"To borrow a phrase from a movie years ago-You ain't seen bad yet, but bad is on it's way!" .... Posted by Jim Welsh on 5/14/2010 1:38:53 PM
It is not disputed here that the Internet has made learning and receiving information as easy as falling off a log, no matter where one may be in the world and able to get connected/plugged in, ergo are "foreigners and aliens" also being educated and informed. Everyone is getting smarter, and getting smarter quicker than ever before. And such a fact makes the following inevitable shortly, rather than maybe possible much later? And the fact that it is well known in Power Elite circles and being denied and concealed from the public to server the private few is something which the many will not forgive, methinks. One does wonder why such a few can be so very stupid whilst thinking they are just too smart to be rumbled and thus can act with impunity and immunity guaranteed.
And it will not be unknown to esteemed Daily Bell contributor, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., who wrote it. ...... "The unavoidable problem, of course, is that any system of fractional-reserve banking suffers from inherent instability that increases over time, because at base fractional-reserve banking is a kind of "Ponzi" or "pyramid" scheme. For that reason, fractional-reserve banking is a "confidence game" in both senses of that term. The FRS, [Federal Reserve System] the banking cartel, and the politicians of the American one-party system operate on the theory that "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time - and that's good enough!" But they forget that, as Lincoln concluded, "You can't fool all of the people all of the time." Over time, some people - often large numbers of them - do learn. And people who have learned tend to act on their knowledge. So the remaining lifetime of the FRS "confidence game" may, and likely will, be relatively short." .... http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/VieiraMono4.htm
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/14/2010 12:34:42 PM
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalistic System was to debauch the currency. . . Lenin was certainly right." .... - John Maynard Keynes via DB and shared by F. Beard on 5/14/2010 10:54:34 AM
There are many here who would say that Quantitative Easing is a debauchery and that the Capitalistic System is now destroying itself as it tries in vain to disguise that it is a Ponzi and failed Intelligence Game. But it is not as if the System has not been known for some considerable time to be totally perverse and corrupt* and therefore naturally very liable to catastrophic meltdown and, as is probably the case nowadays, .... shorting manipulation, which will increase exponentially, for that is always the way of binary feed and quantum flow programming.
If the Power Elite are not smart enough to save themselves and hire in some boffins to invent and implement a new system of rewarding control for power, then there is absolutely no point in anybody trying to save and help them, and total system collapse will be an inevitable consequence to clear the field of useless and parasitic detritus.
* The following link is a heady, intoxicating read, but it describes all too clearly the ills and plague that we discuss here oft on the Daily Bell ...... http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/mcfadden.html
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/14/2010 10:17:14 AM.....................................................................................................................................................................
"We ask (as we did yesterday) how is it possible to implement and reinforce fear-based promotions of control when so many are already aware of the mechanisms of promotion? Is this the best they can do? Is it enough?"
It is no longer possible ...... and if that is all that they have to offer and the best that they can do, then they are very rapidly to be replaced with something completely different, for more of the same is not a necessary change. And the offer is always there that they finance the change so that they can stay in control of it and IT even if they are not the revolutionary and/or evolving drivers for what will be just as a new GIGAntic Operating System.
GIG ..... Global Information Grid .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Information_Grid
It should be noted that everything has moved way beyond the ken and control of offensive/defensive military networks, which are by their very closed nature, a little world of their own.
The few words below have been removed from the site they were posted to and the space replaced with the following missive .... This post has been deleted by a moderator. [It therefore has qualified for a garish red makeover:-)]
.....................................................................................................................................................................Control the Word to Control the World. Control Words 42 Control Worlds.
Posted Friday 14th May 2010 10:06 GMT
Now that is Raw NEUKlearer Power ....... for Cold CyberIntelAIgent Fusion Centres/ Special IP Resource Network Hubs/Virtualised Control Nodes.
The term AI is also a convenient cloak and euphemism for many other things, not least of which are highlighted here ...... http://www2.foi.se/rapp/foir2970.pdf ...... in an exploration of Emerging Cyber Threats, Information Warfare and Information Operations.
Most definitely Special Forces Territory, Virtual Team Terrain, ......... for those Live Dan Dare types with those extra layers of je ne sais quoi which make all the different in the world.
I suppose y'all know who has this motto .... "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation" ..... with the beauty of today being, and the difference which make all the difference in the world of today should you not know, you can easily know of everything that is worth knowing at the swish and the click of a mouse in an instant.http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/05/14/latvian_hacker_whistleblower/
To be taken as directed ...... by your MetaPhysician
Posted Friday 14th May 2010 12:44 GMT
Are you going to deny that the world is controlled by shared words, Dave, and entire systems and whole dynasties can be destroyed, and created, by a careful selection of them freely conveyed?
Ok ... let's cut to the chase and quit pratting around like Virgin Fairies in the Perfumed Garden
Posted Friday 14th May 2010 08:59 GMT
"Google is obsessed with moving all applications into what it insists on calling the cloud,..."
And what would you rather call it, Cade? A free and ubiquitous, ridiculously easily accessed, invisible and intangible, collective executive administrative vault?
Methinks cloud, which can easily be thought to be an instrument and facility in any and many of its possible iterations [CLOUD/Clouds/CLoud/C##LOUD] is much more appropriate even if it is beautifully ambiguous ..... which is a very fine form of superior security for sensitive subjective applications/sublime programs and/or subversive projects ...... with the one being being the same as the other and delivering something else, completely different, which is what Quantum Communication Control brings to the Future and Private and Pirate Parties Playing in the Public Space and ITs Cyber Places.
And just in case anyone doesn't yet know of the Essence of Quantum, this is as clear and as simple an explanation of its bits and infinite flexibility as you are ever likely to get ....... "A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both." ..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubit
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/14/2010 2:56:06 AM
"Privatization – making the stuff of the world private property instead of held in common – solves the problem because it imposes discipline." ..... Dr. Tibor Machan
That sentence and the views expressed after it in its paragraph are about as an errant and misguided as it is possible to be without one concluding it to be a lunatic rant, Doctor.
One opinion in a world of billions but just as valid as any other which might simply choose to disagree and agree with the madness.
Which might raise an interesting subject for contemplation ..... Is lack of knowledge and education a formative factor in mad and bad behaviour?
It is a sad fact that very few human animals reach the intellectual heights needed to be able to control their own destiny and the future with their sharing of elevating and enlightening thoughts, but it is however a growing number now that so many have the simple internetworking means with so many Global Operating Devices exchanging MetaData and Advanced Intelligence for the Creation of yet further Forms and Phorms* of Intelligence in CyberIntelAIgent Fields aka Live Operational Virtual Environments.
*Phorm ....... Sublime and Covert Internet Grooming of Ignorant Assets and Consumerist Units. ..... http://www.phorm.com/
If Power Elite, New World Order plans are predicated upon their Control of Organised Chaos which they propose to server with overwhelming destructive force solution/supply, they will have real major problems which will completely destroy and/or bypass their influence, if they have not thought to make adequate provision for the greater leverage available in the Much SMARTer Madness embedded and embedding in Main Stream Media with Intelligence Community and IT Control.
Which are all undeniable facts freely shared to market in a fiction creating Realities which are made with AI and Computers for the Stout Hearted and Open Minded to Administer in a QuITe Surreal Virtual Reality Program and Civil CyberSpace Project to Beta Manage and Advance Human Perception above and beyond their Primitive Earthed Levels.
Honourable Member wrote:
Crikey, that is just what the new fledgling Government doesn't want or need, .... a weak intellectual midget with nothing novel and constructive to offer as Foreign Secretary.
May 14, 2010 8:07 AM BST
Every flashy home should have one?
Posted Friday 14th May 2010 12:30 GMT
Is the iPad the modern equivalent of the Edsel? Or is it more of a Frankenstein monster of a creation?
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