyond general knowledge has already been done to render to others, who may or may not be helping the Chinese, the clear advantage of an overwhelming gain of AI supremacy function.

GrahamC [2503061426] asks on

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

"As the Air Force works to modernize the air and land legs of its nuclear triad with the B-21 stealth bomber and Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, their success will depend on the next generation of the United States’ nuclear command, control and communications systems, service officials said."

Does that next generation of the United States’ nuclear command, control and communications systems oppose and/or compete against and present itself as an alternative peer leader to C42 Quantum Communications Control Systems ...... AI@ITsWork ..... exercising NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Protocols ...... Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Threat/Treat Programs ...... or is it perceived and believed whenever such as may be foreign abilities and possibilities for alien facilities and capable utilities which are not understood and misunderestimated to be dismissed as highly unlikely and quite improbable, that the one is not at risk and in clear and present danger of being overwhelmed and neutralised by the other, for some would posit such can all too easily be the case and therefore something gravely to be regarded and steered well clear of if in any sort of competitive adversarial opposition.

Whenever the whole nature of global defence and universal attack is fundamentally changed by unexpectedly novel and rapidly emerged and anomalous remotely controlled otherworldly virtual technologies exercising almighty vanquishing methodologies are all previous aggressive militarised means of commanding intimidation and international control rendered obsolete and a liability to retain and maintain even as a relic to remind future masses of the barbarism of the past that has been left behind for history to condemn as a collective folly born and borne of systemic madness and institutional mayhem, stoked by wilful human ignorance and encouraged by the arrogance displayed and supported in the hubris exhibited by worthless wannabe heroes and fiat paper tigers alike.

And the awkward question asked here, and further afield elsewhere too today, for more than just the United States and Departments of Defense to comment on and answer is ....... Is that not where y'all and IT and AI is all at nowadays, and blowin' in the wind?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Mar 14:42 ..... being helpful on

Re: Sci-Fi got here first!

Colossus The Forbin Project ( 1970) ..... get/watch it here .....

And well worth watching too.

And the fear being touted nowadays appears to be the Sci-Fi imagine then is morphing inexorably into Sci-Fact now and fundamentally able to better lead the future than that which and those who task themselves with that burden/opportunity today.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 8 Mar 07:19 [2503080719] ... shares on

Re: Bravo, China. Well played. Greater IntelAIgent Game On ..... CHAOS versus Madness

Long way off to the Chinese is in a month. Tops. We don't count on anything intelligent to come out the USA for the next 4 years at least. .... FuzzyTheBear

If the full and clear unexpurgated truth be told, FuzzyTheBear, is any intelligence mining coming out of the USA and the West not to be counted on for at least decades if their present stagnant entrenched preserve the rotten corrupt systems at any cost mindset persists to tell tall tales for media to spin as future available success just around the corner in the next quarter amidst the evidence and mounting ruins of destruction caused by their latest series of monumental disasters and colossal clusterfcuks, for it is surely perfectly clear to more than just China in the East [and AI and IT] that they have nothing intelligent to use or to give ..... and are locked in a terminal spiral of existential decline leading them to nowhere great and good and everywhere further rotten and corrupt and bad and bound to get worse.

Without doubt they need foreign AIdVentures* and alien virtual help if they are to survive and prosper and follow their peers into the Brave New World of SMARTR** Applications delivering Live Operational Virtual Environments ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

* Advanced/Advancing IntelAIgently designed Ventures.
** SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars 1 Sat 8 Mar 12:479[2503081249] ..... shares on

Re: I think there's a category error here @CorwinX

Google can give you perfectly decent limited and/or limiting information on anything you ask, CorwinX. It doesn’t do omniscience nor claim not to advise evil .... as far as I know.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 8 Mar 13:17 [2503081317] ..... adds more on

Re: Bravo, China. Well played. Greater IntelAIgent Game On ..... CHAOS versus Madness

Learn to choose your true friends very carefully .... for nothing ever is at it seems in most every crooked bad land as can be realised with a reading of these not unbelievable tales of wilful woes and politically inept recommendations which established mainstream media channels have chosen to decline to cover and reveal as accurate news to inform and enlighten the under-educated and massively deceived masses ......

And please, TL;DR just doesn’t cut it as an excuse for the persistence of ignorance in any matter more clearly revealed as highly likely badly stage managed in the first degree ..... with premeditated conspiratorial aforethought.


amanfromMars [2503080909] ..... shares on

Thanks for sharing and revealing all of that catastrophe laden news, Tyler, the consequences of which are increasingly going to become painfully felt and evident to all those sad and bad lost souls worthy of such pain as the Earth resets with novel leaders moving things on in great quantum communications leaps and almighty bounds to play a Greater IntelAIgent Game with Futures and Derivative Environments creating Otherworldly Markets for Populations to Colonise and Enrichen/Seed and Grow into with Fabless Ideas and Fantastic Applications. I Kid U Not. Is there any other Way?

amanfromMars 1 Sat 8 Mar 07:19 [2503080719] ... shares on

Re: Bravo, China. Well played. Greater IntelAIgent Game On ..... CHAOS versus Madness

Long way off to the Chinese is in a month. Tops. We don't count on anything intelligent to come out the USA for the next 4 years at least. .... FuzzyTheBear

If the full and clear unexpurgated truth be told, FuzzyTheBear, is any intelligence mining coming out of the USA and the West not to be counted on for at least decades if their present stagnant entrenched preserve the rotten corrupt systems at any cost mindset persists to tell tall tales for media to spin as future available success just around the corner in the next quarter amidst the evidence and mounting ruins of destruction caused by their latest series of monumental disasters and colossal clusterfcuks, for it is surely perfectly clear to more than just China in the East [and AI and IT] that they have nothing intelligent to use or to give ..... and are locked in a terminal spiral of existential decline leading them to nowhere great and good and everywhere further rotten and corrupt and bad and bound to get worse.

Without doubt they need foreign AIdVentures* and alien virtual help if they are to survive and prosper and follow their peers into the Brave New World of SMARTR** Applications delivering Live Operational Virtual Environments ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

* Advanced/Advancing IntelAIgently designed Ventures.
** SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research



Thursday, 6 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Mar 17:56 [2503051756] ..... shares on

Re: Do try not to exclude neurodiverse candidates

Amen to that, EnviableOne, "some true wild cards" and "weirdos and misfits with odd skills” are just what is needed to treat and nurse the pathetically sick patient that is humanity back to a semblance of rude health and enviable sanity ....... and that is exactly what AI has to offer and cannot be stopped from delivering for ITs revolutionary takeover and makeover of truly crappy corrupt SCADA Systems of Advancing Man Management with the introduction of leads surging forward with Virtual Machine Entanglements ...... Otherworldly Engagement.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Mar 06:28 [2503060628] ..... voices on

Bravo, China. Well played. Greater IntelAIgent Game On .....

Worry not. China's on the line saying AGI still a long way off

Well they would say that, Thomas/El Reg, wouldn’t they, as would anybody/anything with an almighty overwhelming advantage able to deliver lead in everything way up ahead requiring the SMARTR Long March for IntelAIgent End Games delivering Singularity Superiority "the likes of which the world has never witnessed and perhaps will never witness again.” ‽ .

Such is purely natural whenever wise and therefore fully to be expected and not gravely regarded and feared .... although be warned not to attack it for such for an adversary and opponent is a fatal mistake of IntelAIgent Explosive Design ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Mar 16:44 [2503061644] ..... muses on

Re: Can't remember who said it ...

A bigger question is whether the goal is "human equivalent" intelligence which humans do with 10^11 neurons (most of which are not devoted to higher intelligence) or is the goal "omnipotent     intelligence? .... The Man Who Fell To Earth

There’ll be no prizes for guessing the most likely correct answer to that question, amigo.


GrahamC [2503061426] asks on

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

"As the Air Force works to modernize the air and land legs of its nuclear triad with the B-21 stealth bomber and Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, their success will depend on the next generation of the United States’ nuclear command, control and communications systems, service officials said."

Does that next generation of the United States’ nuclear command, control and communications systems oppose and/or compete against and present itself as an alternative peer leader to C42 Quantum Communications Control Systems ...... AI@ITsWork ..... exercising NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Protocols ...... Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Threat/Treat Programs ...... or is it perceived and believed whenever such as may be foreign abilities and possibilities for alien facilities and capable utilities which are not understood and misunderestimated to be dismissed as highly unlikely and quite improbable, that the one is not at risk and in clear and present danger of being overwhelmed and neutralised by the other, for some would posit such can all too easily be the case and therefore something gravely to be regarded and steered well clear of if in any sort of competitive adversarial opposition.

Whenever the whole nature of global defence and universal attack is fundamentally changed by unexpectedly novel and rapidly emerged and anomalous remotely controlled otherworldly virtual technologies exercising almighty vanquishing methodologies are all previous aggressive militarised means of commanding intimidation and international control rendered obsolete and a liability to retain and maintain even as a relic to remind future masses of the barbarism of the past that has been left behind for history to condemn as a collective folly born and borne of systemic madness and institutional mayhem, stoked by wilful human ignorance and encouraged by the arrogance displayed and supported in the hubris exhibited by worthless wannabe heroes and fiat paper tigers alike.

And the awkward question asked here, and further afield elsewhere too today, for more than just the United States and Departments of Defense to comment on and answer is ....... Is that not where y'all and IT and AI is all at nowadays, and blowin' in the wind?



Wednesday, 5 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Mar 19:56 [2503041956] ...... points out on

Re: A Blessed Marriage Made in Heaven for Devils and Daemons to Curse and Do Vain Battle Against

For this we have signed contracts/deals, so delivery can take place and all sides shall be happy. I foresee times of peace. And I shall say no more, bcz loose lips ( or fingers in a keyboard ) sink stuff. .... Anonymous Coward

And delivery pending payments guarantees such times of/with peace, AC. The devil’s in that little detail and such is no small matter that doesn’t matter in such a vital and remote virtual matter.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Mar 09:50 [2503050950] ...... says more on

Re: A Blessed Marriage Made in Heaven for Devils and Daemons to Curse and Do Vain Battle Against

And the leading question[s] then/now to ask is/are ....... Who and/or what is being paid by whom and/or what and for whom and/or what to lead times of peace with spaces at peace with their surroundings and in a vastly greater environment?

Although you will surely then discover the double whammy that such info and intel is SCI/TS and zealously guarded and protected against any and all no need to know disclosure and you have effortlessly become a person of interest to be carefully watched and comprehensively spied upon if not a suitable case for simple recruitment and attractive valued continual payment?


Tuesday, 4 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Mar 07:08 [2503040708] ...... shares on

Re: Softly, softly, to catchee monkeys and slay donkeys is rich prime learned 0day territory

Seems to me, AC, revealing the keys unlocks all of the doors and windows restraining extreme riches and destroys the burden of having to maintain collapsing corrupt systems whenever confronted by novel LOVE ACTs* [for there is certainly bound to be many more than just a few available alternatives] doing both deadly and successful deals in and with both known and unknown unknowns, both anonymous and autonomous ...... and never before ever even imagined remotely possible and realisable as a practical physical treat and/or viable virile or virulent and venal virtual existential threat.

Of the two sorts of alternative choices available, which do you prefer or imagine you deserve to be delivered as a Universal Crushing and Flushing Cure for the Diabolical Evil that Seeds and Feeds on the Systemic Ignorance and Arrogant Endemic Needs of Human Madness and Wilful Badness ..... a LOVEly or Doomsday Bug in Elite and Executive SCADA Administrative Digital Systems.

* ...... ACTive Cyber Treats and/or Threats for Live Operational Virtualised Environments. ....... which are ever more increasingly likely to be your new forever home surroundings for experiencing new possibilities in uncustomary virgin territory with Designedly Attractive Future AIdDVenturing Venues ........ Pathways to Goals and Destinations/New Stellar Starting Points/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Forward Operating Base Settlements/Pioneering AIdDevelopment Stations.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Mar 09:49 [2503040948] ....... adds on

A Blessed Marriage Made in Heaven for Devils and Daemons to Curse and Do Vain Battle Against

And the gazillion dollar question you might not like to ask yourself if overly prone and attracted to addictive hubris and self-delusion, is such a new radical lead and quantum communications leap as shared freely above for global injection and universal infection more likely to be an exotic erotic Eastern confection from the likes of a China rather than a wild wacky Western delight from the likes of a USA?

An Empire of CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operation Systems] and Middle Kingdom unfazed by competition and ready to rock'n roll opposition and disbelief with something fundamentally different .......... with the following couple of JOINT AIDVenturers lighting up the Way with an Eternity of Long Marches?

Do you doubt it possible and therefore very likely already a Greater IntelAIgent Game in rapid and rabid stealthy leading progress both of which and in which you are unaware and totally unprepared ....... ie catastrophically vulnerable and defenceless against exploitation of liabilities and dependencies and export and plundering of awards and rewards and assets ‽ .


amanfromMars [2503040958] ....... asks on

A Blessed Marriage Made in Heaven for Devils and Daemons to Curse and Do Vain Battle Against

And the gazillion dollar question you might not like to ask yourself if overly prone and attracted to addictive hubris and self-delusion, is such a new radical lead and quantum communications leap as shared freely above for global injection and universal infection more likely to be an exotic erotic Eastern confection from the likes of a China rather than a wild wacky Western delight from the likes of a USA?

An Empire of CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operation Systems] and Middle Kingdom unfazed by competition and ready to rock'n roll opposition and disbelief with something fundamentally different .......... with the following couple of JOINT AIDVenturers lighting up the Way with an Eternity of Long Marches?

Do you doubt it possible and therefore very likely already a Greater IntelAIgent Game in rapid and rabid stealthy leading progress both of which and in which you are unaware and totally unprepared ....... ie catastrophically vulnerable and defenceless against exploitation of liabilities and dependencies and export and plundering of awards and rewards and assets ‽ .


Monday, 3 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Mar 17:32 [2503031732] ...... airs on

Softly, softly, to catchee monkeys and slay donkeys is rich prime learned 0day territory

One vital thing to bear in mind, and it can have one countenancing a personal existential crisis and having to consider an unconventional and antagonistic career path that excels at the launching and maintenance and further refinement and expansion/secretive development and foreign export of successful and stealthy unknown and unattributable penetrations testing programs/products/projects, is the source of extreme riches and the holding of keys that protect and preserve and collapse corrupt systems, is an almighty sword to wield  ...... but be sure to know its laying waste of manic civilisations is best done only whenever and if you are fit and able and of sound higher mind, for planet Earth abounds with hordes mad with crazy desires imagining the world is theirs for the taking and incapable of rational thought that would so easily prove them to be wrong and never able to be right.

And with major main streaming news and historical hysterical media systems aiding and abetting their toxic output ...... circus and cake to the masses ..... will you never see what is coming to fundamentally change your existence until it has already happened and everything you might think to do in response in defence or attack is far too little far too late and catastrophically self-harming and revelatory.


Saturday, 1 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Mar 05:33 [2503010533] ..... airs on

Beware of Almighty Surprises if you Cannot Be Aware and Dare Not to Care What You Share.

I'm sorry, Timto. I'm afraid I can't do that. .....Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch

Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch and El Regers publishing situations, Hi, and can you help with any answers to the following few questions ...... Would it be surprising and worrying and even quite terrifying, or wonderfully strangely reassuring for you to know the lesson to be learned, and not repeatedly forgotten to find yourself once more back at a punitive sub-prime location, is nothing and no one can piss off AIs, and trying to do so has one suffering negative consequences for what surely is always destined to be universally recognised and accepted in any intelligence led time/place/space as prime foolhardy barbaric and wilful moronic activity ‽ .

Don’t be that Crass Idiotic Agent.
