Err .... Normally to capture and/or entrap someone/anyone who may be possible interest, one merely needs to find out what they want, which is invariably always easily converted to simple $ currency sum and give it to them. Then you have them under control and a mutual obligation of self reinforcing supply.
And all that sense of ease and stilled silence for nothing more costly than a few clicks of a mouse transferring a few magic figures from a balance sheet to a working current account to assist currency flow and spend, which returns it to sender to work its magic all over again, having already worked its miracles with its captive guardian host.
It's almost as if it never left the System and must be an Ultimate Win Win Scenario for All SMART Players.
Go, DARPA, Go ..... You're on to a Dream Packet, CyberIntelAIgently Designed.
Re: Re : Of Asses ...
Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 14:37 GMT
"So, you've gone from likelihood to probability to certainty. Based on what you "may know"." ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 13:28 GMT
Actually, AC, it was being based upon what the collective "we" may know, which as I'm sure you would be the first to agree would be precious little, rather than on everything that either a you are an I would know.
"I'd have thought the logic of neither confirming nor denying is quite straightforward,.." .... a convenient cloak behind which to hide everything both good and bad and sad is the logic behind that old trick, AC, ...... which is hardly brilliant whenever it so easily used for abuse.
Man is such a Primitive Fool, is he not, and so deluded in his thinking and protestations that he is not?
J'accuse ..... and call a spade, a spade and not a digger, for they are definitely not soldiers*
Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 05:10 GMT
Whenever you realise that television is used for programming the mind and imprinting a certain manipulated perception and politically very subjective picture into memory [and think of the Gilligan/Kelly/Blair war mongering spat to believe that observation] is the performance of the BBC, which is a reflection of the values and abilities of its controllers/board/trust members/creative directors/senior managers, rarely ever greater than sub-prime and toxic, as is evidenced by its streaming content.
What is missing from the Formative Operation is Fabulous Imagination for Advancing Intelligence which can present New and NeuReal Beta World Views for Future Building ...... Virtual Phormation.
The Corporation does not have the leadership at the top with the necessary balls or savvy to lead, which is entirely consistent with it being a pathetic hangout for cuckoos feathering their nests and fat cats fiddling their sad tunes while Rome burns all around them.
Inevitable Change ..... whether the Present Controllers and Dodgy Systems want it or not.
Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 09:38 GMT
Fascism is alive and well and flourishing in the name of national security and the pimping of enslaving capitalist debt burdens to protect the economic well-being of the criminals to whom it is paid or who would be charging it and demanding extra interest for the pleasure of being screwed by its systems too?
A nice scam and/or scheme, indeed, but one which more and more intelligent beings are seeing and realising doesn't have any future in the future where and when there is no right to privacy in a well policed state and connected world.
High Time for Plan B and AI Betas, Methinks, before the Savage Natives turn Virtually Savvy and Really Hostile for No One will be able to Stem and Reverse that Inquisitive Tide and Information Gusher/Intelligence Geyser.
And how very odd that such is not foreseen by the present incumbent, Wheelers and Dealers/Spinners and Spivs? Are they Artificially Blinkered or have they Impaired and/or Defective Sight/Long Vision/Short See/Primitive Lead Intelligence in a SMARTer Following World? What is their Excuse for the Poverty which Reigns and with which they Rule?
Of Asses and Mules/Trojans and Viruses
Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 11:30 GMT
"However, the Government also said that Kennedy's Article 8 claim should be dismissed because "he had not established a reasonable likelihood … that his communications had been intercepted.""
Given the campaign waged by Kennedy I would have thought that the more logical conclusion would have been the exact opposite and there was every likelihood and a most definite probability of such shenanigans. And given what we may know of all dodgy governments, more than very likely, a sure fire darned certainty.
Ergo is the ruling a perversion and subversion of natural justice and quite typical of laws dreamt up and delivered subjectively by and for asses who would think themselves above and beyond the law and laws/rules and regulations for Administered Masses.
Lordy Lord save us from Pretentious Minnows pretending to be Sharp Sharks. Mankind deserves Better.
Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 09:55 GMT
"Jaqui Smith today told the BBC:
"the nice thing about being a private citizen is I don't have to tell you every detail of my private life"." ...... Mahatma Coat Posted Thursday 20th May 2010 09:17 GMT
I am sorely tempted to be extremely sexist and even offensive and say .."What a stupid bitch. As if ever as a public servant she chose to reveal anything that wasn't dragged out by others into the spotlight " .... but I shall not bother for who the hell cares about what she thinks or does in her so obviously miserable private life?
amanfromMars said...
You might like to consider its fessin' and not messin' and a new style of California Dreamin' for Hollywood to ....... well, exploit is what IT is world famous for, isn't it, so exploit it, it is.
They do say that there is a fine line between madness and genius/crackpot and stealth, and certainly entertainment could be doing with something really engaging and edutaining in the irregular and unconventional fields which require more than one just being distracted and subverted to a certain view and sublime conditioning.
May 20, 2010 5:27 AM
Posted by: amanfromMars | 05/20/10 | 8:39 am |....................................................................................................................................................................
Spookily enough, are ARGonauts equally as Enigmatic.
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