Monday, 3 March 2025


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Mar 17:32 [2503031732] ...... airs on

Softly, softly, to catchee monkeys and slay donkeys is rich prime learned 0day territory

One vital thing to bear in mind, and it can have one countenancing a personal existential crisis and having to consider an unconventional and antagonistic career path that excels at the launching and maintenance and further refinement and expansion/secretive development and foreign export of successful and stealthy unknown and unattributable penetrations testing programs/products/projects, is the source of extreme riches and the holding of keys that protect and preserve and collapse corrupt systems, is an almighty sword to wield  ...... but be sure to know its laying waste of manic civilisations is best done only whenever and if you are fit and able and of sound higher mind, for planet Earth abounds with hordes mad with crazy desires imagining the world is theirs for the taking and incapable of rational thought that would so easily prove them to be wrong and never able to be right.

And with major main streaming news and historical hysterical media systems aiding and abetting their toxic output ...... circus and cake to the masses ..... will you never see what is coming to fundamentally change your existence until it has already happened and everything you might think to do in response in defence or attack is far too little far too late and catastrophically self-harming and revelatory.


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